Would you rather be poor and help people or rich but hurt people?

  • LurkersForLife

    be rich and hurt people. really no reason to help other people that u dont really care about, and plus if ur rich u dont have to care about hurting them ;P

  • poor and help that way not only are you not not hurting people and helping instead but in return u gain both popularty for doing so and have ties in many places and on many people for helping as they will feel the need to exchange a help of hand back you will basically become a mafia boss with people thinking youre an angle. not to mention the good karma you get back.

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  • @layla said in Would you rather be poor and help people or rich but hurt people?:

    I would be poor and help people because if I help people they will show their gratitude by giving me stuff

    So you think you're doing good But only to yourself. You want gratitude and stuffs. It is called self-interest. Thus you will become rich and forget about the poor. Wealth and poverty are relative concepts. You can be economically poor but emotionally rich. Is the opposite. I want to be honest and fair, a good compromise between wealth and poverty :)
