If you need an ear so you can vent about stuff.. U can type off here.. No judgements just some healthy conversation 😊

  • @Pratik___ yes I do

  • Banned

    @Jon-Hunter wow that's great.. It really might help us here

  • When I was a kid my granpa would take me into a room and touch me inappropriately and make me do the same. Then tell my mom that we were jumping on the bed. I was 4 so I didn't know any better and I was adopted at 6 and at 18 I tried to reach out to my mom to find out she passed away and that memory still haunts me now that I know what he was doing to me. I don't know how to move on.

  • Honestly your uncle was just engaging him self sexually. You determine how you want to use the sexual experience. Talking to people with evolved minds can help you cope

  • Banned

    @stevperret Firstly i am really proud how u came forward to share this with us. I know it requires guts. I do want to let u know That u are not alone in this.. Im sure the others r finding the strength they need by reading ur post.
    Secondly i would like to say is i dont think u can ever let go that incident. It happened. Its set in stone. What you can do is prevent it to ever happen to anyone again. Some day when there will be no such stories left to be told i am sure you will feel u have moved on!!
    Do talk more.. Im waiting for ur reply :)

  • um hello

  • Banned

    @tay20720 hii there! 😁 how are you?

  • So... I am married to the girl of my dreams, but I am a hard-core spanko. My wife is not at all into it and it sucks.... I am completely fulfilled by our relationship and life except for that, and that one missing piece eats at me....

  • I mean literally every relationship before me has been a consensual spanking relationship, but this I literally have to just ignore that part of myself. I don't feel like that's healthy, so I don't know what to do

  • Banned

    @Imsomewhere you should convey your feelings about it to your partner. Or just make a note about it to urself so u can act on it.

  • Banned

    @Imsomewhere but still if shes not into it. You both can find something u both like to do in bed. And that can be ur new favourite. Marriage is all about sacrificing ur stuff and meeting half way. Both of u should do that

  • Having rouble with my narc ex and I can't shift the anger I have towards him and what he's doing. anyone else feel that way ?

  • anyone else having trouble with their narc ex

  • I am 14. I feel depressed and am convinced I may have depression but my parents won't let me see a mental health doctor and I feel I need one before my issues get worse :(

  • 14 that's a young age to be depressed. are you in the UK> if you are there actually numbers you can ring and they give free help over the phone

  • "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." - Jesus, the Christ

    We have all sinned against God. You're a sinner. You need to repent and turn to the Christ, Jesus. God loves you, but he is holy and just.

  • she's not a sinner at all! why would you write that to a 14 year old?

  • there is a difference between making poor life choices, doing stupid sh** and actual being a sinner.

  • @stevperret

    I was taken by the state and put in an orphanage when I was 4, that's when the physical abuse started, day one I was slapped to the ground many times over daily for blinking too much. Then the state thought it was a wise idea to put toddlers in the same bedroom to share where teenage boys stayed. So then all the sexual abuse started by all the older boys on me and the little kids that were to share the room with them. I was abused for many years there, then I was placed back with my bio mom and her drunken alcoholic husband that like playing the knock out game on me, that went on till I was around 15 when he knocked me out, when I got up I looked at him and told him "one day I will be bigger than you" and shortly after that he stopped. And myself and my brothers outgrew him by a foot. I let it all go but have never forgotten my shitty past.

    I went on to be a police officer for 28 years to help others and protect kids, I had a great career up till I retired a few years ago, my wife and I have adopted 3 different teens over the years as well as fostered many, many children in our home.

    I never talked about my abuse till I turned 49 and that is because I thought I had it bad, the 15-year-old girl I adopted was shot up with meth starting up at the age of 8 and pimped her out to the landlord for rent and other old men for money. Then we adopted a couple of 13-year-old twin boys that have been in and out of the system because of their parents making child porn videos of the kids with each other and other adults, these boys lived on the street and ate out of the dumpsters and rarely attended school and beaten by boyfriend till they were hospitalized over and over.

    I didn't ever think taking on kids with similar past as mine would have triggered my past as it did, after finding a shrink that I trusted to talk to I opened up and let it all out, and that really helped me to deal with my past.
