lets all convert to hinduism

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  • @Saar said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    @Zack-Williamson said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    Higher percentage of people ?
    That study which you did read, concluded only 20-30% belonged to high ranks.

    Higher percentage of cruel people. Almost all South Asian groups have Indo-european admixture. So most/all groups will have cruel people more or less. But groups with higher Indo-european admixture will have higher percentage of malicious people.

    As I have said, I would grant the former for once yet you can’t prove the latter. I would show you why you can’t prove it.

    Could you please give me a source for “higher frequency of Indo-European steppe-related genes cause cruelty, war-like behavior and violence” ?

    Such studies can be a bit difficult to be conducted due to cancel culture and political correctness. But we can know that by following the scientific method:

    Eh ? Scientific method is not based on cherry-picking fallacy in which a guy judges the all cherries of a tree after eating just a sour cherry of it and then he blames on all cherries to be completely sour. Also, one more time, I ask for the evidence that is enough for backing up your points. Arguments from ignorance are not worth to discuss.

    1. Most aggressive people in this website, discord and the Internet in general have high to medium Indo-european admixture:
    • A Flemish Belgian in this website regularly attacks, insults & bullies people, says extreme sexual things to women in an aggressive manner, supports genocide, wants another holocaust to kill immigrants, occasionally unprovokedly compares people of certain racial group to monkeys and slaves. Ethnic Flemish Beligians tend to have high Indo-European admixture.

    Lmfao. I am laughing so hard. You can’t compare two behaviours- 1. online 2.irl. People tend to be very diff from irl here. Second, online jokes or aggression cannot hurt people. It cannot go through the screen. Third, what looks aggressive to you, looks funny to me. Fourth and the most important, you left 2317923 to 3476885 Belgians (20-30% of whole population). 20 to 30 percent was the average of higher caste group in the study. 1 man represents 000043142% of higher castes among Belgians. Nice cherry picking fallacy.

    • A Gujarati Yadav in this website(and discord) supports genocide against certain religious groups in a Nazi style, insults people, talk about fucking people's mothers, upvotes aggressive memes(that support ethnoreligious genocide) on discord sent by other North Indians in this site that supports genocide. He unprovokedly compared certain racial group to monkeys. There are other North Indians(from Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand etc) and at least 1 Pakistani Punjabi who do similar things and upvotes aggressive contents in this website. North Indians on average have 15% Indo-European admixture.

    Do only 2 guys represent more than 450 million indians ? Cherry picking fallacy again.

    • A White American man took great pride in destroying countries that criticizes USA and wanted to destroy Japan again. Another white American man regularly says sexual things to random women and talks about fucking people's moms. A White American woman took pride in eliminating Native Americans. A White American girl used to racially insult people. A well behaved nice white american girl compared certain racial group to slaves. A White American boy in this site regularly spammed memes supporting harming & killing people of other groups. White Americans have high Indo-European admixture. Interestingly, a well-behaved White-passing American woman has non-European Jewish admixture.
    • An aggressive White Brazilian who indulged in namecalling(sometimes racial) regularly fetishized East Asian women in presence of East Asians. White Brazilians have significant Indo-European admixture. A probable White Australian did similar things.
      *An Iranian guy here was reported to say extreme sexual things against women. Iranians have significant Indo-European admixture.
    • A Western French-speaking Black guy fetishized White women and said extreme sexual things. There was an aggressive irrational African American girl who showed anger. Western(and American) Blacks are heavily mixed with whites and they have Indo-European admixture. We don't see unadmixed Africans behave this way.
    • A very irrational Moroccan regularly supports genocide(sometimes against his own group), mocks facial features of certain racial group, gets provoked easily and talks about rape. Moroccans probably can have upto 20% Indo-European admixture but not necessarily.
    • An ethnic French guy here regularly threatens women/people's moms with rape and murder. Ethnic French have significant Indo-European admixture.

    Your above points can be summarised in the following fallacious argument-
    Premise 1- Zack studied in Saint Paul’s school.
    Premise 2- Zack is very aggresive.
    Conclusion- Saint Paul’s shool is very aggresive.

