• I met a guy 6years ago and we started dating lat year base on mutual feelings, but the level of communication is poor and he doesn't give me enough attention, he only communicate with me whenever he feels like. And whenever i address this issue he will start apologizing saying i should calm down. we don't stay in the same state. This is really affecting because I feel neglected and less loved. I don't know what to do.

  • girl if you dont feel loved, theres only one answer. leave that relationship. may the best happen to you

  • if you tried communicating your needs, and he responded by apologizing and telling you to calm down. it seems to me that he is more focused on not having the ''issue'' than solving it. You can tell him that if he likes to be in a relationship with you he needs to communicate more. I don't see how you'd fix the problem any other way. perhaps you can try explaining that due to the distance, you'd like more attention and affection. just like you said here. and that his apology followed up by dismissing your emotions is making you feel more neglected and less loved. Perhaps he's apologizing because he sees you expressing your emotions to him as an accusation of wrongdoing. which logically makes his attitude more defensive and less engaging with what you said and how you feel. and more focused on avoiding blame. I don't know much of anything since I was not there and this is all the info I have. Take this advice with a grain of salt, everything will be fine. Maybe avoid words like always or sentences that start with you never this or that. and start by saying I feel this when you say that. hope this helps I'm sorry to hear you feel neglected. you deserve to be and feel loved.

  • @lolou22 thanks so much ๐Ÿ‘

  • @wura break up
