• I actually find that voting for mods sounds like a good idea. This could give us an idea of who users trust and look up to, then current moderators could check them over to see if they’re suitable for the position or just trollers. A new post could be made to replace admin’s old “looking for moderators” topic or that one could be used too so that people who are willing to get the position could leave their name and explain why they think they’d be good for the site. Then a official voting poll could nominate the top three users people want and mods could eliminate the ones who wouldn’t be suited for the position.

    Idk, there might be flaws to this, but sounds like a good idea to me 🤷‍♀️

  • Global Veteran Banned

    Upvoted 10 times! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
    I don't agree with all of it but hey good enough, dinner is getting cold.

  • Music Lovers


    The last is someone could unmod herself/himself because of this person willingness. This things is not cool. I do not try to bring @ObviouslyLucifer or @Willow past sins or old case of them here but the leaders has chosen for whatever their reasons, then how can leaders unmod himself/herself? You are a respected and a responsible person in here to lead this site from any damage and worst case; you are the public figure and the influencer, so show that off to people that you are valuable enough for these things for whatever people said bad things about you. Hence, I ask your new considerations and response for @Willow case here also a new solution of this matters.

    You brought Luci and I into this the moment you mentioned our names. So dont say you “dont want to bring it in”.
    I have thought since I first became moderator that users should know about decisions.
    Psh, times were much simpler here when I enforced that idea lol.

    I think, from what im understanding, you have the wrong idea about why I unmodded myself.

    A lot of “i dont give a shit, quit looking for attention. Stupid posts” have been marked on my topic. I found it best that I ddnt post an explanation.
    But for you baby boy, sure.

    Moderators are expected to basically run the website. Before Ragnar/Odin/Samnas became an admin, that was still what we were expected to do. Ban spammers and toxic users. Work out fights. Report issues. Etc. Every ten days or so we would hear from @talkwithstranger . He would upvote a recent post, tell us to move horny topics to the find your date category, on occasion tell us to check the latest added feature, and then leave.

    It was only when I started speaking out against trolls that things started to get messy.
    Oh if only he hadnt created a new group chat, I could get screenshots about all the idiotic issues I actually thought he would listen to.

    At the end of it all, the past seven months have all been the same. Why am I running a website, without getting paid, and without receiving any kind of recognition or appreciation for it?

    Congrats Willow! You got a dinky little tag on your profile. That tag was the symbol of when I first became a target for idiots. Thats all it did, was attract stupid ass trolls.

    -Willow was tired of trolling
    -Willow is tired of no appreciation

    Onto part two

    It reached a point where Im not having fun. Its a chore. One I do not enjoy. Other people might, but I do not. I do not simply ban users for the hell of it.

    I messaged admins so many times. Both @odin and @talkwithstranger
    Needing advice about something. Needing permission to do something

    I cannot help someone if I have absolutely no one showing me the way. I never got an answer on half the messages I sent. I never made a decision i felt 100% supported on.

    Willow was tired of no communication.

    I will NOT do something that causes me unnecessary stress.
    It was unnecessary bullshit.

    And when i finally got an answer. It was because Im unmodding myself. Not even from the guy who is supposedly handling moderator affairs ( thats you btw @odin )
    But the admin...who doesnt answer for days. Shows you how long I wait for answers on sometimes urgent matters.

    Then I see all these people wanting to be moderator. New faces and people with more connections. So fuck it.

    Whats sitting around ranting going to do GA?

    They never listen, so why would they start now?

    (Oh yeah and I just cant WAIT for someone to show up in here and call us crybabies, fml)

  • -deleted-

  • -deleted-

  • Damn that is a long ass post. Btw i will answer your questions honestly and let users know why this happened;

    1. In my humble opinion, the way this site make someone as a global moderator is unfair.

    In this case we used to choose a global moderator in our own way, i believe im the oldest mod here, clearly when choosing a mod we used to look after these qalities. A person or a user needs to reach 1k rep, he or she needs to know tws features and know well to use them, he or she needs to know rules and regulations. We could mod @Captain_America as he is having all things we wanted, but yet we still look after many things. Behavior, how close you are to spammers, how you handle problems e.t.c, it is hard to make a voting/poll process while.choosing a new moderator because any one will easly make fake accounts to upvote for yes. We as admin's knows whats best for users.

    1. We need the professionalism and transparency in here.

    We modded @Mr-H and @im-a-bae not because they are close as friends. No. But because we didnot have mods from ireland, or portugual. But we had 3 mods already from asia and that is why we did'nt mod @Bela after voting poll made by @G-A if i am not mistaken. I already pointed out how we appoint a mod. Its not based on friendship or any thing like that. @Captain_America is close friend of me but we modded @Mr-H instead of him even though @Mr-H decided to deny the job. We are still looking for a better user to replace him. So choosing a mod is not something "transparent" but we do find users according to how close they are to every one else and how good they are. How active they are and everything. After getting good candidates we then ask our @Global-Moderators to approve them. Also all @Global-Moderators most of them are friend of yours, so they can still choose better users. And we admins approve them after going through their files.