    However, there are 7.5k other students who studied in saint paul’s school and you cannot judge whole school on the basis of merely a student's behaviour.

    • People in this website who said that they would rather be evil than good were disproportionately of high Indo-european admixture.
    • There are too many other examples to be mentioned. But people who tend to say and upvote aggressive contents have significant Indo-European admixture like North Indians, Pakistanis, Pashtuns, Germans, Portuguese, Britons etc. Similar phenomena can be seen throughout the Internet.

    I too have so many examples to counter you. I have observed the behaviour of my Dutch, Russians, Danish, Romanians, Germans, Pakistanis, N indians, Japanese friends. Their behaviour is enormously opposite.

    There are too many other examples which can be mentioned to counter your personal experience. Thus, I would quote wikipedia for your further faulty generilasation which is irrational-

    Hasty generalization is the fallacy of examining just one or very few examples or studying a single case and generalizing that to be representative of the whole class of objects or phenomena.

    Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faulty_generalization

    1. We don't see South Indians online behaving in such an irrational, angry and aggressive way like North Indians do.

    I don't judge anyone by their online behaviour. You need to research about this topic.

    7 reasons why north Indians are more aggressive than S Indians irl.

    1. Higher population- The higher the population of a region is, the more crimes one region has.
    2. More unemployment
    3. Poverty
    4. Weaker law inforcement
    5. Misguided morality in some cases.
    6. Political Involvement/ protection
    7. More illiteracy

    South Indians on average have only 5% Indo-european admixture. South Indians irl are also stereotyped to be gentle and effeminate and North Indians are stereotyped to be aggressive. Stereotypes develop from statistics.

    Yes. Stereotypes have a reason which is jumping to the conclusion while believing in them. They are not developed from statistics. Use Bayesian theorem which is really developed from statistics.

    1. Pakistanis have the highest average Indo-European admixture in South Asia. Pakistanis have on average 20% Indo-european admixture. Some Pakistani groups have much more Indo-european admixture and some have less. Pakistanis are the most aggressive South Asians. Pakistanis immigrants are over-represented in crimes like rape. Some Pakistani Pashtuns who have high Indo-european admixture(at least 30%) and Pakistani Punjabi Rajputs are responsible for genocide.

    Pakistanis are not the most aggressive South Asians. South Asia consists of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, SL. The crime index of Afghanistan is the highest in Asia. Check the crime index of Asia yourself-


    alt text

    The burden of proof lies on someone who makes a claim. Do not try to make a claim if you can cite none proof whatsoever.

    1. An imperfect but significant study by Richard Lynn showed that British South Asians and White Europeans are extremely similar in terms of psychopathic behaviour. Too many British South Asians are Pakistanis(who have much higher crime rate than other South Asians).

    Get your facts correct. You can check the map which I ssed from above source. Pakistanis have almost equal crime rate to other South Asian countries except Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

    I just went to more reliable website- Wikipedia. Murder rate in Afghanistan is 6.7 while the murder rate in Pakistan is just 3.9.
    alt text
    vs Pakistan
    alt text

    Of the South Asian groups, Pakistanis have on average 20%, North Indians have on average 15%, Bengalis and Biharis have on average 13%, South Indians have on average 5% Indo-European admixture.

    1. Europe is believed to be a peaceful place before Indo-Europeans migrated and mixed with native Europeans.

    The similarity between bone-structures has nothing to do with race or their origins.

    Yes but there is a very significant correlation.

    The order of your arguments is incorrect.

    Upper caste people have brutally persecuted lower caste people for thousands of years. Upper caste people tend to have higher Indo-european admixture and lower caste people tend to have lower Indo-european admixture. North Indian Dalits have 10% Indo-european admixture whereas South Indian Dalits have 0% Indo-european admixture. North Indian Brahmins have 30% Indo-european admixture. South Indian Brahmins tend to have 15-20% Indo-european admixture

    Europe is believed to be a peaceful place before Indo-Europeans migrated and mixed with native Europeans.

