to those that watch kdramas.... i need some recs

  • soo basically i need some recommendations. im up for all genres apart from historical

    some recent kdramas ive seen is vagabond, business proposal, sweet home.

    i am gonna start big mouth tho soon

  • If you want something to make u ball ur eyes out I suggest tomorrow. its an amazing shows and really touches upon tough topic. For comedy Welcome to Waikiki is an easy show to watch it gives off the same vibes as friends (I find it funnier tho), I only watched the first season because in second season the characters change expect one. For more romance dramas and if your into love triangles hometown cha cha cha, and our beloved summer as pretty good (won't suffer from second male syndrome that much). Run on doesn't have much of a plot line but its a comfort show. OHHH how can I forget about weightlifting Kim Bok jooo and strong girl do bong soon THEY ARE LITERALLY THE CUTEST KDRAMAS EVER!! with the greenest flag male lead. Also if ur into crime/ mystery flower of evil is pretty good and juvenile justice. My favorite kdrama is circle: two worlds apart its underrated but has the best plot twist and mystery, I was confused half of the time but I couldn't stop watching. If you want to know more of a specific show lmk.
    (sorry for typing a lot I just really love kdramas)

  • @mariam__123 noo dont apologise, tysm so responding
    so i have watched strong girl do bong soon and tomorrow, they were both soo gooddd.
    i like watching action dramas mainly - best being taxi driver
    zombie dramas are soooo good too - happiness and sweet home
    i have started flower of evil but the site i was watching it from was slow and laggy (which doesn't usually happen) so i kinda dropped it, even tho it was kinda interesting

  • I want to watch sweet home and happiness so bad but for some reason I just can't bring myself to watch it. Which one should I start with?
    Flower of evil is on Netflix, but if you want a free website kissasia is pretty good. and if you like the vibe of flower of evil many would also recommend watch the devil's judge and mouse ( I didn't watch them tho)
    Also im currently watching our blues it seems like it could be my future comfort show.
    I think you watched many kdrama's too which ones would you recommend for me?
