• @trose18 usually I'd respond to people and tell them that they're wrong but your grammar is too bad, I'd feel bad

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest can u fix it ? thanks :D

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest I'd appreciate if u fix it.. :D

  • @trose18 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    In my opinion, God exists but we dont know what he looks like. Yes he created this world and there is a lot of proof that he really exists.. But what im thinking is that all things we hear are from humanity itself. Yes.. the prophet. Humanity is desperate and lost without them (Prophets). They guide humanity in becoming better and better. All prophets in this world sacrificed their lifes to choose to advocate(advocate???) to others. They are real heroes and responsible for human life. Their belief systems are applied until now like all the laws in all countries. Without their teachings, we are still in ancient times, and without their guide we would kill each other without reason.. Yes we are still killing our own races in the name of religion. I think we should stop that because our ancestor and our prophet do not allow it.. We are living in this world, we are their chosen ones. We are responsible for what we do now. Like God said through the Bible "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Yeah that tells us that right now, we must not think about what we dont know, and what you must do is show your attention to the environtment. And, if you do believe 100% or not that God really exist, don't defend It. Because God doesn't need to be defended. What you should do is to defend the poor and tormented. That's all my opinion...Thanks.

    There you go, i tried to fix what you said as much as possible.

    Of course i disagree with 99% of what you said but i can't argue with you because you're too incomprehensible, sorry.

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest thanks XD

  • Gamers

    In my opinion, God exists but we dont know what he looks like. Yes he created this world and there is a lot of proof that he really exists.. But what im thinking is that all things we hear are from humanity itself. Yes.. the prophet. Humanity is desperate and lost without them (Prophets). They guide humanity in becoming better and better. All prophets in this world sacrificed their lifes to choose to advocate to others (ex: Moses, Noah, Nachman of Breslov, Yusuf, etc). They are real heroes and responsible for human life. Their belief systems are applied until now like all the laws in all countries. Without their teachings, we are still in ancient times, and without their guide we would kill each other without reason.. Yes we are still killing our own races in the name of religion. I think we should stop that because our ancestor and our prophet do not allow it.. We are living in this world, we are their chosen ones. We are responsible for what we do now. Like God said through the Bible "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Yeah that tells us that right now, we must not think about what we dont know, and what you must do is show your attention to the environtment. And, if you do believe 100% or not that God really exist, don't defend It. Because God doesn't need to be defended. What you should do is to defend the poor and tormented. That's all my opinion...Thanks.

  • @trose18 you're welcome

  • I think its absolutelly useless and endless arguement, coz there can be neither evidences nor refutations of the God existence. The only we can do is just to tell our opinion, no more. Opinion costs nothing without a justification. So the god exisense is not a question deserving a discussion. Dont waste your time. If you dont know something it means only that smth is unknown, no more, but not that its caused by God

  • @topics27 idk if God exists or not but religious people are the biggest assholes on this fucking earth

  • god is an extremely sexy very well hung shemale that never stops cumming in me

  • @raez said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    god is an extremely sexy very well hung shemale that never stops cumming in me

    Had I known this before, I wouldn’t have rejecting Christianity :(

  • I'm agnostic, so i don't know 🤷

  • I am a Christian, So I do think God is real. There is no way that I could prove it to you. Heck- I could make a comment a mile long and someone would disagree with me. So, All I can say is that God is real. I'm sorry that I don't have a way to prove it to you.

  • I think it's relatively irrelevant whether you believe in the spiritual entity God, tbh... I choose to believe there is someone out there, but I don't know who, exactly. I think that the teachings of Jesus are pretty important though, and that he was a pretty swell guy we should all look up to! :)

  • @topics27 CONUNDRUM. No one can really answer these questions. No matter what the aethist say with their science, or what the religious people say with their Bible's and holy books, You cannot give an answer to this question unless you give a definite answer to the meaning of the word "GOD". I myself am an Agnostic, which means I'm on the grey-side of the Religious and Atheistic scale.

    I choose not to claim or deny the existence of an all powerful being, who is responsible for the existence of everything, without proper definitive proof that you can say " God is Real' or " God isn't Real". To claim or Deny this Existence would be ignorant.

  • Freedom Writers

    I have to say .How is it important and why does it matter.Where and when did you first have this question.Also what influenced you to ask this question. There can only be two reasons one would ask this question.To either find an answere to an inner question.Or to start a debate between people to pick apart thier views and opinons. Ok since weather other people think there is a god or not doesnt matter.Also if you are the perciver who is perciving you. Sense we are experinceing life which with out thought or better yet what is called you.Will go on has for a long time. So the question is not about anything other then do you exzist. Does the person who posed this question exzist. Theres that possibilty you have an account. You ask a question that is traped with in your ego that only you can answere for your self.Depending on how much you fear death.Or how comfortable you are with your on mortality. Me I view it as ok I was not dead before I took my first breath.I was not dead before my parents ever met.But yet here I text.And the only concreate evidence you have im here are these texts or what they where called when few could read scriplture.Words of faith that I am here so to speak.So try this on how bout I decide you dont exzist.By never checking this post so you cant debate with me.I want care and you will carry on wondering about what does not matter.
    You will have never exzisted to me.And theres nothing you can do. And just like that theres your answere. You decide regardless of evidence or fact which is mans fictional ego which is made up of those that influence you most. It like your question belongs to you in your ego your life your world that you think you percive life but life is with out you seeing it tasting it or smelling it. So take away all those things.take your vision away take your sense of smell away your sense of hearing and sense of touch. Then what do you have. Just your ego perciving it self. Lets go one step further lets say you where born missing all these senses.You never having had felt,toched,anything never hearing anything never tasteing any thing. So with no words sounds or any way to have them.What would you be.You would be just life just alive just living. So for me your question poses a debate for me. Do you exzist. Scientist can say you in theory you do.
    But if one asks such a question they most be in doubt of themselves .The only
    one this question can be answerd by.
    So I dicided you dont exzist. And am sticking with it faithfully. I have figerd you this site is a delusion of my mind to go to sleep.Waking in the morning to you having never exzisted.Very simple right. But you didnt want simple you wanted either proof or a way to descredit someone. To prove a postion you had already taken yet you asked.And even a logical mind realizes on a subconsous level you new already its just you in there. But not to worry as soon as I finsh this you will feel no hurt or pain or suffering in my world where I experince life not perciving it but being aware with no ego feeling the wind tasting the food hearing its sounds as I so choose too.
    If you ever wonder why I decided you do not exzist. It was my will.

  • @Int Hey you, could you maybe tell me why you don't believe that there is somebody who created us? Don't be mad at me.