    When did they migrate, according to you ?

    Aryans were never outsiders. The term Aryan belonged to the group of people who used to be Indo-iranians.

    Aryan or Arya (/ˈɛəriən/;[1] Indo-Iranian *arya) is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times, in contrast to the nearby outsiders known as 'non-Aryan' (*an-arya). In Ancient India, the term ā́rya was used by the Indo-Aryan speakers of the Vedic period as an endonym (self-designation) and in reference to a region known as Āryāvarta ('abode of the Aryas'), where the Indo-Aryan culture emerged.

    If you ignore this evidence one more time, I am not going to reply you anymore because I argue with someone who shows me the evidence and does not ignore the facts which are backed up very well..

    Aryan or Arya (/ˈɛəriən/;[1] Indo-Iranian *arya) is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times, in contrast to the nearby outsiders known as 'non-Aryan' (*an-arya)

    Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan#:~:text=Aryan or Arya (%2Fˈɛər,' (*an-arya).

    To prove something true, you need reasonable arguments and true conclusion which you are lacking of. It looks like to me that I am arguing with William Lane Craig 2.0 who ignores the evidence and presents his speculations and fallacies with his thousand assertions and personal subjective experiences.

    Conclusion - The Caucasian race is considered as not-proved theory now

    The term "West Eurasian" has replaced "Caucasian"

    The term Caucasian includes modern and ancient populations of W Asia, Horn of Africa, N Africa, S Asia, C Asia & Europe. Thus, the obsoleted historical classification of races throw your argument out the window.

    P.s. Idk when you replied to me. I was not even notified. I was going through old posts and I found it manually. Tws has so many bugs.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Saar said in lets all convert to hinduism:


    Eh ? Scientific method is not based on cherry-picking fallacy

    They were not cherrypicked

    They are cherry picked. If you don’t think you cherry-picked them, you can meet the persons whom I know. They are way better than what you have stereotyped about them.You can meet with a Pakistani Punjabi and N indian Yadav. They are my friends.

    You can’t compare two behaviours- 1. online 2.irl. People tend to be very diff from irl here.

    Observing online behaviour is perfect for comparison because different people and groups behave entirely different online

    than real life

    Since I don’t have the privilege to study real life behaviours,

    Yet you are arguing with a person whose rudimentary argument was relevant to only real life.

    I have no other way but to study online behaviours.

    You brought the point of online behaviour. I did not.

    Online behaviours can represent to some extent who a person really is.

    My 19 friends are situated around me atm. 19/19 = 100% act v diff irl from how they behave online.

    Second, online jokes or aggression cannot hurt people. It cannot go through the screen.

    Agreed but it is important for understanding the differences in behaviour.

    A study on 10-20 people does not prove anything because it is v limited.

    Third, what looks aggressive to you, looks funny to me.

    I often find them funny as well but rape,genocide,murder,abuse etc are aggressive by definition as they involve aggression whether they are funny or not.

    Then try to change your previous posts which encourage others to complain about their online butthurt. Those who think online murders, rapes and genocide are funny would never call accused stupid. Why would you call someone stupid when you are unaffected in the first place ? TLDR: you lied.

    Fourth and the most important, you left 2317923 to 3476885 Belgians (20-30% of whole population). 20 to 30 percent was the average of higher caste group in the study. 1 man represents 000043142% of higher castes among Belgians. Nice cherry picking fallacy.

    You have to make full use of the sample. The sample is not cherry-picked. It includes any person from a particular group whose behaviour is observable So we have to rely on as much data we get. We never see unadmixed East Asians behaving the way the way West Eurasians(or people who are mixed with them) behave.

    Your sample is indeed cherry picked because 1. it leaves more than 99.99% people of the same group. 2. You failed to acknowledge one person’s good deeds. Your study is not even conducted on 1k and that too they are selectively chosen by you.

    Do only 2 guys represent more than 450 million indians ? Cherry picking fallacy again.

