• @zazzles Yeah...I used to experience sleep paralysis as a child(I'm still a child tho) and it used to horrify me to such an extent that I couldn't sleep the whole night. It faded with time. And I can relate to your story very much.

  • @stranger_danger my father actually died in his sleep so I often wondered if what I experienced was similar to what he went through before he died. But sleep paralysis has happened to me so often that sometimes when I'd experience it, I'd wake up feeling thankful that I managed to, and then shrug it off and go back to sleep again 😅 I guess I just really loved sleeping.
    Though in the past, I'd often get sleep paralysis when I accidentally fall asleep in the afternoon.

  • @zazzles If i had to choose one way to go upstairs or the basement ,it'll be by sleep.

    A painless ,disease-less way ..just fall asleep & leave .

    i have seen far too many people suffer in hospital or neighborhood before their end... nope ! not for me , I'm allergic to pain .

    I guess ,you get used to it once it happens too many times.
    Still unsettling..

  • One thing i always thought when people talk about sleep paralysis. Is that, are your eyes still closed when that happens?
    I never experienced it, and hope i never will, but the thought of waking up and "seeing" complete darkness scares me. Add the fact that you can't move your body is also terrifying. Just curious i guess

  • @nixxen244 you're eyes will be open, well I think they are. Because whenever I get sleep paralysis, I can see my surroundings. Its just that I cannot speak nor move.

  • -delete-

  • I read about sleep paralysis recently and that sounds quite scary.
    I've never had any sleep paralysis
    I want to expeirence it once!

  • @zazzles Yep,eyes are open ...you wake with a jolt ,the mind think that the body should have moved ,yet it doesnt .. its frozen No amount of struggle can move it.

  • @evan-elderson Precisely ,you hyperventilate ,the body heats up ..you struggle ,but you cannot move.

  • Gamers

    oh no, what if something happens to zazzlu, go get treatment you ijit :angry_face: :angry_face: :angry_face:

  • Yep happened to me like hundered times and its the same u cant move u can just open your eyes and i feel heavy pressure and sometimes i feel like someone is touching me its so creepy but it goes away quickly and also i hear a wierd and scary sound like a car horn of some sort 😂

  • @zazzles It happens to me from time to time mostly in weekends when I can sleep more and it happens when I try to wake up. It's very overwhelming because I can't move or talk althought I never have seen any strange thing (some people does) and it always happens with my eyes closed (thank god). It last 10-15 seconds so for me it's ok because now i'm used to it xD

  • I've only experienced it once and it definitely freaked me out. Felt like I couldn't breathe and seemed to last alot longer than it really did.