• @catwoman said in Which of your scars has the best story behind it?:

    I have a scar above the eye, on the eyelid.

    I found your picture!!!

    alt text

  • right leg, above my knee there's mark. i got when i was little. i was doing something like this ( watch the video ). i was copying my aunt and grandma they was doing that (so my grandma sell some snack) but they didn't allow me to try, so i tried by myself the next day, some how the plastic that i use is melted and got to my leg. and my grandpa caught me, he was like so worried if i got hurt or feel burn or something but honestly it doesn't feel anything or maybe i got so surprised because my grandpa caught me doing something im not allowed so i dont feel anything.

  • @azzurranna Yeah I'm good now it was a long time ago

  • @danaliz_queen
    One just above my knee when a kid in eighth grade stabbed me with a mash potato covered knife during lunch

  • @danaliz_queen i got one on my hand, accidently stabbed myself with a caprisun straw

    Its a battlefield...every sip is a reminder of the war

  • @danaliz_queen Damn lol you should totally get drunk now and do the same to him. One of my scares I love the story behind is one above my eye. When I was young I had older siblings who would use me as their test mouse, and they wanted me to go on a sled that was tied to a ski-doo while they drive and lets say that was a fun idea but horrible XD My brother was driving too fast and had to slam on the breaks and I flew forward and hit my head on the latch hook and cut a deep hole XD Oh also another one actually is also above my eye but beside my eyebrow from when I had an eyebrow peicing and tried to do a back flip off the diving board at our community pool and ended up landing on my face and my peicing ripped out XD Oh also another one would be when I shaved half my brow off and cut myself when I was four. Okay, that may be more than a one scar story but got a little excited when I thought of one.

  • Do mental scars count? Because if they do, then oh boy do I have stories.....

  • -deleted-

  • one on my elbow from falling down a mountain, It happened like this:
    I fell off my mountain bike on a vacation is Arkansas, I fell down a mountain and hit everything that wasn't my head or genitals, got pretty scratched up, two of my uncles pulled up to the spot I crashed,
    My uncle troy: will he be alright?
    My uncle Bryan: oh yeah he's tough
    I shit you not right as he said tough the bike landed on top of me and knocked me unconscious

  • @danaliz_queen Think the best storey behind any of my scars would be the Sardinia incident. While my family and I were on holiday with our neighbours my friend and I were playing in the grounds of the hotel with some of the other kids. We came across this old luggage trolley sort of in a dutch. Between us we got it out and thought it would be fun to race it down the hill.
    This trolley was all rusted up like you wouldn't believe....
    We got into position but no one wanted to go first! Anyways, I got on the thing, grabbed on as best I could and my friends pushed as hard as they could ....
    Down the hill I went, side to side the trolley went... over and over we ( the trolley and I ) went ... eventually when we stopped rolling down the hill I was caught in the back rest of the trolley bleeding like a mofo... Op's
    Was really good fun though :D

  • @danaliz_queen The scar in my heart. This happened when the person I trust the most, betrayed me!!!

  • All my scar stories are all really lame :laughing: Flying off a bike, slipping on a mossy rock, falling out of a hammock, slicing myself on a shell while body surfing, getting a hot smore flung in my face...

  • @danaliz_queen after writing to this post earlier, I noticed one I don’t even have a clue as to how it happened.....
    Some how, some when I got a burn on me right bicep 💪...
    Wtf... magical mystery scars are us 🤪

  • @danaliz_queen said in Which of your scars has the best story behind it?:

    Which of your scars has the best story behind it?

    mine is the one on my right arm that I got when my dad was drunk as he slashed a knife on my arm

    My favourite scar was when I slashed my wrist with that pedal starter thing on lawnmowers you use to start them.. it’s a lot less significant now that everyone has described their scars but whatever, it’s a cute scar ok..

  • @danaliz_queen

    The only significant scar I have is from the time I broke my right arm.
    Both radius and ulna were totally shattered, so I've had to have a wire that would connect them both in the right growing pattern. The wire went from my wrist till my elbow, that's where it left scars. The one in the elbow is more noticeable then the one in the wrist.

  • @mr-h said in Which of your scars has the best story behind it?:


    The only significant scar I have is from the time I broke my right arm.
    Both radius and ulna were totally shattered, so I've had to have a wire that would connect them both in the right growing pattern. The wire went from my wrist till my elbow, that's where it left scars. The one in the elbow is more noticeable then the one in the wrist.

    Damn, how’d you manage to break it like that in the first place? 😬

  • @wtfjudith said in Which of your scars has the best story behind it?:

    @mr-h said in Which of your scars has the best story behind it?:


    The only significant scar I have is from the time I broke my right arm.
    Both radius and ulna were totally shattered, so I've had to have a wire that would connect them both in the right growing pattern. The wire went from my wrist till my elbow, that's where it left scars. The one in the elbow is more noticeable then the one in the wrist.

    Damn, how’d you manage to break it like that in the first place? 😬

    I was walking home from school, heavy backpack on my back and wasn't exactly a thin kid :laughing: was actually pretty fatty at that time and apparently a stray dog entered a cafe. The owner of the place got mad and shoo'ed the dog away and the dog got so scared that he left running at full speed and bumped into my legs. To avoid steping on the poor dog I ended up falling balance and fell and while trying to put my right arm in front of me, was too slow and feel with my weight + backpack weight on top of my right arm :laughing: