What is the purpose of a human life?

  • @alwaysstranger tell me more about this bing bang theory that u know

  • @alwaysstranger first i'm criticizing that big-bang theory that most of atheist believes in It violates the first law of thermodynamics, which says you can't create or destroy matter or energy. Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. Proponents of the big bang theory say that such criticism is unwarranted for two reasons. The first is that the big bang doesn't address the creation of the universe, but rather the evolution of it. The other reason is that since the laws of science break down as you approach the creation of the universe, there's no reason to believe the first law of thermodynamics would apply.


    Some critics say that the formation of stars and galaxies violates the law of entropy, which suggests systems of change become less organized over time. But if you view the early universe as completely homogeneous and isotropic, then the current universe shows signs of obeying the law of entropy.

    Some astrophysicists and cosmologists argue that scientists have misinterpreted evidence like the redshift of celestial bodies and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Some cite the absence of exotic cosmic bodies that should have been the product of the big bang according to the theory.

    The early inflationary period of the big bang appears to violate the rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Proponents have a few different responses to this criticism. One is that at the start of the big bang, the theory of relativity didn't apply. As a result, there was no issue with traveling faster than the speed of light. Another related response is that space itself can expand faster than the speed of light, as space falls outside the domain of the theory of gravity.

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in What is the purpose of a human life?:

    @alwaysstranger first i'm criticizing that big-bang theory that most of atheist believes in It violates the first law of thermodynamics, which says you can't create or destroy matter or energy.

    Can you remind me where according to you God came from?


    Wow you're such a hypocrite

    Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. Proponents of the big bang theory say that such criticism is unwarranted for two reasons. The first is that the big bang doesn't address the creation of the universe, but rather the evolution of it. The other reason is that since the laws of science break down as you approach the creation of the universe, there's no reason to believe the first law of thermodynamics would apply.


    Some critics say that the formation of stars and galaxies violates the law of entropy, which suggests systems of change become less organized over time. But if you view the early universe as completely homogeneous and isotropic, then the current universe shows signs of obeying the law of entropy.

    Some astrophysicists and cosmologists argue that scientists have misinterpreted evidence like the redshift of celestial bodies and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Some cite the absence of exotic cosmic bodies that should have been the product of the big bang according to the theory.

    The early inflationary period of the big bang appears to violate the rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Proponents have a few different responses to this criticism. One is that at the start of the big bang, the theory of relativity didn't apply. As a result, there was no issue with traveling faster than the speed of light. Another related response is that space itself can expand faster than the speed of light, as space falls outside the domain of the theory of gravity.

    Here's a good explanation for ya

  • @alwaysstranger

    Can you remind me where according to you God come from?

    yeah,.through this

  • @alwaysstranger damn!!! ( Ν‘Β° Κ–Μ― Ν‘Β°) ill find another one.

  • @alwaysstranger what a foolish question you asked my friend..??

  • @one please don't get him started Again.

  • @one calm down hommie i gat this

  • Music Lovers

    @lucifer_ I'm just shocked caz of what type of question is that nothing else..!

  • @one its okay bro..
    either way where is today's poetry?

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok ok bruh but it's amazing I mean he don't even have primary knowledge on this topic and he's debating..

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in What is the purpose of a human life?:

    @alwaysstranger damn!!! ( Ν‘Β° Κ–Μ― Ν‘Β°) ill find another one.

    I the 1st 20 seconds of the vid the guy admits that he thinks adam and eve really existed which lowered my expectations of the video to 0 and i stopped watching

  • Music Lovers

    @lucifer_ haha ok ma friend I'll post new one ..

  • @one don't. I stopped caring a decade ago. Answer the question with your own words

  • @alwaysstranger hey first stop down voting our posts don't behave like a kid give me back my upvotes..

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok hey bruh he's down voting our posts man

  • @one

    @ragnar-lothbrok ok bruh but it's amazing I mean he don't even have primary knowledge on this topic and he's debating..

    @alwaysstranger what a foolish question you asked my friend..??

    How are you going to say such things and expect me not to downvoat.

    P.S. I'm mostly only downvoating your comments

  • @alwaysstranger don't play bad jealousy games here

  • @alwaysstranger thats rude if u were downvoting mine too