• I'm putting together an 'epic' ensemble film, along the lines of Avengers, or the Expendibles, of classic advertising characters.

    So far I've got - leader: Alexander Meercat. Sword expert: Juan Sheet. Muscle: The 'Go Compare' Opera Singer (or, if you wanted to go retro, The Michelin Man). S exy lady: The Hotel Trivago lady. Voice-of-humanity that keeps the whole gang together: Moose the Dog from the Clear Score ad. I'd suggest Harvey Kietel as 'Winston Wolf', but since he started out as a character in a movie anyway, that would just be too meta.

    I'm not sure who the villain / villains would be: probably those two talking M & Ms, as they've always struck me as bellends.

    Bear in mind these are all characters from British ads, so if you think you've got better ones in whatever country you come from, school me. Also, Hollywood, be aware that this would obviously be the ULTIMATE summer blockbuster, and I ask only 10% commission after suggesting it in this post.

    go compare.jpg

  • Now that is a creative post.
    Boy, am i glad that i don't watch any television anymore.
    The advertisements just get more and more awful lately.
    Not even worth the agony to sit all through them until the movie plays again.
