• Gamers

    Okay so basically i'm really interested in what y'all think , which one is better so i created a poll to get them answers , hope you have fun answering

  • -=Windows=-

  • Gamers

    @Alte Invalid answer please try again 404

  • @JessicaGrant Pff... see, Linux broke as fck as always. Meh.

  • Gamers

    @Alte prove it

  • @JessicaGrant I've spent the past year using Linux. I was completely set on removing myself from windows. After running Manjaro for several months in virtual box and on a separate hard drive I made the big leap to just go ahead and do the full install on my main SSD.

    At first there was normal speed bumps when I started using it. Installing stuff manually. Figuring out how the file system worked. Getting used to terminal and all its commands... Not that big of a deal it seemed to me. My computer was faster and the customization possibilities were endless.

    After going through a few more distros I made the final decision to stick with xubuntu. It looked good and had the stability of its God awful looking mother known as Ubuntu. All seemed well. I was getting quite fast at using the system. But....

    Then I started having withdrawals from not being able to play my favorite games. I could play a limited few that had ported to Linux but that was it. I started to use wine and play on Linux. It all was glitchy and A LOT of work and googling to get stuff to work and to find what could work. Also the crappy drivers available is another problem. I have a 4790k, gt970, and16gb of ram. It wasn't my computer. So I finally decided on using kvm virtual machine to run windows inside my Linux.

    After finally getting it all set up and installed I was so happy. It was actually running my games! But the more I started to mess around in windows again I started to wonder why in the hell am I running Linux w windows on a VM? Why would I be running a system that needs coddled and an entire other OS on a VM to be able to do what I want to do?

    Sadly, I have now reverted back to windows after 16 months of being a Linux user. The instant installs and the ease of use just blows Linux out of the water. Plus it's just works. I save tons of time during my day not having to google or do a system breakdown I'm my head just to get things to work. The speed isn't that big of a deal considering my setup. It's not as noticeable as I once thought.

    Now if you read this far you're probably asking yourself who is this jerk off moron. Well I didn't spew all this just to hate on Linux. I just wanted to give my input whether anyone gives a crap or not. I love Linux. I love the idea behind it and the freedom. However, Linux is in serious need of some forward thinking . If Linux wants to capture the rest of PC users from the corporate monster of Microsoft ease of use and a better insurance for everyday users that they're not gonna have basically learn coding to play a game. Don't blame it on nvidia and their support for windows either. The Linux community that currently exists is full of some of the smartest people in coding in the world. That's ridiculous. Fix it.

    One of the biggest problems I see with the forum help is the responses from these Linux "super users." A lot of the responses I've read through on the forums are completely disrespectful and condescending. These are people trying to switch to something they have no idea they about in hopes of getting away from windows and supporting something good. Acting like some of these moderators do to some of these questions is embarrassing. It's not how you keep people using Linux or supporting it. Your disrespectful attitudes are actually having a dramatic impact on the Linux community. I can guarantee that.

    I'm still using Linux on a partition of my other HD these days. I still use it to run eclipse and the compiler. Still mess around with it. Just wish I could of kept it my main OS.

  • @spaceboy said in Windows vs Linux:

    @JessicaGrant said in Windows vs Linux:


    The right code here should be 500. Because choosing Windows - is an exception.


  • MacOS does not seem to be an option? Well apple really is not the nicest company in the world, I give you that. But the operating system has two advantages which really – in my eyes – make it the best of the 4 horrible (win, linux, bsd, win) solutions we have. Here they are:

    1. @Alte's Point about windows: things just work, be it photoshop or valve... Well obviously not everything that runs under windows runs under macos, but this is true the other way round as well. Most of mainstream software/games runs on win or mac or both, not on linux.

    2. I'd say 90% of what you can do in the shell in linux, you can do on the mac. And the remaining 10% are doable in mac specific ways. It is a fully fledged unix. With a desktop that can rival windows.

    Am I against linux? no, I hate all OSs just the same, because non of them are designed (from the core) for safety, but for speed. (If they were designed for safety they would also be usable. I know there is CubeOS and there are other linux distros that focus on security but IMHO a design/write from scritch is required here).

    What I value most, when I sit in front of the computer is my time. Linux costs time, because you need to figure things out. Windows costs time because it has no freaking bash. That's it. That's why I use macos as my desktop OS.

    I wouldn't use it on any server. Windows neither. Linux is the right choice, which is why 90% of all servers use it.

