• Just today i saw a news which was super horrifying to me and probably to everyone who heard about it.
    A muslim guy was dating a hindu girl and they were having a live-in relationship. Just because they had a quarrel about marriage , The guy murdered the girl and chopped her into 35 pieces and stored them in a 300 litre fridge. Day by day bought and kept fragrances and such stuff to keep away the smell of the body parts and kept throwing them into the nearby jungle.
    It feels very insecure and powerless to think about it. There have been so many cases which are horrible. like Nirbhaya case , acid cases and such.
    Trust these days are hard to earn indeed but i think more important and hard to who to be trusted. Even while going anywhere alone or anything , people are not safe anywhere. And its even harder to believe how such crimes are even commited. Literally so sooo brutal. But its also on the part of person how they handle strangers and whether or not they should be trusted otherwise its all in your hands that you're giving a privacy of your life to someone who you have no idea about.
    There are channels on TVs too like Crime Patrol and Saavdhan India (Be alert India) to keep you aware of such things but it always made me and my friends instead more afraid lol.
    One cannot stay at home for their entire life , everyone needs to go out and live and do their work but such things make it hard to even enjoy normal life.
    Sad thing is , it hasnt been changed much otherwise such things wouldnt happen so much. Even women are against women sometimes so what to cooperate about it?
    How do you think one should handle it or work it out , does it bother you too? And how do you think such bastards should be punished or killed for what they deserve.

  • @Aimee Yeah don't watch Dahmer on Netflix lol.... and it isn't all man on woman violence its man on man ( like Dahmer) and woman on woman too. Its sad but you just have to be smart and trust instincts about people that have red flags....

  • @Janet I havent yet. altho those are series which idk might real or not but they dont scare me as much as these news does. and the news said that this muslim guy actually got the idea of chopping the girl by the movie 'Dexter'

  • @Aimee said in Felony , Criminology , DANGER!:

    @Janet I havent yet. altho those are series which idk might real or not but they dont scare me as much as these news does. and the news said that this muslim guy actually got the idea of chopping the girl by the movie 'Dexter'

    Jeffrey Dahmer was very real as are many serial killers in the US and around the world. I don't recommend you watching the Netflix series... read about him first maybe then decide.

  • @Janet I lost my access to it cuz my sis's friend screens are full either way 😭 i had to with Lucifer series and TVD! but yeah , Thanks Jan!!!!! youre my greeeeen flag , always keeping me alert and safe! <3 hehe