    No. I just gave 2 examples as there are too many other examples to be mentioned. I am mainly talking about males(not females). Based on my observation, extremely high percentage(sometimes even more than 50%) of people of certain ethnicities behave very aggressively and these people mostly come from high socio-economic background. So environment doesn’t play a bigger role here. Genetic differences are the reason as we see different groups behaving entirely differently.

    Then mention every Gujarati Yadav. You don’t even have data of all located Yadavs in Gujarat, India.

    Could you mention every single username of them ? Who did what ?

    Personal experience does not matter because a person can have a cognitive bias already.

    My personal experience on social networking sites differ from you anyways


    India is genetically diverse. So different groups will behave differently

    Your above points can be summarised in the following fallacious argument-
    Premise 1- Zack studied in Saint Paul’s school.
    Premise 2- Zack is very aggresive.
    Conclusion- Saint Paul’s shool is very aggresive.
    However, there are 7.5k other students who studied in saint paul’s school and you cannot judge whole school on the basis of merely a student's behaviour.
    No, my observation is entirely based on the sample. If I notice that 50% of the sample is behaving certain way then it is scientific to generalize that group.

    Hasty generalisation

    I too have so many examples to counter you. I have observed the behaviour of my Dutch, Russians, Danish, Romanians, Germans, Pakistanis, N indians, Japanese friends. Their behaviour is enormously opposite.

    Percentage and nuances of behaviour matter and genetic diversity is present even within a homogenous group.
    Why did you include Japanese btw? They are relatively unadmixed East Asians.

    There are too many other examples which can be mentioned to counter your personal experience. Thus, I would quote wikipedia for your further faulty generilasation which is irrational-

    I occasionally edit Wikipedia. Wikipedia is good for quick information but not for in-depth analysis

    Could you show me an ss when you edited it ? Have they ever accepted a single edition without 3-4 other sources ? Wikipedia is good for in-depth analysis too.

    I challenge you to edit the article ‘indo-European language with your personal experience of TWS and discord.

    I don't judge anyone by their online behaviour. You need to research about this topic.

    Online behaviour is part of real behaviour.

    People behave differently irl because they are aware of consequences.

    My friends and me behave diff irl because of something else.

    7 reasons why north Indians are more aggressive than S Indians irl.

    Prolly right to some extent. But aggression doesn’t only include higher crime rates. It also includes what people do and say and their actions must be observable for studying their behaviour.

    Pakistanis are not the most aggressive South Asians. South Asia consists of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, SL. The crime index of Afghanistan is the highest in Asia. Check the crime index of Asia yourself-
    Get your facts correct. You can check the map which I ssed from above source. Pakistanis have almost equal crime rate to other South Asian countries except Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

    I didn’t include Afghanistan because many consider it as Central Asian instead of South Asian.

    South Asia is the southern region of Asia, which is defined in both geographical and ethno-cultural terms. The region consists of the countries of Afghanistan[note 2], Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

    Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia

    Afghan Pashtuns have around 30% Indo-European admixture(Yamnaya) which is much higher

    There is a difference between have and may have. Second, argument from ignorance lacks evidence

    Proto-Celtic and Proto-Italic may have developed from Indo-European languages coming from Central Europe to Western Europe after the 3rd millennium BCE Yamnaya migrations into the Danube Valley

    Source- your article

    than the Pakistani average(20%). So even if u include Afghanistan, my point stands. And Bangladeshis on average have 13% Indo-European admixture which is significant on a population level but they also have 15% Eastern Asian admixture.

    Since when 13% is more than 20% though ?

    Also, Pakistani grooming gangs...

