• I’m smart

    Why are there kids that are just... born smart? I mean, everyone has come across some kids that don’t study and still get higher marks than you considering that you’ve spent like hours on studying (not referring to myself here at allπŸ˜‚)

    Are some kids actually born smarter? Or is this a myth? What affects our intellect? My teacher told us that she had asked her uncle who’s a doctor this, and he said that we are all born with the same level of intellect but what affects it is our upbringing. What do you think?

  • @LizzieJalebi_ They are born smarter. They gain this from their parents and after that it depends upon tne up bringing. A smart kid can become dull if not well up bringed. πŸ™‚

  • @LizzieJalebi_ no

  • @CocaCola So you think that intelligence is a factor of the genes that we inherit from our parents?

  • @LizzieJalebi_
    I think that kidsss can be born smarttt πŸ˜‚
    Take meeeeeee for example, I’ve been smart ever since birth, even beforeeee I was born, I’m still smart now and always will beeeee 😝

  • @LizzieJalebi_ your teacher is correct. the environment you are living at also affects your intellect.

  • @Lime
    I think this is what happened to u when u were a baby πŸ˜‚ Lime

  • @LizzieJalebi_
    Seriousssly? This one again?? πŸ˜‚
    It’s the fifth timeee I’ve seen it already 😝

    Wait...are you saying that I’m the limeeeee or the baby? πŸ˜‚

  • @Lime oh pls! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @LizzieJalebi_ πŸ˜‚ this isn't bad Lizzie! Am totally fine with it πŸ˜†

  • @LizzieJalebi_ yes i believe they are if they ate born Normal. The initial two years effects a baby alot. Because in these two years brain develops and if proper amount of proteins aren't given to them they might not be normal

  • @LizzieJalebi_ It depends upon our genetics, how we raised and where we belong to. It is true that we are not born equal. Assume two persons here- A(IQ-95) and B(IQ-120). Both are not equally capable but both have same opportunity. A has to do some extra hard work than B for doing the same job. You cannot improve your IQ but you become better at using it.

  • @LizzieJalebi_ Well, if you follow the theory of different psychologists...
    there is the theory of Piaget who says that we go through 4 phases of development...in the first one we all are, every baby if you want, naiv...we are not born stupid, rather naiv...
    But to get to my opinion and what i have learned so far: How smart a child later on get, depends on his enviroment and partly his genetics. Enviroment means everything, ranging from parents to relatives, the economical situation, the society the child is born into...there are a lot of influences ^^

  • @LizzieJalebi_ said in Are All Babies Born with the Same Level of Intellect?:

    I’m smart

    Why are there kids that are just... born smart? I mean, everyone has come across some kids that don’t study and still get higher marks than you considering that you’ve spent like hours on studying (not referring to myself here at allπŸ˜‚)

    Are some kids actually born smarter? Or is this a myth? What affects our intellect? My teacher told us that she had asked her uncle who’s a doctor this, and he said that we are all born with the same level of intellect but what affects it is our upbringing. What do you think?

    Nah, its more about the genes, intelligence is largely determined by Genes on Y chromosome, and some other chromosome too( I don’t remember which oneπŸ˜‚, i studied genetics a long time ago)

  • @LizzieJalebi_ So basically, I don’t think this relates to this topic at all, but:

    did you know that if a pregnant woman uses toothpaste with fluoride in it, her child’s IQ could be really low when it’s born?


    Sorry I just thought of that when I read the post haha

  • I dont know Lizzy, i really dont know.

  • @LizzieJalebi_

    I think there is also the fact that some kids are better at different subjects.
    My brother kicked ass in subjects like History but sucked at Geography.
    Both needs the same type of studying but he was better at one then the other, so if we talk about school your personal preference for each subject will impact your performance.
    I was really bad at history, and really good at languages :shrug:

  • @LizzieJalebi_ Hell Yes and No.. Everything a baby, kids/youngs do or capable of doing is defined by genetics,where babe come from and how he/she is raised..
    Intelligence is actually bred into the individual depending on what happen during infancy stage, besides intelligence has different levels.. I think it has lot to do with how parents raised example if a parents told you cant do anything ,and you arent bright for sure lil ones grow up thinking dumb,and wont try hard coz he /she will think being a failure, in the other part if a parent is very supporting and build positivity for sure that kid will grow up smarter in all aspect not just intelligence.
    Also environment does play a part in its development, but environment isnt everything.. :-)

  • @LizzieJalebi_ it's about nature vs. Nurture ,I believe. Nature , this is when we inherit the intelligence through genetics. On the other note;
    Nurture, this is when we acquire those from the environment. For me, we are all unique individuals. We came from diverse culture,beliefs , and upbringing. Level of understanding varies and so as our capabilities. There is no such word as "stupid" (imo) it's just our ignorance to that thing. So, my answer would rebut this post's claimed of babies having same level of intelligence. Btw, we do have a lot of learning styles; this is where we can choose which style or technique we can learn more/efficiently, and learning disabilities. I absolutely agree with Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences which best suited to our uniqueness. It's just that school system set standards neglecting most of the intelligences that we possessed, it is more focused on the linguistic and logical intelligences. In a nutshell, everything can be learn, and learning is an unending process- you can't instantly know something without studying or investigating. :)

  • @cjko Ooh one thing that interested me was what you said about people having different learning styles and schools only considering specific ones... I’ve never thought about that!
