Heart broken. Just experienced my first heart break. This cut is deep.

  • my english horrible ... . MY gf left be for some other guy we meet online when she leaving i does'nt stop him i just say bye but now i feeling alone i have no one for telling my emotion feeling i just cry from inside and showing a big smile on my face so every one think i can't seirous for anything while typing this i am still crying 2i am just 16 year old i know some body make fun of my english and mine .but .........................................................................

  • When we hurt them, they call us little devils, they swear never to fall for our lies. Why??? once beaten, twice shy as the adage goes. You weren't beaten by Mr. Corn-beef-torpedo that you up the duff and haven't a reason to move on. Even if it was, you'd still move on. @princess2214, I just hope you don't become pessimist and start looking at dark side of everything while nursing that wounded heart, but give some time to others prove they ain't like him. Also remember, your first relationship is sth to learn from and by this, you training your mind not take everything as biblical truth. With time, am sure you'll become an analytical lover and find that perfect guy for you. Good luck.

  • I had a broken heart, almost drove me to insanity or worse. Stay in there, and think of the good people in your life. Meet with good friends and stay active! It's the alone time hat hurts the most, so be with your good friends. Time does make it better, but finding a new kind soul makes it heal. =) We are there with ya! :heart:

  • This post is deleted!

  • @princess2214 just do something. I had one of those. I loved her hard. I started writing because of her. I loved hard. I never met her, and she killed her self in the end. So, there is that. She was the first person I dreamed of marrying.

  • @Kyle-Norwood shit escalated from writing to killing self real quick damn , sorry to hear that though

  • @princess2214 Hey princess, this is seriously your first hearbreak? welcome to the club dudette. Also... my pms are always open.

  • @princess2214 Learn this lesson from uncle TM , Never Give your all to anything or anyone , not only In relationships but anything In life . Cz when life take you for granted It means game over . Always keep something only for yourself that no one can ever reach or touch , think of yourself as a queen In your own kingdom. Train yourself to be alone since thats the worst scenario ..

  • @Janet in gonna go with 14

  • The guy you described sounds like me. The only difference is I picked my girl (who recently) left me because she showed me that she would be enough. However, life happened and we got separated cause of school and after awhile she would just get really annoyed and rude to me. Now by this time I have completely devoted myself to her never realizing that we would end. I kept beliving she would be alright but no every small thing she would act like she didnt need me. I figured she really wanted to end it and even let her but asked one last help " To just let me cry my heart out one time and that even she just heard me once maybe i could maybe move on." But she said that she didnt care what happened to me anymore. She said she didnt have time to listen to me no matter when i called. Her 15 minutes could have helped me so much but no for all the times i would put her over me for everything but still life turned cold. Out of blue. I wasnt prepared for this. I hope you be alright. I really feel for u and i will pray for u too I hope u will do the same for me. Please pray for me too.

  • @princess2214 girl he ain't shit. He never was. He was a small part in your life. Take it as a fun time. Don't think bieng in a relationship is always a good thing. Find comfort in your self. Its a blessing. Don't even concern yourself over people like that. Be so sure of your self, that whenever something hurtful like that happens you just see it as a trivial matter. Nothing worth to fret about.

  • So much more heartbreak to come

  • @princess2214 well then dear child !! Not to worry you need feel thay way it is and you will know soon it's not love as you described because its just a puppy love or i can say its a very kind gentle ethical way to get hand into ( girls ) pants and permitted and accepted by society so yeah all qill be okie soon