• The first reason for prohibiting adoption: Knowing that the adopted child at one time does not belong to this family may provoke in himself disturbed feelings towards one of the family members, such as greed, sexual lust, vacancy by not belonging, and insincere feelings towards them... Second: The right of children and relatives from one blood to the full inheritance without the entry of another person who belongs to another family, so he takes a share of the inheritance that is not his right in the first place, and the right of the adopted child to inherit from the families of his original parents, so no one from that family takes his share. Third: Encouraging reckless individuals in society to engage in multiple sexual relationships without fear of pregnancy and childbearing, and throwing children at the doors of monasteries, temples or streets, out of the hope of the communityโ€™s emphatic mercy on an innocent child and evading their responsibility towards him. Fourth: Causing psychological or emotional trauma to the adopted child which leads to undesirable results such as a feeling of lack of confidence or lack of desire for emotional connection in the future or the desire to search for his real family and leave the family that adopted him, causing great psychological harm to one of its parties, or the desire By taking revenge on one of the two families, especially the real family, or not accepting and hating himself, and entering into a dangerous psychological state that may lead to harming himself or harming a member of the community. NOTE : This topic has a lot of branches to consider .. but those are the Main reasons .

  • Only four reasons? I could rattle off a dozen positive points in favour of adoption without trying, but I reckon it's safe to assume you're approaching this topic from another place of preaching and inflexibility where you won't even consider anybody's position that doesn't fit with your own.

    So I'm going to save myself some time and energy, pretend I've already done the banging my head against a wall bit (saved myself that too and kept my peace), and imagine we've skipped straight to the part where you tell me to fuck off.

    Oh! See, I've saved you some time and effort too!! You're welcome!! This could actually work, it's amazingly efficient... ๐Ÿค”

  • @Matt_Aranha
    It is the religious based laws that his country has (at least what I understood). And no, TM is not gonna tell you to go F your self :P.

  • @matt_aranha It's ok my friend me and my humble religion choose this 4 only which they are more then enough ( with their branches) ๐Ÿ˜Š . I would not tell you to fuck off ... but it's pretty expected from a person who support drug uses without doctor's perscription to say this ! I bet on my life that if I choose a topic advicing women for example to not be prostitutes , you would have objection lol . ๐Ÿ˜

  • @mylifebelongs Come tonight tell me about ether and from where she is ? Who are her friends etc.. I'm curious abt it tbh lol You are above such silly religious topics leave it bro ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • @mylifebelongs said in Why is adoption prohibited ...:

    And no, TM is not gonna tell you to go F your self :P.

    I think you'll find that telling me to fuck off is exactly what he did a day or two ago ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • @matt_aranha "Can you please take that dick out of our throats now?" OOH SAYS THE RESPECTFUL DUDE AROUND HERE

  • @tm like raising your biological children, adoption is also a gamble; which, of course, depends on the child's age, background and the adoptive family's economical disposition and intention towards the kid, and many other factors... It could be successful as it could go wrong.

    Personally, I would adopt a child if I was super economically stable, but I'd ask for the kid to undergo several tests or a research about his/her previous life experience. It's not about just deciding you want to adopt to help and that's it, a person has to consider their parenting capabilities and if they could deal with a kid with, who knows, previous trauma or a disability.

    About the legal side of things, yeah I get it can be complicated with the partition of family goods, but that depends... Again, it's all a gamble xd

  • @danii Respectful pov of yours ๐Ÿ˜Š . Yet still debatable as we dive deeper into it .

  • @mylifebelongs I always face the same problem with many of the people I discuss in a particular case, which is his resorting to giving examples that prove the opposite of what I have presented of the precise and clear constants .. thinking that the existence of a successful exception confirms the failure of the claim that I made and the evidence and arguments I presented .. In short, all This is the result of the inability to differentiate between the general rule and the occasional exceptions.
