๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Get answers from an Israeli ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

  • @Reda-10 show me where I said that more israeli die than palestinians. Less Israelies die because the IDF prioritise defending its people Jewish and arabs, this is why they developed the Iron Dome and built shelters.

  • @Clever_Fox what would you like to know?

  • @Katherine-k don't believe him u can say how Palestinian died and how much children died and how much woman died, steal houses and say it's not illegal, this people live in this houses before creator of israel and it's in Palestinian side i mean east jerusalem so don't keep lying, and hamas don't have any power in Jerusalem, it has power in Gaza only, and hamas warn u after u steal houses and beat people in aqsa mosque, and give u some days to stop but u didn't, and for now no israeli die because hamas don't have weapons like israel u can see how children die and another cry because his father die and father lose all her family execpt a baby.......... Many videos

  • @Reda-10 well, I can see you are frustrated, it does not mean you need to lie. 10 Israeli people died from hamas's rockets. I already answered momoo about al aqsa riots so you are more then welcome to check it out. And about those women and children (and men) who got killed in crossfire, this is because hamas's terrorists uses them as human shields.

  • @Rot3m u said that, and israel defending its arab ?? Please always kill gaza people with it, u kill children what about it, and explain how people live in houses before israel coming they live illegaly, how ?? And after Israรซl coming live in the Palestinian side, how illagaly ?? Illegaly just now or before u coming ?.? U can see in youtube how Palestinian woman tell israeli that house is mine he said i steal it, and she said why, he said if i don't another will steal it so it's not a big thing

  • @Rot3m please man u kill people of gaza from years ago it's not the first time, and about aqsa u keep lying u beat them and killed some there's videos man don't lying

  • @Reda-10 listen we won't finish this argue and I'm the only one here giving facts. I'm stopping this here, I gave a lot of information for people here to read. I hope we someday find a way to live together in peace.

  • @Rot3m @Katherine-k @momoo @Clever_Fox You know why you @Rot3m are doing this and you do not care, because you think that you are the chosen people of God, everyone served you, you kill them and this is permissible because he is not a Jew, and you steal him and this is permissible because he is not a Jew, you transgress him and this is permissible because he is not a Jew, this is in your book, and it is found that you are waiting for someone from you be leader to kill Everyone and make them your servants. Allah โ€™s justice will be exacted from the perpetrator, you or us.

  • @Rot3m we can live peacely i hope so, but you need to stop your way to kill and steal and give Palestinian the rights like you have...

  • @Rot3m @Katherine-k @Clever_Fox @Clever_Fox this whaaaaat ?? My brothers and sisters are killing by israellink text

  • @Rot3m, what are Israelis view on Brazil?

  • @Thales_BG We like Brazil very much. since our declaration of Independence, Brazil and Israel have bussiness connections and diplomatic connection. During the rupture of the Brumadinho dam, Israel was the only country to assist the Brazilians. Brazil have the 9th biggest jewish community in the world. Brazil has an embassy in Tel Aviv and an honorary consulate in Haifa. ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ทโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

  • Banned

    @Rot3m Israel is killing. Why they have gone to al Aqsa? even after death, they will not be able to take it to the grave. Hamas helped when they saw that Israel is not stopping.
    And maybe you are sorry for the death of 10 of your Israelites, but maybe you are not watching the videos that the whole world is watching? So That's why, you are not aware of it. People can see how the Israelis are snatching the Palestinians' houses from them and killing them, what self-defense are you talking about.

  • @Katherine-k exactly......

  • Animal Lovers Music Lovers MORBHEAD

    Palestinians are dumb to allow those terrorists hide behind them

  • @Ash what do you mean?

  • @Ash The palestinians made a mistake electing Hamas as their leaders, we do not view them as dumb. They might not have the power to take Hamas off of them, we are willing to do this for them, Hamas is a terror organizition and needs to be removed.

  • @Rot3m yo mf bitch there was nth called fucking Israel in 1945 you just came and stole Palestine from Arabs you mf bitch you are a nonce you are a very big bitch and if u think what you are doing is right you will end up in hell you fucking animal you can't even say I am Israeli cuz they just got people from Britain Sudan and bunch of places and just put them in Palestine and called it Israel u piece of shit there is nth called Israeli Israeli is formed by people around the world who wanted to make their own nation and its fucking disgusting how they are just a piece nation and u just destroyed it you are a disrespectfullittle dumb fuck bitch

  • @ohayo-dahrlin You are calling me an animal and you have an animal lover tag, does that means you love me? Thank you so much!

  • @Rot3m no you I like animals not wild fucking bitches
