• Listen we all know that your hiding yourself with a fake smile
    Your in a tough situation i know that
    I once learned that the more you keep it in
    You will eventually pop like a balloon who cant hold it in anymore so you just bury yourself with
    Homework chores and errands while trying to forget what happened to you
    But later on you will explode knowing that the trauma you have suffered is still there at the back of your mind the pressure that awaits you
    You are scared that poeple wont like you...
    Well you should love yourself more..
    While being the person i am right now i know that i will lose my sanity as a nice calm person here poeple has their limits like me and you poeple you try so hard to keep it in
    Until...you cant anymore...
    You try to look happy for everyone

    You try to be nice so they will be happy
    You tell them not to worry since you dont want them to suffer with you

    Yet they will never find you enough...

    I know that this isn't about me but you can trust me since i have all gone through this i know well that you relate to this if you want to talk to me ill definitely be interested just chat me its free for you

  • Hello, I am new for this platform. Someone who can help me?

  • @Kinfe-G said in Lets talk about you shall we?:

    Hello, I am new for this platform. Someone who can help me?

    Yes of course just ask me anything πŸ˜‰

  • Yes I will do

  • @λ‚˜λŠ”_μ£½μ—ˆλ‹€ Hello there...
    All that you wrote above... It suits almost all of us... And I'm no exception. But worse. I finally lost myself. Instead of doing things because I wanted, I do them because I have to. And to avoid showing emotions, I barricaded from everyone, even from my very own parents. I can take on all the shit that life throws at me, but I don't know if I'll last that long. Hell, I even got no shoulder to cry on just because I'm a man. To make matters worse, I have a mental ilness (Asperger's syndrome) and guess what? People are angry - no, they are mad at me because I don't act like a normal person.
    Just please help. It's ok if you ignore too.