Does God Exists? Do you believe in God?

  • There certainly is a creator and it's deeper then most would ever be able to comprehend . Studied a lot about this subject as it leads down so many roads in various teachings . God our father is truly amazing even the angels when he created them they have free will which allowed them a choice

  • @sarah god is love and hes there when your sad and the chills you experience is him healing you

  • Personally, no, I do not believe in god. Wether it has anything to do with my past or the fact that he could just be some drunk mans ramblings from over a thousand years ago, I don't know. Personally, I hate most religion, but I respect that a lot of people believe a lot of things and I'm not ever going to belittle their beliefs or my own, I just simply am dissapointed. I'm disappointed with the fact that in every single religion, the first rule your taught is not love one another, to treat each other like equals, to be kind and careful, yet when it comes to each other's opinions in religion, people hurt and mame and abuse each other in the name of their god and claim it righteous. I find that disgusting and hypocritical. But that's just my opinion.

  • There are two possibilities of course; either he exists or not, and both of them are not that good... since you asked direct question, I believe I should answer direct answer as well, but concerning this topic, it can be a little bit hard... there are not enough evidences that he exists or not, so we should leave it for the two possibilities, but if you ask if God exists in the shape of any religion puts it, then I highly disagree with that; if he exists, He wouldn't be so stupid to take a part of humans over the rest... So, not religious, but not so sure whether he does exists or not....

  • No God , exists without evidence ,and what God?? which one? there are thousands .

  • @thatguy05 Creation itself is the evidence. Evidence is everywhere we can either open our eyes to it or remain in our darkness.

  • @sony-puthussery who is capable of such deep philosophy then.. I told him in beans are the best Creatures on the planet

  • Gamers

    I don't believe in a God myself.

  • I don't think there's a God, but I do believe there's something that has the power to rule the path of our lifes, besides ourselfes.
    I believe in people, I believe in knowledge, I believe in love. Everything that's related to mankind, I believe because I can see it, I can touch it, I can even smell it.

    But god... I don't believe in a perfect god, I don't believe he made this for us to live. He didn't just showed up and made the earth with a compass, and the planet's orbits with strings attatched to each other. I believe in universal laws.
    But the existence of all this gets me intriguing. I mean, everyone would say that.

  • As I wrote on another post "The interpretation of who/what god is (or isn't) is infinite. Some are completely dismissive of the existence of a higher power, others are on the spiritual spectrum, where god is more of an essence rather than a being that knows all, and others sole-heartedly believe in 'G'od. Whether God/god(s) are real or not isn't a simple question." As for me, I believe god in close relation with Shintoism and Buddism. Now, if you're asking me if I believe that an all-powerful source that is responsible for everything thing and to dismiss science, then no.

  • @thatguy05 said in Does God Exists? Do you believe in God?:

    No God , exists without evidence ,and what God?? which one? there are thousands .

    Do you believe you have a brain? your answer is YES right?
    can you touch your brain? ' (You Can't)
    can you see your brain? (you can't)

    then I believe that you have no brain.

    According to science everything you can't see and touch does not exist . So you have no brain...

    But we have faith, love, belief that is how and why we see god....

  • Music Lovers

    Can you see your god?

  • i believe in God, because he save me from sins.

  • I don't believe he exists yet. I think he is still imperfect and not one, but when he does perfect he will exist according to popular belief.

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  • yeah ...but who is the creator of the creator................religion is a strategy and always has been.....we are the victims....i just believe in what i see and science can explain everything...almost everything ....but at least it has facts and religion is justttttttt......believing........well this is my opinion!

  • i d believe if there d be only one way of believing but today there are thousands of gods wich makes me think that religion is made by politic

  • What would be the point of living, if God didn't exist?

  • @bnm that s why I hate my life because it makes no sense.....but at least I have somebody I love ....a reason of living