Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @how-to-make-a stop banking on the fact you are ex muslim and state that YOUR facts is BENEFICIAL fact..

    Everyone else who reads this, do some research and read up on the history of islam and the translated english version of the quran... This coming from a soldier from christian faith...

  • i dont think so but people of Islam making Islam is a religion of terrorism

  • @kendrobeast i already shared a lpt of facts, and i already copy and pasted the same comments for about 8 times through this topic so i just tell people to read what's on this topic more and try to see how fucked up the situation is. And i would've expected you to become like Christopher Hitchens after you've seen the evils that religion causes. Why tf do you continue saying that you respect my opinion if it seems to me that you haven't even read it, I'm telling other people to go through this topic and read more and i suggest that you do the same, i don't care if you respect my opinion but i care if you agree.

  • @raghava-dinesh go through this topic amd read more replies and also read my comments and maybe you'll change your opinion

  • I think mostly all religions are guilty of doing some bad things in the name of religion including those who profess to be Christians. In fact this was mentioned in the Bible Book of Revelation 18:24

    24 Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones+ and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.”

    Now noticed i said most religions the reason i said that because there is a religion that pratices the two greatest Commandments which is number one love for God and two love for neighbor so in other words they refuse to fight against tgeir fellow humans even if this means persecution or jail.

    If you would like to know more about this or other important questions about life please visited

  • @luvthyyneighbor I'm going to message you later to make you an atheist by showing you how ridiculous Christianity is. But before that i just want to know what kind of Christian you are, Catholic, protestent...

  • NO Islam is the religion of peace.
    people use islam for terorrism

  • @rosalie925 I 100% agree with you, :)

  • Islam has a 15-20% of radicals that are pretty hostile to America, and Islam has over 1 billion Muslims and 15-20% of that is almost equivalent to America's total population, and so that is enough for me to rethink about whether or not Islam is a religion of terrorism. It does teach to kill, but people don't want to believe their own truth, so they say made up thin like "religion of peace".

  • @how-to-make-a Christianity is not ridiculous, let's have a debate, hmu on the chats or we can do it publicly it don't matter to me

  • @luvthyyneighbor Hey man, I am a Christian too, but you need to know that the "God" Islam worships is not the same us, Believers, worship.

  • @rosalie925 Read more of this topic and you'll change your mind and if you want to save time just read my comments, I'm an ex-muslim and you'd probably learn a lot of new things. I'm sorry that I'm just telling you to read my last comments with useful information instead of responding with that information to you, I'm not doing that because i already copy pasted the same comments around 9-11 times so it's getting repetitive. Thank you

  • @how-to-make-a Because any opinion and POV is respected whether it is good or bad... Everyone is entitled to it... Hitchens the idiot that wrote critiques about Mother Theresa calling her a fraud and fanatic... Comparing me to Hitchens is like comparing me to turd... I have friends that do not believe in Religion and does not agree with how religion is... But they respect the writings that come out of the Bible, Quran, Baghavad Gita etc... I do not agree with what you said and nothing you say will change a strong minded person like me... Like I said I have seen what goes on in Islam and what goes on in war torn area, till you see the beauty of it in the worst situation, you will always be naysayer...

  • @kendrobeast Dude. Hitch critiques are always backed up. I'm going to come back later and show you how ridiculous Christianity is just like @luvthyyneighbor . I'm going to text you after i go for a walk. And you too @SkrrrtKing . P.S. if you're only here to say you respect people's opinions then you're (no offence intended) useless on this topic

  • @how-to-make-a hell naw nigga, I would never respect someone's opnion, I'm not sayin that I'll never say that

  • @skrrrtking dude. Cursing and saying nigga, fuck... does not make you sound older and mature. It makes you sound like a 13 year old who's trying to sound older and mature. Older and mature people actually use curse words in appropriate situations and not saying nigga while talking about (Christianity) which is the major reason for why slavery existed in the u.s. for a long time and therefore a lot of racism and prejudice too. What you're saying isn't vary intelligent

  • never was and never will Islam be a terror religion. Fools claiming to be Muslims just hide behind the great name and shed it in blood...

  • @loren9 hahaha. Good one

  • @loren9 spend 2h reading through this topic and you'll change your opinion in no time

  • @kendrobeast and here's everything you need to know about mother teresa so that you stop being angry at the genius of hitch.
