• @ash33 I'm not Jimmy's bb you fรผcking fuรงk, I'm just his friend, no hรธmo

  • @Jeff9998 oh I forgot u.. I'll edit that later

  • @ash33 yes pls

  • @Free_WtfJudith the tags are cool tho ๐Ÿ˜›. And i also use internet is beautiful for almost all my topics

  • @Jeff9998 said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    @Free_WtfJudith make this,"how well do you know yourself quiz",It'd be better, as these questions are hard af,people still won't get perfect score

    Thatโ€™s the point, I could have made easy questions like favourite colour, horoscope, but then a few clicks on someoneโ€™s profile and youโ€™d know
    Itโ€™s supposed to be hard :p

  • @Free_WtfJudith i have no friends so i will be making this on my demon(s) stalking me everyday , he's on tws with me so that counts right?
    1 - my grave

    2 - 666

    3 - David McCyka

    4 - the stress they feed on

    5 - freshly boiled blood

    6 - making me do horrible things just like anyone

    7 - human hearts

    8 - the car made of sin

    9 - he's allergic to good things

    10 - continue on

    b1 - feed them my blood
    b2 - anywhere

    i know all my demons

    (disclaimer : don't take this too fuckin seriously thankz)

  • @G-A

    Pineapple topping

    this is a sin

  • @Free_WtfJudith
    I have not known anyone on here that much and it's kinda sed.

  • Global Moderator

    Here we go I pick 2 users @SunshineF and @SoFa_king_Cody

    Male = @SoFa_king_Cody

    1. Bahamas for ideal vacation and Country is Philippines
    2. It is 6 ๐Ÿ˜‚
    3. His dad is Mr. J****** M****w
    4. His bfriend in real life is California.. In TWS @wildwallflower
    5. Coffee,tea, or hot chocolate? None
      ..he likes wine and me hahaha
    6. Ready to serve
    7. Pizza toppings ??? He loves quesadilla
    8. He's loyal to his truck
    9. Allergy.. SLUTS ( my answer based on his mom, his mom told me so prior this topic)
    10. Visit Philippines and Bahamas

    Bonus 1: the best way to cheer cody is our daily convo, my smile lol..
    Bonus 2: his exact address well he lives in my โค.. If real ( a good state at USA)

    Female = @SunshineF

    1. Melbourne,Australia and USA
    2. 1
    3. I dunno her father's 1st name but the last names is F*****. Haha
    4. Morf
    5. Coffee
    6. Officework (she is executive type)
    7. ???
    8. She loves to commute than using her private plane
    9. Allergic to nonsense๐Ÿ˜‚
    10. She will travel to USA .. Any aslong travel for sure

    Bonus 1: to cheer her up is only morf sometimes me hahaha
    Bonus 2: Just Manila, I cant reveal exact private or knock her @Morf 's heart ,she is a legit resident ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Free_WtfJudith said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    Alright folks, so this is a kind of game to figure out how well you know a certain TWS user! :D

    Just choose a friend or anyone you believe you know better than anyone else here. No cheating or stalking them to find some of the answers on their profiles if it's the case XD

    Tag them and answer all 10 questions here and they can respond telling you how many you got right :P Obviously the point is to get as many good answers as you can, so whoever gets the best score wins a dog nood. (HURRAYYYYYY!!!! I KNOW, HOW EXCITING!!!)


    1. What is their dream Traveling destination? (can be a country, city, whatever)
      Philippines and Japan

    2. Favourite number?

    3. What's their father's name?
      EDDIE JASON M* * * * * I can give the family tree if you want ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

    4. Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)
      well, obviously it's me but there's also Gus

    5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
      iced coffee but his ultimate favorite drink is Chobani (chocolate & cream) yogurt drink I tried looking for it in AUS. But I only found the yogurt ๐Ÿ˜’

    6. What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)
      hmm.. I guess it's not driving but he would be glad if his work would be related to music and cars

    7. What's their favorite pizza topping?
      hmm.. I haven't asked about this.. I'm guessing it's meaty

    8. What is their dream car?
      car.. Not sure about the model. He likes car and I don't know much about it

    9. Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they?
      he has a weak stomach though. Anything he finds yucky, he can't eat it. Seafood. He likes veggies but he can't eat anything that's rich in vitamin K. ๐Ÿ˜”

    10. What would they do if they won 50 million $?
      Well, travel here and see me. If not he would pay my travel to go to Kentucky. The rest of the money would me mine when we marry ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
      for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?
    well, of course it's me. flips hair
    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    2* ** W**** * * * * * T * * * Road J* * * * * * * v**e Kentucky
    Want his sister's address too? ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ


  • @JessicaGrant being in love with you is the biggest sin ever since you hate cats ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    (Play da drama music rn)

  • @JessicaGrant said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:


    Pineapple topping

    this is a sin

    it'S fรปcking delicious

    just hmmm look at that

    @Bela-Hella, @SunshineF I am fรปcking impressed ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @SunshineF said in How well do you know them? ๐Ÿค”:

    Want his sister's address too? ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ

    CAN I HAVE A SISTER BTW? HOW CAN I GET HER? depressed G after a hella long time unstopable work be like this

  • @ash33 No words bro! The money is all yours! เคคเคฅเคพเคธเฅเคคเฅ |

  • @Barton yeeeeey !!!

  • Freedom Writers


    @Firefly don't hit me after this plz ^_^

    What is their dream Traveling destination? (can be a country, city, whatever)


    Favourite number?

    idk xD

    What's their father's name?

    Must be a good name for someone with a "gem"

    Who is their best friend? (IRL and/or TWS)

    @Katherinee, @Azriel, @Catwoman, and @Mike-Litoris

    Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

    hot chocolate, or tea

    What was their first job? (if they never worked then what would be their dream job?)

    A diplomat(?)

    What's their favorite pizza topping?

    Pineapple? (eww)

    What is their dream car?

    idk, maybe a range rover that I plan on getting in the near future xD

    Do they have any allergies? If so, what are they?

    zero allergies gang yay(?)

    What would they do if they won 50 million $?

    get an excuse to study somewhere far from home

    for 0.5 points:

    BONUS I : What is the best way to cheer them up?

    "bicth live in the moment", or complimenting her (awkward af)

    BONUS II : What's their exact address? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    her room with all lights turned off, where she can pursue her hobby 24/7, sit on her ass (i dont want myself to get killed plz)

  • @Kakashi she will hit u after this.. Believe me!!

  • @G-A lol she's married with two kids. One is almost a teenager ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ and she might be twice your age ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Free_WtfJudith haha it's so weird I'm not that close to anyone to know things about these.. :)

  • @SunshineF argh it broke meh single heart ๐Ÿ’”
