Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.

  • Banned

    @Sksiudud82477ru thank you so much. Can you please tell me how did you figure it out its a trap. So that I can know in future. I am so naive in all this.

  • Dont think about the future to much...
    its all about the "now"

  • @Heycutie
    Could you ever ask his ex why he broke up with her ? The guy looks like a fuckboy to me because he left one girl for other. He may not be fuckboy if he was not in a serious relationship. Before judging him, I would know the types of his past relationships too. You can get that info from his other exs.

    Generally humans will always be unsatisfied what they get. When I had bicycle, I craved for bike. When I had bike, I craved for the car. When I have the car, I am craving for private jet.

    Such kind of incidents have happened with me. One of them is worth mentioning and the most memorable. We studied in the same coaching classes. She stared me a lot until I notice her. When I noticed her, she looked away due to her shyness or pretending to be innocent. Other girls who studied in the same coaching class, stared me in the same way but none of them were as beautiful as she was. She was the crush of every guy in our class. I knew her name after greeting with her. She waited for me to meet after the class everyday. Then I thought if I am going to spend my whole life with a girl, I should research about her. We did not pass our social media yet. I stalked her on social media and got to know that she already had a bf who lives in her hometown. I did not want her to ruin her serious relationship. Thus, I did not tell her bf about it. I eluded myself via not picking her calls and changing the time of classes after talking with the owner of institute. Yet I was gleeful to be single as I got the correct info before we dated. As far as I could judge her, she was unsatisfied with her bf as I am unsatisfied with my car. Her bf is not that handsome.

    I'm hanging out with Portuguese and Latinas because I am on beaches for vacations now-a-days. Even if you include all these girls, my 24 girls colleagues, 4k girls from past college, 3k girls from past school, none of them are as beautiful as she is. This is why it is the most memorable lul.

    Plus, I don't think stalking is bad if you both mutually like each-other. Stalking is always bad, if it is done over someone who does not love you. It may change like (as friend) into dislike if he does not love/want you. So be careful while asking his ex/exs.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson thank you so much for your reply I appreciate it. One of his ex was my friend. She told me he had lied to his frienda about them kissing each other on lips so they broke up.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson thank you so much for your reply I appreciate it. One of his ex was my friend. She told me he had lied to his frienda about them kissing each other on lips so they broke up.

  • @Heycutie That looks like a serious relationship to me. If you date him, he will cheat on you with other girl whom he may like in future. So all you can do is, ignore and forget him forever.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson sadly yes. I got saved from his trap. Thank god.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson so he never liked me? Was it just a trap? Answer wont change my mind but still I'm curious.

  • @Heycutie Trap - yes
    Lust over you - yes
    Love you - no

    There is a difference between lust and love.

    Lust- A chose B because B looks pretty good. The most guys and girls prefer physical appearance and this is where they are wrong.

    Love- A chose B because B is quite smart or he has very good sense of humour or he is very loyal that he has not ever cheated any girl in the past etc.

    Love is not done while preferring looks over anything else. The guy chose you because he bowed down to his lust.

    Basically, he wants to use you like a chewing gum. After he chews the chewing-gum, he will throw it into dustbin.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson once he was among with friends. I walked away near him along with my friend. He turned his back looked at me and called my name in low voice. I looked back at my friend she was walking behind me and ignored him. I still think god saved me i am sure he wanted to tell me something that day

  • @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson once he was among with friends. I walked away near him along with my friend. He turned his back looked at me and called my name in low voice. I looked back at my friend she was walking behind me and ignored him. I still think god saved me i am sure he wanted to tell me something that day

    I think so too. He prob wanted to confess his love or maybe he wanted an excuse to talk to you.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    Yes I guess even in my case its the same. Even I like him for looks. I dont know how he is as a person as we have never spoken to each other.

    Yk it is dangerous to love a guy whom you don't know about anything. Your friend/ his ex saved you.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson Everyday after classes after crossing the road I would stand on the opposite side. He would be with his friends and would turn his back and stare at me with sad face till I go.

    Almost every guy would do the same, if he was physically attracted to a girl currently

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson I'm sorry I don't want to irritate you by dragging this topic but I have few questions like we both used to be toppers of our class later in college he would fail most of the exams. Both our parents are friends. We would text each other in the starting of this situation. He would be chivalrous towards me like allow me to go First, open door for me etc in classes. So it is possible that can be more than lust as for me being a girl it is hard to absorb the fact that the guy I had respect for and liked as a person just thinks me of a sexual prey instead of a girl he at least admires as a friend?

