• Agreed that it should be free of speech as long as things doesn't get too personal. If you feel someone has been seriously disrespectful to you, then you should only address that one person instead of ruining your relationship with other users...?

  • @the-mods said in TM Opinion about TWS .:

    We share this site with a clear difference in views, opinions, ideas, beliefs, affiliations, tastes, behavioral and environmental background. Therefore, if we want to achieve a good social networking experience between us, the administrators of this site must commit to setting a standard for accepting and rejecting the content presented, and more important than just setting the system is to actually implement it and not apply parts of it with bias. For example: if the manager hates black people, then this is his special matter, but he should never see the issue of dealing with black people with contempt or mockery as a justified matter, and not to issue a warning to those who do that and prevent him from doing so.. And if the manager is an atheist or not religious, then this also is not an excuse to allow others or himself to insult the religious beliefs of others on a pretext or create excuses for them, such as saying “this is a joke” or “this is personal freedom” or then (within the same context) if he and those who stand by him must accept the insult. Likewise, under the pretext of "this is personal freedom". So logically, if you want to reach this bad level of communication, let the arena be open to everyone who is verbally insulting the other, or apply the law on everyone by obligating everyone to respect everything that the common deems worthy of respect, such as homeland, religion, outward appearance, thought, taste, opinion, etc... .

    Who attacked you TM ?

  • my brother in christ everyone is atheist to you as long as you're muslim thus anyone who's atheist to you automatically deserves to be killed, so what are you butthurt about in general here in the chat ? someone mocked your religion ?

  • @lake-bodom This is a wrong claim ! I DON'T CARE IF SOMEONE IS ATHEIST MY COUSIN IS AN ATHEIST AND HE'S MY FRIEND BUT AT LEAST HE KNOWS HOW TO RESPECT ME AND MY RELIGION .. btw i'm not butthurt or anything stop barking and repeating the same stupid shit Dog . 😏

  • @ashish_ No one attacked me but there always been a misunderstanding so I felt like clearing it by posting this ...

  • @danii Agreed and so It will be . 🤝

  • @the-mods said in TM Opinion about TWS .:

    @ashish_ No one attacked me but there always been a misunderstanding so I felt like clearing it by posting this ...

    Jokes on religion can go too far sometimes here but again that's the nature of internet. You gotta cope as you can't change someone here.

  • @ashish_ It's ok if the jokes are allowed freely maybe I find mentioning someone's gf or mom or work or music in a sarcastic or offensive way a " joke " , is this accepted ? For me It's not but since some people see joking on religions funny and not offensive , I find different things funny too in return 🤷‍♂️ maybe I love my " prophet" more than my gf or mom who have the right to control my emotions or beliefs etc ?? No one !! . So as a conclusion we get this equation : Attacking someone religion or country or race or family or him personaly = Prepare yourself to be attacked with anything the other find funny or worth attacking , Or be respectful and flag those who do so , or ignore if u can and want . I as a user pick the eye for an eye response .. 😅

  • @the-mods said in TM Opinion about TWS .:

    @ashish_ It's ok if the jokes are allowed freely maybe I find mentioning someone's gf or mom or work or music in a sarcastic or offensive way a " joke " , is this accepted ? For me It's not but since some people see joking on religions funny and not offensive , I find different things funny too in return 🤷‍♂️ maybe I love my " prophet" more than my gf or mom who have the right to control my emotions or beliefs etc ?? No one !! . So as a conclusion we get this equation : Attacking someone religion or country or race or family or him personaly = Prepare yourself to be attacked with anything the other find funny or worth attacking , Or be respectful and flag those who do so , or ignore if u can and want . I as a user pick the eye for an eye response .. 😅

    You already know what to do and that is what I meant by you gotta cope with it.

  • @the-mods so what's this about then ? why this post

  • @lake-bodom It's a reminder to those saying I'm being sensitive or agressive that I don't act blindly but react most of the times as freely as the others do since the rules are broken most of the times , I'm claiming my right to react accordingly when felt offended or otherwise the moderators shall put restrictions and take actions towards any offensive action in chat such as memes against anyone's religion so that I won't react to It also aggressively and things go on and on then afterwards users start cursing on me totally ignoring the causes behind it ..