    Crime includes non-aggressive crimes like stealing,drug-dealing,fraud,illegal immigration,tax evasion etc.:
    But still, crime reports support that Pakistan(unless you consider Afghanistan as South Asian) is more crime-ridden(which largely includes non-aggressive crimes) than other South Asian countries: https://ocindex.net/rankings

    Also, crime rates are artificially higher in some places simply due to more reporting of crimes. Example:

    Are you debating with me in 2012 or 2022 ? Second. the website has not provided any reference to me to check whether it stated statistics true or not. It is not an encyclopedia either

    still, unless you include Afghanistan, Pakistan has the highest homicide rate and Madives has the lowest in South Asia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate
    Web capture_10-5-2022_121615_en.wikipedia.org.jpeg
    So there is a good correlation between having Indo-European admixture and homicide rate and also criminality even if we assume that the crime rates are not simply higher due to more reporting of crimes

    Arguing over one country is really nice but it is another cherry picking fallacy to leave other countries lol

    You failed to acknowledge african countries which have 10x more homicide rates than Pakistan,

    Wherever Muslims reside, the crime rates will always increase. They are fanatics and do not tolerate anything against their religion and PBUH MUHAMMAD

    Aggression doesn’t only include higher crime rates. It also includes what people do and say.

    Then you need to cite everything they say. You should not cite something which you like only. Nor should you cite something which they say on this website or discord only. What they say on whole internet, must be noticed too.

    When did they migrate, according to you?


    Read the article carefully. None of them have a direct evidence of migrations. What we have is inferences which need a vast amount of evidence.

    alt text

    Based on data, archaeologists and population geneticists(e.g. Razib Khan) hypothesize that when Indo-Europeans warriors arrived they killed the local males and bred with the women.

    Argumentum ad speculum

    Warriors and rapists are aggressive and they gave birth to aggressive children. This can be a reason why populations with Indo-European admixture are often so aggressive.

    There is a significant diff between ‘can be’ and ‘is’. An argument from possibility cannot lead to confirmation. All other possibilities must be taken into account as well.

    Aryans were never outsiders. The term Aryan belonged to the group of people who used to be Indo-iranians.

    I never used the subjective term “Aryan”

    Aryan is not a subjective term. The Aryan term is related to migration.

    The term Caucasian includes modern and ancient populations of W Asia, Horn of Africa, N Africa, S Asia, C Asia & Europe. Thus, the obsoleted historical classification of races throw your argument out the window.

    Right, I should have used “West Eurasian” instead of the outdated term “Caucasoid”

    There are only 3 causes of hindu-muslim wars-
    1.Hindu political parties motivate hindus to do violence against muslims
    2. Economic& cultural factors
    3. Demographics
    Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Muslims_in_India#:~:text=against minority groups.-,Over 10%2C000 people have been killed in Hindu-Muslim communal,3%2C949 instances of mass violence.

    I feel so sorry to not find Craig 2.0's genetic diff in the above article

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Saar said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    Ppl can have multiple sides and behave differently in different situations

    Completely agreed

    I am not arguing

    What are you doing then ?

    U asked me for source. So I had to bring it up

    1. The definition of violence- : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy.
      Since you concede talking about rapes, murders, genocide cannot go through the screen, you cannot judge someone being violent because it lacks physical force

    2. When you talked about the poll, I should have mentioned one more poll in which the most TWSians affirmed that they belonged to Antarctica instead of Europe, USA, Asia or Africa. Would you ever believe 'the most TWSians that participated in a poll are Antarcticans ? If you don't believe in this statement, you won't believe in 'most upper caste guys voted for future evil deeds either.

    3. I cannot rape any women without tearing apart her clothes. I cannot murder anyone until I insert my knife or sword into his stomach. Both need physical force and touch in their definitions.

    4. You said Europe was peaceful before migration took place. Meanwhile other continents were also peaceful because war chariots and weapons were not invented till that time.

    it doesn’t mean that the way they act online is not representative of their mindset

    Can you ever check what ppl do say online, are exactly going to do irl ? You said you have hundred examples. Have you ever asked anyone of them about their irl behaviour ?

    Ppl do behave diff from irl here because - 1. They need privacy so that others won't know who they actually are. 2. ppl need freedom which they cannot obtain irl. E.g. Zack cannot call Muhammad a pedophile and Allah an ethnic cleanser in front of Muslims irl. If he does so, he will be killed in less than 5 minutes. Zack chooses to rationally argue and proves the statement true which he wanted to say from last 15 years to irl Muslims. Now, online Muslims cannot kill him. He has got freedom online. In contrast to A, B chooses the another way. He does not rationally argue. He becomes a troll to mock em all. 3. Ppl might be joking about anything. You will never know whether they are joking or serious. I.e. Living in Antarctica is joke or not- you won't know . They are either joking or hiding their privacy. Just because you don't have access to their real life facial expressions, you will never know the truth.

