• You'll get a diff answer from everyone. It's not what people tell u it is. It's your own personal deal.

  • @DarkIce69 said in RANDOM STUFF.....UGH!:

    Since V-day is coming up n TwS is FLOODING with V-day topics, there's been this radom thought in my mind....I know this stuff has been posted before....But I never had the time to read all the replies...:joy: busy gurl u know.. :shrug: But this time I'll read the replies...So coming to the point...my question is...
    Wtf is love and when the hell do u even know that ur in love???

    Love is......

    A man made concept,

    A label if you will.

    When people are close and the get different feelings that they may not get for those they know, work with or see on a daily basis..... And Then you start to question what these feelings might be .... it often leads us to the Concept of Love
    I don't believe the art is to find Love .... but it is to find a Companion .... someone that will be with you through thick and thin .... rought with smoothe, .... The good and tha bad.
    Some of you Milenials might even see this as Friends with Benefits ....
    But ... If you can make a lifetime with predominantly the same Companion ... would that not be considered Love???

    Love Is 2.jpg

  • @DarkIce69

    in my point of view!!

    1. Love is pain . that tag said truth xD
      It is pain... Pain in heart , pain in throat, pain in ears, pain in anywhere.. But if u enjoy that pain or reason of that pain, that is love maybe.
    2. As I said before in my point of view..
      If u like someone as they r , I mean when u saw em n thinks,"yeah, this person is so perfect for me".
      Or u trying to become perfect for them .. That is love.
    3. Or when u don't wanna hurt others , but trying to say they were wrong or u don't like this n that. Wanna get angry on em for their bad habits, but don't wanna be irritating for them xD. Like u can't live without there absence in ur life. Like u treating them like u want someone who treat u special.
      Umm that's it for now.. I'm still learning love : then confusing topic 😅

  • Love is just ...it's like ...what happens is, like, uh...

    It's like when you're getting bevvied up, and you start getting the buzz, and you think, 'wow, this is cool', but then you worry that you might be turning sober again, so you redouble your efforts with the liquor, knowing that it will only lead to a hangover (knowing that the girl has certain fundamental personality traits that just won't synch up with yours), and then sure enough, the magic wears off and you wake up, not only sober again, but with a headache.

  • Love is such a wide subject, but I´ll try to explain plainly my opinion.
    Love is when you completely accept someone being aware of his flaws and imperfections, and you want him not in spite of them but with them, without idealizing him (that would be infatuation, not love).
    Love means prioritizing that person above your wishes and your needs, looking for what is best for them, even if that implies hurting yourself or setting aside from him.
    Love can make you lose pride, dignity, even commit actions that you would consider reprehensible, give up your most basic principles, in the same way that it impels you to show the best version of yourself (kinda contradictive yeah).

    when the hell do u even know that ur in love???

    As for that, love goes beyond a mere sexual attraction or a simple crush, it's something more intense and easy to recognize, so when you are in love you´ll know.

  • @Pamela
    cries That was beautiful

  • @DarkIce69 lemme be honest:
    So, you like a person waayyyy too much (it's never too much xD) and wanna do things for them, be with them always, and can't imagine a life without them, you know it's love~

    Uhh kinda simple and blunt but thats that xD

  • @DarkIce69

    It's very hard to get a fixed defenition of what love is as different people will come up with different answers.
    If you want a simple, boring and blunt answer: "an intense feeling of deep affection."

    That's what google said after I asked him your question... I think that love is more then that... It's when you realize your days are not complete if that person isn't present in some way in them, it's when you can be away from them and still feel the warmth they make you feel, it's when you start making plans about the future including the said person in them... and much more.

    "Love is free, you just choose to stay"

  • @Katherinee Damn thank you :joy:

  • @Pamela Npppppp

  • @DarkIce69 when you get sick and nervous whenever that person is not around and you think about them.
    Love is caring and respecting someone irregardless of differences and doing what you can to improve their life or situation. Listening and spending time is a joy and not a task. Empathy not sympathy. Doing your best to make their heart smile as often as appropriate.

  • Real Love is not supposed to be "pain" It's supposed to feel like a relief. Like you finally found your person and you can rest and the universe makes sense now.

    So obviously, you have lost the one you love. Then, that makes a LOT of sense. But I wouldn't call that love anymore. It's simply defined as "heartbreak".

    Trying to become perfect for someone is the opposite of real love. Real love accepts you for EXACTLY who you are and loves the things that you don't even like about yourself. Real love fixes your insecurities and makes you feel WHOLE and alive.

    Hopefully that helps a tad bit more with the confusion. You'll know when it matches these things. Real love heals. It doesn't destroy. Real love is natural and NEVER forced.

    Anything that destroys or is forced is NOT love. Of course there can be pain from real love if you lose a loved one, but even then you are left with a TRUE peace for having found something so special in this world.