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson also in childhood his best friend would tease me by his name.

  • @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson I'm sorry I don't want to irritate you by dragging this topic

    It is okay

    but I have few questions like we both used to be toppers of our class later in college he would fail most of the exams.

    There may be many other possibilities for failing those exams other than you. You are not thinking about them. For example- doing another course/job same time, disliking the current subject, emotional/economic imabalance, family problems, spending most time with girls/games/PDA devices etc.

    Both our parents are friends. We would text each other in the starting of this situation. He would be chivalrous towards me like allow me to go First, open door for me etc in classes.

    I would do the same for a friend whether she is a male or a female.

    So it is possible that can be more than lust as for me being a girl it is hard to absorb the fact that the guy I had respect for and liked as a person just thinks me of a sexual prey instead of a girl he at least admires as a friend?

    Maybe he likes you as a friend or maybe he was trying to impress you.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson also in childhood his best friend would tease me by his name.

    His best friend may be joking for teasing him. Even though my best friend teases me by the name of some girls but it does not mean I love them.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson no no I didn't mean failing exams was because of me. His mom would tell me he plays video games entire day and doesn't study so.. Yes he might have liked me as a friend only. The worst was he would look at me up and down and smirk when he got to know about me crushing. He would watch my pass by sometimes I used to feel uncomfortable even if I liked him. Either he is a pervert or I am reading too much into it.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson the strange part was whenever I used to ask this friend with whom he tried to make me jealous if she liked him she would idk maybe. Then I found out she was already dating a guy from school. This girl and my crush were in same college.

  • @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson no no I didn't mean failing exams was because of me. His mom would tell me he plays video games entire day and doesn't study so..

    Ah, I see.

    Yes he might have liked me as a friend only. The worst was he would look at me up and down and smirk when he got to know about me crushing. He would watch my pass by sometimes I used to feel uncomfortable even if I liked him. Either he is a pervert or I am reading too much into it.

    I don't think smirking ~ perverseness Only If he smirked at you while being in relationship with other girl, I would call him a pervert too.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson the strange part was whenever I used to ask this friend with whom he tried to make me jealous if she liked him she would idk maybe. Then I found out she was already dating a guy from school. This girl and my crush were in same college.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Heycutie earlier this used to hurt me but then I'd assume she actually did me a favour by showing me I don't deserve this guy I deserve someone better.

    1/3 probability- she wanted to save you
    1/3 probability - she cheated on her bf with your crush. To save the relationship, she lied to you via idk maybe
    1/3 probability- your crush made a plan with her to make you fool or jealous. In this case, she will never speak truth to you until he wants her to reveal it.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson 3rd case is right. It was same day my ex-crush's friend told me as soon as I entered the class to go and sit beside him. I was like why is he talking like this. I went ahead to sit in the last bench. My crush looked at me and smirked I smirked back. The he after math test he went and sat beside her. I told my friend (her) not to sit beside him. She didnt listen to me she went ahead and sat beside him. One of his friends sitting beside me was looking at me to see my reaction. I kept my head down. One of his other friend sitting ahead turned back and said I guess "my name" is crying. They looked back and when I heard it and saw then all of them turned their heads again. It was like a group. Either my crush wanted to harass me , or he just wanted to make fun of me.

  • Banned

    @Zack-Williamson I still dont why does he dislike me so much. Why did he do that shit that day. I'm sure it was a group plan. What do you think. I know thinking about the past wont solve anything but I want to know the reason..because all I did was ignoring him and not giving him attention.

  • @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson I still dont why does he dislike me so much. Why did he do that shit that day. I'm sure it was a group plan. What do you think.

    I have seen many guys and girls doing so. They would do so to know whether someone loves them or not. If you started crying and became so jealous, they would get a clue about your love which you don't want to confess in front of them. You started crying and gave them a whole clue.

    I know thinking about the past wont solve anything but I want to know the reason..because all I did was ignoring him and not giving him attention.

    Other than making you fool or jealous, I think he might want to teach you a lesson. Afterall, you ignored him and did not give him enough attention.

    @Heycutie said in Does he like me? I cant stop thinking about him now. I really want to confess.:

    @Zack-Williamson if I ask him or his friends he will think I still think about him and again make fun of me in some similar manner.

    True. But if you don't ask again and ignore his group's or the guy's existence, he would give up.

    He is an asshole I know that. But what happened that day irks me the most. Rest is acceptable

    i want you to forget him completely. The more we talk, the more you will remember him. It works like a horror movie. The more you watch a horror-genre movie, the more you remember the leading actress who worked as a ghost.