    Aggressive behaviour does not matter until it converts to violence. My dad owns a factory of clothes and he sells cheap and expensive cultural clothes. Meanwhile, he always convinces his customers to buy expensive clothes because the cheap clothes are defective and have poorer quality. Those who ignore his warnings, buy cheap clothes and a few of them also give death threats to him if he denies to replace them. He has got around 1.8k death threats in the span of 40 years yet he did not get a single scratch on his body by them.

    The greater the sample, the better

    yet it is limited

    just bcz I find some of them funny doesn’t mean I endorse it
    > Image

    How many people were chatting that time ? Do you know their ethnicity and castes ? What were their texts ? Why did you choose only one person selectively and left other persons which could be chosen randomly ?

    I have at least several hundred records from throughout the internet. Some groups are extremely overrepresented in certain types of aggressive statements. Some groups almost don’t say such stuffs. So these are statistically significant. If all groups were equally violent, all would behave the same way
    I have at least several hundred records

    You've at least several 100 hundred records that are chosen selectively like the above ss.

    We have to work on as much info we can collect

    I just collected them to present counter-argument. I did not collect them to help your hypothesis.

    Yes but I wont bcz I dont want to annoy and attack ppl

    It does not matter because I have argued v well against diff online and irl behaviour

    It matters for the person collecting data

    Did you mean an erroneous system pattern the cognitive bias matters that leads to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgement and illogical interpretation or utter irrationality for the person who is collecting data ?

    yes but if I do so, my personal account will be revealed lol

    You are lying. You don't have any account on Wikipedia.

    The question may arise how I knew you are lying.


    This is what I have brought from your posts. You are more proficient than an average image editor.

    You can edit an image v well. So, you could hide your username with a paint brush after capturing an ss of editing Wikipedia. You could scroll down a bit to conceal your username. But you did neither the former nor the latter.

    Yes, u don’t even need a single source to edit. Just open an account and try it yourself if u doubt me. Theres a lot of misinformation in Wikipedia as spreading misinformation on Wikipedia is very easy

    You did not read the content and guidelines of Wikipedia. You cannot write something which is cognitively biased or misinformation carried by zero evidence.

    alt text

    I am quoting the introduction to policies and guidelines which is located in how to make an edit section of Wikipedia

    Neutral point-of-view (or NPOV) means that content is written objectively and without bias, merely presenting the facts and notable viewpoints of others. A general-purpose encyclopedia ought not contain articles that favor particular viewpoints. Striving for a neutral point-of-view helps prevent articles from becoming advertisements or propaganda.

    Try it! Take a quiz on neutrality

    Verifiability means that articles should contain only material that has been published by reliable sources, such as reputable newspapers and scholarly journals. All content should ideally be supported by a citation, but content that is controversial or likely to be challenged will definitely require one! Unsourced material may be removed at any time, and it is the obligation of the editor adding material to provide a reliable source.

    No original research means that articles may not contain previously unpublished arguments, concepts, data, opinions, or theories. This prohibition means that Wikipedia editors' own analysis or synthesis should not be included in articles. Basically, Wikipedia is a record of human knowledge, viewpoints, and summaries that already exist and are expressed elsewhere.

    I have tried to edit it almost 5-6 years ago and it did not allow me because I lacked evidence. Thanks to the Roboform which saved my login credentials.

    source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Introduction_to_policies_and_guidelines/2

    Lol challenge not accepted and if I edit, my personal account will be revealed to u. but u can experiment on wikipedia

    The challenge is not accepted because you are lying.

    and if I edit, my personal account will be revealed to u. but u can experiment on wikipedia

    If you really cared about your privacy, you would also think about others' privacy. You have collected minor details of 100 persons. How can you know 100% of them spoke truth about their personal details to you even if they want privacy ?

