• @Karina-Kara this is what they call sleep paralysis. I've experienced this before and saw a shadow at the window..

  • @cjko
    it's called a psychopath.. maybe .. hahahha

  • @hanastrawberry haha that's an intense word

  • @hanastrawberry I've a little sensibility when I concentrate myself to sense the presences, but not all the time. All of us have some level of extra sensorial perceptions.

  • Well, I have spirit visitation in my dreams. I talk and saw deceased people in my dreams..

  • @hanastrawberry U re welcome!

  • @Berin I agree with that.. I can sense them and sometimes see them clearly.. sadly, the ghosts here are very scary

  • @cjko wow, you've been gifted with special power

  • @hanastrawberry nope.. I don't think I am.
    I don't want that ability too. I just talk to closest people who passed in my dreams. They visit me and I saw them really happy and well.. it felt so peaceful, calm and full of love.

  • @hanastrawberry All that presents themselves with frightening characteristics are individuals in distress and largely committed to attachment to matter, selfishness, the absence of remorse, feelings of revenge, and unresolved hurts. His presentation reflects his spiritual condition. When you are involved in these vibrations, try to asserting your thoughts, understanding that there is nothing supernatural, just people in pain but who can not hurt you and pray for them, asking God and his spiritual messengers to welcome and help these afflicted souls. Your "gift" is like a focus of light in the midst of the darkness in which they meet and feel the need to approach, often asking for help. But the best help you can give them right now is to offer your prayer and your best thoughts, shielding yourself from any negative influence they bring.

  • @cjko I'm happy too, because there is a positive side that you get <3

  • @Karina-Kara In the transition from wakefulness to sleep we are partially connected to the physical body and eventually disturbed entities may approach, not necessarily with intent to do evil, but their sorry condition may trigger these sensations that resemble the suffocation. There is no real risk of death for our body, but it causes a lot of fear in some people.

  • @Berin
    These things are also called "night-mares".

    The word "nightmare" is derived from the Old English "mare", a mythological demon or goblin who torments others with frightening dreams.[18] Subsequently, the prefix "night-" was added to stress the dream aspect. The word "nightmare" is cognate with the older Dutch term nachtmerrie and German Nachtmahr (dated). "
    Source: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nightmare

    The same goes for the german translation of the "nightmare" = "Albtraum".
    Where as "Traum" being translated is "dream" and "Alb" means "mare".
    Both are being described as exo-corporeal entities.

  • @Berin they always positive for me.. they prevent me for being suicidal, they accompany me.. fortunately, I have positive ghost.. I have a ghost who always follows me. he protected me from another ghost who tried to attack me. they said, he was my ancestor who protecting me. so don't worry about me :D

  • @Karina-Kara Our linguist Karina! I liked your etymological research!

  • @hanastrawberry We have a lot of protectors and friendly spirits who help us on the earthly journey, knowing our feelings and thoughts and are always willing to help us when we are in tune with them. How good that you have this perception of the nature of these benevolent entities.

  • @hanastrawberry hmm.... it was like a faint deafening cry coming from a very far off place ....first I thought somebody was fooling me but nobody can do something irritating like that for 1 year........

  • @hanastrawberry Yeah, I think my nana is a ghost she's too old of a fart to be otherwise

  • Sadly, yes. So basically, I was at a sleepover with a bunch of friends once, and we were playing the standard Truth or Dare game. Usually, you'd dare someone to do like Bloody Mary when it comes to ghosts, but not this time.

    For fun, before we started the Truth or Dare game, I told my friends some fake ghost story about my street which freaked them out.

    The story was the story of a 19 year old boy. He was hit by a car that was flying down the street (not literally flying, just going really really fast). He didn't have the time to react before it ran him over. They never found the car. But in the story, I said he was hit on my very road. Now, an invisible car comes flying down the street after exactly three minutes and one second. So if you stand in the street for three minutes, you'll see headlights at the end of the street, and you have a second to get out of the way before he speeds down, killing you if you don't escape fast enough.

    So now that the game began, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone dared another to go outside in the street.

    And then one of my friends said to me "Truth or Dare?" As always, I answered "Dare!" and they said "I dare you to go outside and stare down the street like the story." Since I knew the story was fake, I didn't care. So my friends set the timer for 3 minutes (like the story) and pushed me outside. I stared directly down the street, waiting for them to come out and tell me the timer was done.

    But according to my friends, at around 10 seconds left, a look of horror spread around my face. And it was a look of horror.

    Down the street was a shadow of a man, with no body. There was nothing there to cast a shadow of the guy, there was just the shadow. It was walking away from me, but I was still terrified. Even thought it wasn't what I told in the story at all, it still scared the hell out of me.

    When those 10 seconds ended, I didn't go outside for the rest of the night. I never saw the headlights, just the shadow. And that's all I needed that night.