  • @pe7erpark3r Linux doesn't take time , how dare you ... Also valve loves Linux and wants to port most games to linux ,Linux is trurly one of best OSs it's fast , stable and easy to use , you don't even have to use Terminal and it has fastest solutions thaks to it's community , fast search can fix every problem. Thanks to WINE and Lutris and DX to Vulkan you can run most games from lesser known titles to the most legendary ones. MacOS and Apple over all goes to shit after Steve died , they are really hard to use with not being even easy , and downloading software is the hardest things because apple doesn't want you to. Linux overall takes the less time from all the calculation . Just use the right distro it's not that hard

  • Gamers

    @Alte , the problem is you never really searched because there is Lutris and dxvk [directX to Vulkan] i was able to run Witcher 3 , Undertale , Deltarune and there are a lot of native games as well , Linux is the choice really . You just need to know how to use it properly , not mentioning that Linus from Linus Tech Tips already mentioned this , ironic thing is that windows is faster when its' running on linux VM , so it was fixed and I had no problem running everything i needed on Linux and there are way more solutions than I listed

    so recap of software

    we have directx to vulkan conversion [dxvk]
    WINE which isn't an emulator
    Lutris which provides pre-coded scripts to run your games smoother
    and fix for basically any problem with a faster more secure and open-source OS

  • @JessicaGrant You obviously don't use a mac, because downloading and running software is even easier than on windows. No stupid installers, just copy the app from the container and everything works. At least that is my daily experience... Apart from that, a fast search is slower than no search, and if you ever need an answer to something the mac community definitely rivals the linux community. IMHO the terminal actually makes things faster, not slower. Basically with Linux I waste time solving problems which I don't have on the mac (or windows). On Windows I waste my time with things that could be easily and swiftly done through the terminal. So time consuming winner bsd, then linux, windows and the mac with the least time wasted. This is all based on personal experience. I used slax, redhat, debian, ubuntu, kubuntu and mint, for that matter. I used windows 3.1, 95, 98, XP, 7 and 10. I used OSX from 10.8 onward. I used freebsd and openbsd.

    If I wanted to hack, then I would prolly be (a lot!) faster on linux though, I give you that (it kind of has a monopoly too on the hacking tools...). Also it is safer, if used correctly... And we already talked about servers, just as clear a winner.

  • @pe7erpark3r said in Windows vs Linux:

    @JessicaGrant You obviously don't use a mac, because downloading and running software is even easier than on windows. No stupid installers, just copy the app from the container and everything works. At least that is my daily experience... Apart from that, a fast search is slower than no search, and if you ever need an answer to something the mac community definitely rivals the linux community. IMHO the terminal actually makes things faster, not slower. Basically with Linux I waste time solving problems which I don't have on the mac (or windows). On Windows I waste my time with things that could be easily and swiftly done through the terminal. So time consuming winner bsd, then linux, windows and the mac with the least time wasted. This is all based on personal experience. I used slax, redhat, debian, ubuntu, kubuntu and mint, for that matter. I used windows 3.1, 95, 98, XP, 7 and 10. I used OSX from 10.8 onward. I used freebsd and openbsd.

    If I wanted to hack, then I would prolly be (a lot!) faster on linux though, I give you that (it kind of has a monopoly too on the hacking tools...). Also it is safer, if used correctly... And we already talked about servers, just as clear a winner.

    Yeah sure , but MacOS is one of the SLOWEST OS's I used I get that UNIX shite and also why tf would you spend so much money on it , doesn't the keyboard that breaks after 2 months p1ss you off? Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux , they are both equally fast except one is ignorant towards people and the others open-source , doesn't the fact that you can't right click p1ss you off too? makes it way slower to use as a bussiness mode l , The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded. Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses you may say that they don't but they really do, Macs are not flexible or customizable

  • I have never had a laptop that booted as fast as does my current macbook pro 2014. Not even slax boots that fast (yes, on the same machine... but it can compete). Not joking... I bought my first macbook in 2008. My mother uses it today, the keyboard still works as it did on the first day. Right click works on macs since about 15 years. Also it has the best multi-touch-functionality there is: I use 1,2,3,4 and 5 finger clicks & gestures. Macs are not as customizable as linux, but there are apps out there that can do a lot (for example I customized my gestures using such an app). The Dock is just one way of doing things, I guess, or else the linux community wouldn't have copied it and added it to their repertoire. I don't care about the Dock, since I basically use gestures and the keyboard to control my machine. Apart from the customizability of the desktop, where linux wins (but takes time) I have everything I need, even ZFS works. So I wouldn't exactly call macos unflexible, just less flexible. I have gotten every OS I ever used to crash, linux being no exception. Yes, there are probably more mac viruses out there than linux ones. But definitely not the vast amount that there is for windows. The only reason for the number of viruses is the number of (Desktop-) users btw. That holds true for linux too (minus the security distros that focus on this)...

  • @pe7erpark3r said in Windows vs Linux:

    That holds true for linux too

    yeah but so does the speed and shit and also macbooks suck pure ass , honestly. My last macbook ended in the trash and i'm glad it doesn't exist anymore

  • @JessicaGrant said in Windows vs Linux:

    @pe7erpark3r said in Windows vs Linux:

    That holds true for linux too

    yeah but so does the speed and shit and also macbooks suck pure ass , honestly. My last macbook ended in the trash and i'm glad it doesn't exist anymore

    fine by me. not everybody needs to like the same things. heck honestly I don't like computers at all. they are freaking annoying the whole bunch.

  • @Alte said in Windows vs Linux:

    @JessicaGrant ....So I finally decided on using kvm virtual machine to run windows inside my Linux.

    I've dual booted kali and win10 in my pc, ig you should try that.... :))

  • Gamers

    @Kakashi if you dual boot you essentially lose some features and mostly pen-test distros , 0/10 wouldn't recommend