    This is not even an argument, I am giving a personal hypothesis which u are free to not agree

    I have apathy to say anything about hypothesis. I am interested in only arguments, debates and facts. Thus, I would not bother to reply the points in which you bring up your hypothesis.

    This one does: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamnaya_culture

    Yamnaya culture
    The Yamnaya culture (Russian: Ямная культура, romanized: Yamnaya kul'tura, Ukrainian: Ямна культура, romanized: Yamna kul'tura lit. 'culture of pits'), also known as the Yamnaya Horizon, Yamna culture, Pit Grave culture or Ochre Grave culture, was a late Copper Age to early Bronze Age archaeological culture of the region between the Southern Bug...

    I am quoting from the Wiki article that you posted

    Yamnaya culture
    The people of the Yamnaya culture were likely the result of a genetic admixture between the descendants of Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers

    Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamnaya_culture

    Likely, possibly, probably, can be and may be are the words which should be read very carefully. They denote the possibility. They never denote confirmation.

    Lol you can include that. Just give a try and undo that later.

    I can't

    I am putting this topic in not watching because you are not even arguing. Have a good day !


    Y'all converted yet?

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @The-Mods it grows on people naturally in todays society. At least the ones who got a brain.

  • @Eucalyptus said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    Y'all converted yet?

    No but i peed in the sink and thought abt fucking a goat so it's a start.

  • Really so not understand for what joy and why I need to convert to hindhuism or any religion?? we evolved so much and its funny to hold on to script or a book as 'holy' which is written thousands of years ago.
    back then these book helped lot of people to understand certain feelings care empathysignity respect love.. also condition was such way there was no law people lived to be alive and didn't care for any act or consequences what they do to thier soureoindings. all the religious text teachs how to behave, love kindness, sharing. to live with community with harmony not hurting the surroundings and being around you... rules and regulations are mafe to follow with greed or fear to control the community with mind washing theory's for thier own benefits.. all the religious leaders are egocentric, psycho and sociopaths want to prove thier particular religion is superior than rest of the religion of this earth..
    So now all I know that a the religion in this its a control with fear and greed there is no escape from this vicious cycle..
    Better to understand another being around my surroundings rest act up on particular moment to get out of tje situation without any hassle and trouble ..

  • @knownsense Religion is what binds people even up to this day.
    Although, politicians use this as a means for block voting in some countries.

    Ancient? Even the christian bible has undergone revisions, the quran, do you think the vedict texts in hinduism did not undergoe revisions since its first creation? I mean, these "ancient" text has been passed down for generations and probably changed!

    You're not making any sense. Just convert to hinduism.

  • @therisingsun


  • @bye69 well, iam not having a argument with you I am having a conversation...please read some more books to get more info and have your home work with research and facts, you are not able to think out of the circle you trying to find a corner inside a circle, you are in a small bubble inside a circle so ?? No point, until you expand your mind to be wise and understand the knowledge to gain wisdom.. all religious text is manipulated and changed a lot in time, yo are right
    I do agree, accept Quran that's Islam not Muslim. I think you should convert to Islam because text is not changed or manipulated its still intact, since the beginning..so why you think hindhu is most superior than any sect group or religion ?? Rather than accepting as it is without likes and dislikes very passively calm way??
    So please answer my question
    R u born hindhu? If yes what cast?
    If you converted to hindhu which cast you choose to be?? Low schedule cast? Again there is no unity between hindhu because of cast ! So yeah I convert adopt a religion where there is unity among themselves..
    Religion is done to control lower understanding mind, with fear and greed.. mainly to feel good about for themselves, every individual being like to belong some where in group to feel safe and protected, so nice to join a sect, cult, religion, community.. or what ever group you like.. basically you do not know how to live life and behave with other being around you i guess??
    So you need a religion which is not your ideology to comfort yourself, do not matter if it is hurting another being around you.. with your stupid borrowed ideas from ancient being which is gone and dusted in past..