• I love wearing cute feminine clothes , lingerie, short skirts, make up. Does this bother you?

  • Why would it bother me? I don't live with you, I don't have to deal with you every day, I don't have to smack you because you stole my clothes.

  • @Alyzae ha ha, thank you, if all Iโ€™d get was a smack for stealing your clothes then it would be worth it. I would ask before borrowing too

  • No it doesn't @Sasha257. Feel free to stay true to who you are / are discovering yourself to be, and express yourself however you see fit. So long as it's not at the cost of harm or detriment to others nor infringes upon their own rights (for instance, the right to their property/possessions -- as in the above example by @Alyzae of you being held accountable and having to deal with some form of punishment or consequences for stealing someone else's clothes to wear them VS. you buying your own lingerie, short skirts and make up and then proudly presenting that property you own with your choice and your bodily autonomy)

    Oh, but bear in mind the same freedom of expression afforded to you applies to everyone else too. So while I might finger-snap in Z formation and tell you to keep working what you're wearing fabulously, someone else might say something that isn't quite so validating and empowering. But their differing opinion is no more of a crime than the manner in which you choose to identify and represent yourself (unless, along with that difference of opinion freely expressed, they take some corresponding action which -- once again, applying the same principle both ways -- infringes upon your rights/freedoms and/or cause you harm. At that point, they'll have to deal with me + they'll have to a problem with the law)

    Mind if I ask you a counter-question: Why do other's opinions of you seem to matter to you so much?

    I ask because I've seen you say similar things over the past few days in topics like Is it time for mini skirts yet?, Tell me u r a boy/man/girl/woman without saying u r a boy/man/girl/woman, Happy Valentineโ€™s Day everybody and of course there's this post as well -- and perhap even others besides those which happened to fly under my radar unnoticed ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

    Would it bother you if some stranger on this site were dismissive of you? Or worse, mocked you for not acting in what they consider to be normative fashion?

    Would it upset you if that were to happen to you by the hands of people you know around you as opposed to random people on the internet whose opinions have little to no real impact on your day-to-day life?

    What is the reason why you post various variations of this same theme on this site? This not-so-subtle maneuver of yours that you do wherein you overtly hint or explicitly suggest that you dress or act or identify against the expected societal norms? I don't believe you're a troll just looking to rile up reactions, which makes me think you're... practicing? Perhaps for whenever you have to face the reactions or judgements of others in daily life?

    Of course, I'm not a mind reader, that's nothing more than mere speculation... but that's my hunch all the same. You act as though "oh, hey, I'm comfortable with who I am, but does it bother YOU random stranger that I am different than you?" but the fact that you're so driven about this makes me think you do indeed care, very deeply -- perhaps not necessarily about the opinions a few random strangers such as ourselves hold of you, but you're doing dry-runs with us all the same... in preparation for.. something?

    Eh, but again, this is just a guess on my part -- and that too, only based on a very brief behavior pattern I've spotted in you over the course of 72 hours -- so it's entirely possible that I'm wrong on this and just talking outta my ass ๐Ÿ˜… Which, I suppose, is why I'm asking you the counter-question directly : Why do you do this "begging the question" routine with others if you are already so confident and comfortable in your identity and self-image?

    And just to be sure you don't feel like this confrontation is malicious or malignant in nature (it's not, I'm honestly just curious cuz I noticed a pattern that's all, plus I don't think you should really care what we think of you - you just do you, ya'know?) I'll reiterate what I said at the very start: I'm perfectly fine with you wearing whatever you want/choose. It is your right and freedom to do so.

    You know what? I'll do you one better and take it up a notch by ending with a quote from someone way more credible than me, a totally random stranger who has no real bearing in your life ๐Ÿ˜

    "Be who you are, and say what you feel.
    Because those who mind, don't matter.
    And those who matter, don't mind."

    - Dr. Seuss

    be yoube you

  • @erikagautney wow, what a reply, Iโ€™m asking purely out of interest to gauge the reaction of others regarding my desire to dress in feminine clothing.
    Iโ€™ve always been happy with how I identify and cannot care less for derogatory remarks, Iโ€™ve had that already including all the pointing and staring .
    My name is Sasha and I love being a girl, if that doesnโ€™t fit in with anyones idea of how I should act then Iโ€™m sorry

  • wow, what a reply,

    thanks i try

    Iโ€™m asking purely out of interest to gauge the reaction of others regarding my desire to dress in feminine clothing.

    Yeah, I kinda sorta picked up on that lol ๐Ÿคฃ

    The first few times I saw you talking about panties I thought you might just be a troll baiting people just for shits and giggles haha but then it kept happening and I was like "oh cool, she's just being open with us." ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    That said, I do think that there is an ever so slight tiniest tinge of sassiness that slips into your posts lol. Like a "well I'm not supposed to do x... but I love it! So I do x, oh and also y, plus z too!! Now... does any of that bother YOU? hmm? Hmmm??? HMMMmmMMMmMMmmMMM?!?!?!" lmao ;)

    Iโ€™ve always been happy with how I identify and cannot care less for derogatory remarks,

    you go girl

    Iโ€™ve had that already including all the pointing and staring .

    I'm sincerely sorry for any prejudice you may have faced ๐Ÿ’”

    My name is Sasha

    Pleasure to make your acquaintance Sasha! ๐Ÿค My name is Erika, (but I made this account years ago and changing my username at this point is honestly more hassle than it's worth now that I've actually started using TWS lol so) you can feel free to call me by that name, or other acceptable references which include "bish, fam, hey you" etc or whatever the hell you want really ๐Ÿ˜ Same as you, I'm secure in my identity ๐Ÿ˜ค

    and I love being a girl, if that doesnโ€™t fit in with anyones idea of how I should act then Iโ€™m sorry

    Sounds like you're not sorry.

    Or maybe more like #SorryNotSorry

    Either way, I approve of this sentiment and stance that you've taken! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ It's healthy and reaffirming outlook ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

  • @erikagautney thank you and youโ€™re right, Iโ€™m not sorry. If people donโ€™t like the fact that I donโ€™t conform to the gender stereotype they expect then move along please.
    Itโ€™s the current teens and younger that Iโ€™ve found are more accepting of change wether itโ€™s being gay or a guy wearing womenโ€™s clothes (my niece, sheโ€™s 14 is one of my biggest fans even advising me what to wear with what).
    Thank you for the correct pronoun too, my friends all use it now which makes me happy.

    And after allโ€ฆโ€ฆ

