• I know that this news will make you all happy, and I know that many of you have been waiting for it for a long time .. But I was always looking for a new hope that would keep me here with you, as if I was accepted by you as a distant friend or partner in your dialogues, but this did not work, and I do not think that it will succeed in The future, I am an eccentric person who does not combine between me and anyone I have met in my life common points that allow the continuation of communication or any mutual feelings ... Also, the intellectual differences between me and those I meet are always large and deep, which leads to the failure of communication. For these reasons and many other reasons that I did not mention, I decided to leave this site and return to my private life, away from social communication, in order to find what I miss in terms of calm and serenity, getting closer to God, practicing my hobbies, and rethinking myself, my future and my life in general. Therefore, before I left, I wanted to apologize to everyone I communicated with here and felt uncomfortable with me and my presence, and I apologize for every bad word I said to anyone here, intentionally or unintentionally. Or represent my personality, as I insulted myself before I insulted you by just accepting it .. But I was somewhat defensive, offensive and responsive to my emotions and anger in many times to protect my dignity, my thoughts and my beliefs from some of the abuses, mockery, contempt, provocations and lack of appreciation that you mentioned or alluded to. This, too, should never represent you.. Therefore, I advise each of you who reads this publication to reconsider the depths of himself and review the study of his actions and refine his words and behavior and improve his vision of humans in general so that he does not fall into emotional or intellectual clashes that lead to harm to one of the parties, so he feels With regret or resentment after that.. I wish you all (even those who hate me) success, psychological stability and peace. Thank you for all the good times, albeit few, that I spent with you. Thank you ā¤

  • @tm ):
    that's sadddddddddd
    it's gonna feel like something's missing from TWS
    because you actually are a prominent part of this site
    and you'll be missed even though I haven't talked to you that much but I just know you're a really nice person and yeah you'll be missed.

    I hate it when someone I actually like leaves :/

    good luck with your future.

  • Rip. TWS just lost its smartest user ever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  • @tm it's the best decision you had made, if this site didn't give you what you were looking for.

  • Hello,

    hopefully, I'm responding to the person I have in mind.
    After a while, your trolling seemed just an act. The general impression you left on me is not of an unpleasant person.
    Maybe this role is now confining to you, and that is kind of great.
    I'm not sure what you meant by 'distant' friend, but I would be glad to try and be a remote one to you.



  • Goodbye my friend;

    Inna ma al usri usra,


  • @linear Thank you šŸ¤ . Im not sure if i will ever return but at the present time it's best for me to take a long break ... I will reconsider returning back someday .

  • @wtfjudith What a sarcastic way to say " The dumbest user ever left " ! Thank u anyways for writing this SMART reply on my leave šŸ™‚

  • @danii Yeah Ikr , But I may return someday just thinking abt it .

  • @peek_a_boo What " Usr" are u talking abt ?

  • @notaliza No Im not prominent or anything .. thank u cz ur nice 2 šŸ˜‡