  • @the-mods perhaps we can try to have a good control first. By starting insult someone's curiosity or question, you perhaps set a fire to do something you never imagine.

    I dont want to say they are all same, but we can have such examples like the time when DaNii and Anna asked about Islam and you insulted them? Why the hell you do that? 🤔

    Just because they have knowledge about it, instead of insulting, you perhaps can make them understand your point. I had such disagreements too about your statements, but that time i was kind of IDGAF person.

  • @whatasimp18 Because I knew danii is not interested in knowing islam but rather wanted to make a point against it and I knew google exist! the question she asked is answered on the internet she just wanted to embaress me lol

  • @the-mods she never had such kind of intentions as far as i know DaNii since i first met her. She is curious about Islam, there was no intentions to do your "false accusations" based on your judgement.

    You perhaps had no experience but she was in details, ask about "fasting, praying, how come muslim cope with that regulations, the reasons we dont eat pork, or even why a man shall be circumcised (she asked it to Zoob) that time. There is no need to be like that if you disliked that kind of questions. You can move away, rather than you insult her 😂

    I want to say, i dislike it. DaNii is not a muslim, you shall not do that to her.

  • @whatasimp18 Bro as far as I know DaNii she's a smart girl not dumb , she said " In your holy papers " from what I understand and know we say " scriptures " or " holy book " Ive seen it mockery from what I know moreover her question was about the return of jesus I guess 🤔 .. there is not 1 single verse in Quran talking abt that but only In some hadiths and islamic books and I said that to her but all she was trying to prove is that muslims believe that jesus is the savior not muhammad and that's silly cz Jesus in our religion is a muslim like all prophets , 2nd No verse mentions he or other prophet will return 3rd She could have searched the Internet if she's interested in any religion and she could have read hundreds of articles available and books and stuff .. you know what I mean ?

  • @the-mods said in TM Opinion about TWS .:

    @whatasimp18 Bro as far as I know DaNii she's a smart girl not dumb ,

    True, she is smart af. She even speaks gibberish which i never learned before

    She said " In your holy papers " from what I understand and know we say " scriptures " or " holy book " Ive seen it mockery from what I know moreover her question was about the return of jesus I guess 🤔 ..

    Mockery? As if what? Why do you feel it is mocked you? She just tried to make such statements, you can directly argue her if you think it is not proper.

    there is not 1 single verse in Quran talking abt that but only In some hadiths and islamic books and I said that to her but all she was trying to prove is that muslims believe that jesus is the savior not muhammad and that's silly cz Jesus in our religion is a muslim like all prophets , 2nd No verse mentions he or other prophet will return 3rd She could have searched the Internet if she's interested in any religion and she could have read hundreds of articles available and books and stuff .. you know what I mean ?

    Do you think she knows about Quran and Hadith the way we do? Like we learn that religion since we were born, we grew up with it, we knew all of stories of those things. She is fucking clueless, you just try to debate and be "harsh" to her in the way i think it is unnice and unwise. She perhaps can read it online like you said, but who the fuck will verify that kind of words/statements? You? Huh? Who?

  • @the-mods you got hurt from a simple insult? grow up boi

  • @the-mods shut up you all. Let's convert to islam

  • Banned

    when it's users like you who gang up with moderators like jess, to create insult, racism, apology of suicide, that's here it becomes the most embarrassing.

  • @the-mods says who? You're just too predisposed to be attacked, you were defensive at that moment. Just because I don't revere something like you do doesn't mean I'm offending it, and you could've just not answered if you thought those were my intentions and that's it. Nivby answered something, and you said it wasn't rights...so yeah i wanted your opinions, but since saying "holy papers" instead of Quran is soooooo damn islamophobic. XD you need to relax and stop making up devil's that aren't there.