    1. The regulations for someone who wants to be a global mods is funny.

    I think i already made this one clear

    1. The last is someone could unmod herself/himself because of this person willingness.

    Well rules are changed already, when @Willow wanted to unmod her self i couldnt reply her text for a reason. I found her good moderator of all time who was willing to help the site no matter what. It was hard for me to show her how to unmod her self.
    But whoever wants to unmod her or himself, i was appointed for a reason. A mod can dm me and i will easly unmod them. So i dunno if you want a better way to unmod moderators. If i am not online then i made my personal account of instagram public, you can text me there instead.

    We do need to make sure that whoever is appointed qualifies what the site needs. For good of users and everybody. Sites needs moderators in every corner of the globe. Different timezones. And not mods from one time zone. We do look after many stuffs not only 1k rep. As nowdays everybody have 1k, we will make it to 5k and every qualification you said. But for voting/poll process will be hard to do it as anyone could easly make fakea and vote for themselves.

    Thank you.

  • @odin close friend? Nah man that has been broken. Its been broken for a while. Btw why was I dragged into all this shit? I wanted to leave all the drama of this place. So please for all of y'all who read this. LEAVE MY NAME OUTTA YOUR SHIT!!!!!!!

  • @captain_rogers said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin close friend? Nah man that has been broken. Its been broken for a while. Btw why was I dragged into all this shit? I wanted to leave all the drama of this place. So please for all of y'all who read this. LEAVE MY NAME OUTTA YOUR SHIT!!!!!!!

    Ey, its not that im not aware of that, i tried making my points clear. If you broke the friendship then that is you. I was talking about "why we didnt mod you or anyone else"and not"why we wont" its past tense not present. No body dragged you in here. Unless its not you who texted me cursing me why iddnt mod you.

  • @odin I did that because I trusted you. And you snapped it right in half. All you ever did was lie. I'm sick of being taken for granted.

  • @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    we modded @Mr-H instead of him even though @Mr-H decided to deny the job.

    Noone asked me if I wanted that status to start off, so I shouldn't have been modded to start with, but even If I wanted the job, it would be rather hard to do anything with it when I was left in the dark, since I never got any kind of direction and orientation on what I should or shouldn't be doing.

    The kind of "darkness" and leaving users in the dark ppl been talking about has been happening and not with just users but mods that get moded without their consent. I get that ppl have lives, but at least try to keep things more organized, at least a little bit more organized.

  • @mr-h said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    we modded @Mr-H instead of him even though @Mr-H decided to deny the job.

    Noone asked me if I wanted that status to start off, so I shouldn't have been modded to start with, but even If I wanted the job, it would be rather hard to do anything with it when I was left in the dark, since I never got any kind of direction and orientation on what I should or shouldn't be doing.

    The kind of "darkness" and leaving users in the dark ppl been talking about has been happening and not with just users but mods that get moded without their consent. I get that ppl have lives, but at least try to keep things more organized, at least a little bit more organized.

    We will on work on that.
    But as i said, appointed peoples for the job are always the best options we had, believing they can handle the job.

  • @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    We will on work on that.
    But as i said, appointed peoples for the job are always the best options we had, believing they can handle the job.

    Thanks for the heads up and trust, but I don't fully agree on that, since in my case I never wanted the job so I could never be the best option.
    But that wasn't even the issue, I believe that even "the best mod" can't and won't do a good job if he never gets any sort of guidance.

  • @captain_rogers said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin I did that because I trusted you. And you snapped it right in half. All you ever did was lie. I'm sick of being taken for granted.

    I didnt want to tell you that "you cant handle tough situations" right infront of you cuz i took you as my own little brother. You had been making topics over and over when some one pisses you off. Its hard to control emotions sometimes and that is the reason why i got hard time modding you. Not that i ddnt want to, but still i had a thought of you being a mod, everything, every mistake that mods do, is my mistake, and i am the one to be blamed and everything.

  • @mr-h said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    We will on work on that.
    But as i said, appointed peoples for the job are always the best options we had, believing they can handle the job.

    Thanks for the heads up and trust, but I don't fully agree on that, since in my case I never wanted the job so I could never be the best option.
    But that wasn't even the issue, I believe that even "the best mod" can't and won't do a good job if he never gets any sort of guidance.

    As i said, we will work on that., no mod had become a mod while knowing everything

  • Global Veteran Banned

    0_1532731759198_beautiful_chaos_by_malicitator-d72t9my (1).jpg
    Remember? :smirk:

  • @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    no mod had become a mod while knowing everything

    No human was born knowing everything, that's why there are parents and school.

  • @willow YES!!!!! THIS!!! roaring applause Preach it Willow!!

  • @mr-h said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    no mod had become a mod while knowing everything

    No human was born knowing everything, that's why there are parents and school.

    We will guide you, that my point of saying "we will work on that"

  • @therisingsun said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    0_1532731759198_beautiful_chaos_by_malicitator-d72t9my (1).jpg
    Remember? :smirk:

    Yup ikr....

  • @odin wow so basically you think I'd make a mistake? You basically mean I'm a mistake? Apparently you really didn't know who I was. I know y'alls stupid rules and I have followed them. You know people change. You need to keep up old man.