• @cutekanak well i can't answer dat bcoz i havent met anyone online who'd lied to meh. It's just dat if he's loyal to ya dan he ll maybe give ya all of his personal information widout ya even askin all of it:)

  • @jack17 yeah ig ur right.......bt not everyone is honest like ur frnds :)

  • Of course I believe in Online love,after all ..I'm looking at U.

    Lol ,just kidding ..

    Of course I believe in Online love .

    I cant believe how convenient online dating is ! Now my dreams of finding love can be crushed more efficiently & in the privacy of my own home .

    Lol ,kidding again ..

    Alright serious time , online is great to establish friendship & love
    ..but like everything, live with your head,love with your heart.

    As long as its not serious ,nothing to worry about...but if serious,please be cautious..
    if its too good to be true,it probably is..just check everything to be sure...

    As an adult,the choice & hence the consequence are yours..just be happy...

  • @stranger_danger well now im looking at u and wondering..........why didnt this strike to me -_-
    hehe anyways wise words u said there :)

  • @cutekanak A big "NO"!

    People say experience matters, and from my own experience the stuff like 'online LOVE is a myth'. Love can never happen on someone whom you meet online. Some might be truthful and loyal but majority are there to just kill time.

  • @naveen067 ikr......never met anyone who could say no i am really serious for u :(

  • @cutekanak Really........btw what's your opinion bout online love?

  • @naveen067 nothing..... I always used to wonder abt it and dats how it ended up being a post XD

  • @cutekanak Ahhhh......where are you from??

  • Online Love --

    1. U meet and start interacting with someone at some platform like this
    2. You get to know more about each other.. and then a mutual feeling develops
      I think that "feeling" is what u mean by online love....definitely IT IS POSSIBLE..
      CAVEAT: the other person is genuine right from the beginning.

    Then comes the question of logical outcome of that "Love Between two people"
    -- as normally they try and start living together.
    -- but "Online love" which doesnt think of national boundaries and lots of other things, that may or may not be possible
    So its better to have your thinking straight before you take a plunge and then..
    DAMN YES .....IT is POSSIBLE!!

  • No, cos its stupid

  • @cutekanak My dear Behena.....All is temptation and illusion.
    सब मोह माया है!!🙌😅

  • Hi this is my first time writing here so pardon me.
    I don't think that it is a good idea because after all, love is something you obtain and feel after days, weeks and maybe years of interaction and eye contact seeing the person and knowing her without any ulterior motives because love always strikes you from the last expected place in the last expected moments.
    But I have no right to be giving you this advice since I personally don't believe in love I only believe in physical attractions and passing feelings and this is why I prefer to live alone with that though and because love is too pure and too innocent to be existing in such a cruel world.

  • A person cannot fall in love with someone he or she has never met in person. You can chat for hours, days, even months or years online, and that includes Facetiming. You can really, really, really get to know someone, and the potential for real love can certainly be present. In other words, online chatting is a very real way to connect and decide if there are possibilities for the two of you. But, the bottom line is, an online relationship just isn’t the real thing. Until the two of you get your bodies into the same room for a certain amount of time, you won’t know if you love each other.

    Some might disagree with me, but here is the question I have. How can two people be in love if they have never touched each other? I’m not talking about sex, I’m referring to simply feeling the other’s skin. How about smell? There is a certain warmth and smell to someone that comes from being close, burying your nose in her neck, the smell of her hair, the smell of her skin. Can’t get that via Facetime.

    How can two people be in love when their lips have never touched? Isn’t a kiss oftentimes the magic that helps you realize you’ve found true love? (or maybe this kiss makes you realize the opposite-that you aren’t in love.) And, can you really say you’re in love with a person whose hand you have never held or whose breath you have never breathed in?

    Also, falling in love means spending a significant amount of time with someone, not pre-scheduling Facetime meetings where you can look your best and get into the perfect mental state to talk. Being in love means experiencing the vulnerability of him or her seeing you at your worst, both physically-meaning the times you have bedhead or when you have a terrible cold, and mentally, if you just lost your job or heard a family member was ill.

    Despite the fact that online chats or Facetiming can include meaningful conversations, both can put you in situations where you are well prepared. True love exists when you are the opposite of prepared, when you are a mess, when you have a fit, or when you cry uncontrollably.

    Think about it. When someone sends you a text, you have as long as you need or want to respond. Therefore, there is no authenticity or spontaneity in the conversation. In Facetiming, you can set up the lighting and background, and make yourself look as attractive as you’d like. If a person is self-conscious about his/her body, they can hide it. If he has a receding hairline, he can wear a baseball cap. If she has a scar, she can easily hide it. Can’t do that in person.

    On a real date, both people have the luxury of looking at EVERYTHING. Hands, toes (if she’s wearing sandals), legs, arms, hair, smile, teeth, and most importantly (to me) eyes.

    How can someone fall in love without looking into the other’s eyes? I think it’s impossible.

    Also, in person dating allows the people to eventually see where and how the other lives, from the neighborhood to the smell of the inside of his/her home to the person’s bed. There are a million little things that make us fall in love, and most of those aren’t present during an online situation.

    In closing, there is nothing wrong with online dating, in fact it’s a great way to start a relationship. But no way is it possible to fall in love until you spend some real time in the other’s arms. I will say one other thing. You might look back and realize you were in love before you met in person, but honestly, you will never really know if that was the case.

    Dating is scary, and many people feel more comfortable hiding behind the conveniences of modern day technology. These technologies take away what most of us fear most in dating: vulnerability. It is such a shame because anyone who has ever really been in love will tell you that if you have the guts to be vulnerable and show the other person who you really are, and the person accepts and loves you with all of your flaws, there’s really no better feeling in the world. And that just can’t happen online.

  • I do believe in online love,
    Provided the condition that both the parties are geniunely interested and ready for a serious commitment.
    'Love' is indeed such a big and powerful word and the fact that its been reduced to a poor level disgusts me!
    And a majority of times this so-called 'online love' is just a result of one person's lonliness and another's lust!
    And oh!!
    I'm not generalising, i've read stories of couples who met their soulmates on tinder and this makes me believe that geniune love does happen online but rarely!

  • @sammy beautifully explained Sammy!!!

  • @cid-cid
    You're right on every line!!

  • @cutekanak yes . .I believe in love..it is god gifted feeling and emotions

  • @cutekanak Online LOVE Is the stupidest concept ever. How could someone, even take it seriously. I believe, people who get serious in just online love lack a certain sense of maturity. According to me finding someone online and then meeting them up in on an actual date is fine. But falling in love with a person who you have never even met is just over the belt.

  • @cutekanak Match.com has made a lot of couples and that's online.