What would you do if you had 24 hours left of your life?

  • @kek I will marry kek.

  • @sarah is that how you do it in pakistan?

  • It all depends on my mood on my last day. Ideally I would spend half of it trying to see things I have never seen and always wanted to see. Scouting for my final scenery. I would take a bunch pics of my middle finger till I find the best one that perfectly gets the statement across. Then tell the boss things aren't working out I need to request a leave of absence effective immediately. Nearing my final hour i start to play my favorite artist as loud as possible while attempting to get drunk. And start sending that special "middle finger pic" around to everyone I felt deserve it. Set my lockscreen and background as the middle finger and then just wait for it to end.

  • i'll go for a road trip, and try those dare devil activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, and ill eat everything along the way.

  • I'll get myself and my friends tickets to watch an NBA game live. And then sit by the seashore, drink beer and sleep on the sand. :)
