• Pardon my perfect english according to myself, i have graduated from kindegraden, i wish, i get the grammar nazi 's attention, cause i am an attention seeker whore slash slut.

    it has been a while since i last did a topic.

    Hello, awesome creators of TWS, I am not a really big fan of your site but I was a bit THRILLED when I found out that you had invented this site. I am on the verge of not recommending this site to all of my friends...

    I am the user and I disagree that the DELETE button be remove, I like that feature and everyone else, imo. I have been using this site for a while,

    This site removed delete button by purpose to get rid of an extra button or too many users gonna exit and this site can't handle losing users?

    BRING BACK THE DELETE BUTTON, so i can delete my account in peace without have to DM that TWS admin who can't be bother.

    Not Sincere,

  • ikrrr i was gonna delete my acc but ughhhh they friggin removed it smhhhh
