• Hmm .. change is forever.
    What else?

  • @cjko According to Einstein, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but in relation to the universe, I'm not yet sure."

  • @Berin haha true! Stupidity never ends

  • @cjko time is moving forward forever. and also the state of entropy

  • @Kiss_My_Axe yeah.. we can't turn back time

  • @cjko thats because of the 2nd law of thermodynamics aka law of entropy

  • @Kiss_My_Axe are you into quantum physics?

  • @cjko actually in India there is a olden days saying that your money may be looted , your properties may be taken away from you ,your family can also leave you BUT IT THE EDUCATION,THE KNOWLEDGE WHICH WOULD BE WITH YOU FOREVER.......they are the ones who can never leave you even in the most depressing situation

  • Humanity or Lord Xenu, depending on who wins the Final Conflict.

  • @reviewer_1 I agree with you Reviewer. Interesting that there is a Christian concept similar to this.
    "Lay not up for yourselves other treasures in the earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in to steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust can not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal ".
    I like the convergence of wisdom among the diverse peoples of the world and what their masters already taught, regardless of the idea of religion.

  • @cjko I wish two describe to things.
    The first being something that the rich will continue to take, they say it is in the public interest (for things to continue they way they have been) for the services that are provided to the common man on a daily basis, but the essence of it is it makes the rich richer ... this that I speak of is TAX.
    For you see the governments will always charge TAXes to the community forever more.
    This being something that will last forever, from our lifetime to the many generations after.

    The second being something that there is no coming back from (unless you are Budest and have a different belief system) ... something that everyone has to endure at least once in their lifetime and something thats makes those around us sad. This second thing that I speak of is DEATH. In the hsort term, yes the medics can bring us back, but when our time is up... it IS UP.
    This also being something that will last forever except in the memory of those that knew us or (in extreme cases) read the history books

  • @IM-NOT-HONY said in Describe something that is forever:

    @Kiss_My_Axe said in Describe something that is forever:

    @cjko time is moving forward forever. and also the state of entropy


    Time for an object moving with a velocity faster than the speed of light is reversed!

    The state of entropy is zero at 0 kelvin temperature.

    Stupidity is forever. Hehe

  • @reviewer_1 said in Describe something that is forever:

    @cjko actually in India there is a olden days saying that your money may be looted , your properties may be taken away from you ,your family can also leave you BUT IT THE EDUCATION,THE KNOWLEDGE WHICH WOULD BE WITH YOU FOREVER.......they are the ones who can never leave you even in the most depressing situation

    I agree. Well, honestly .. there are a lot of people who are academically literate but socially and morally illiterate. That's awful. Consequently, your knowledge will always be with you forever and no one can steal it from you.. this is what I believe you are trying to point out. :)

  • Forever is forever

  • @Indrid-Cold I would like to take the humanity side but it seems like it's deteriorating.. thus, it's not forever. :)

  • @DayShifter said in Describe something that is forever:

    @cjko I wish two describe to things.
    The first being something that the rich will continue to take, they say it is in the public interest (for things to continue they way they have been) for the services that are provided to the common man on a daily basis, but the essence of it is it makes the rich richer ... this that I speak of is TAX.
    For you see the governments will always charge TAXes to the community forever more.
    This being something that will last forever, from our lifetime to the many generations after.

    The second being something that there is no coming back from (unless you are Budest and have a different belief system) ... something that everyone has to endure at least once in their lifetime and something thats makes those around us sad. This second thing that I speak of is DEATH. In the hsort term, yes the medics can bring us back, but when our time is up... it IS UP.
    This also being something that will last forever except in the memory of those that knew us or (in extreme cases) read the history books

    This speaks volume.. I agree about death. Death is inevitable. No one can stop death, you can delay it but you can't hinder it from happening. That is forever, It will always happen no matter what. That is our foreseen destination that we should be ready for.

    As to TAX, yeah.. true. It seems forever. I dunno how will they govern the economy without this.. I'm not an economist. As what I have observed, especially in our country.. TAX makes the poor poorer and rich richer. It is like a piggy bank that everyone will put a coin to ,then only corrupt politicians will benefit from it. Saddening to hear , right? Fortunately, it is slowly changing under the new administration. Thus, I hope it will not be forever UNFAIR. :)

  • @Rayse haha do you believe in nothing lasts forever?

  • @cjko well yeah nothing isn't subject to entropy since it is formless so it is forever and infinite
