• @Reda-10 We don't need to be in the same religion in this, we just need to be human. What's troubling is this happens during Ramadan. Sad. I can't imagine the trauma of always being on the edge.

  • @kaia_ yes after all we are all human beings the Israelis used to do similar things in special periods for Muslims such as Ramadan it is a tiring and sad thing to be happen to you these persecutions while you are fasting

  • @Reda-10 Let's hope that both parties come to a peaceful solution.

  • @kaia_ i hope so 😁

  • Israeli here, our acts are defence and no attacks. We are not trying to harm palestinians, we are trying to eliminate Hamas's terrorists. Humans are humans, no matter the religion. We warn the palestinians about the attacks hours before they happend.

  • @Rot3m Stop lying to the world, you warn people about the wolf, but you are the wolf, why do you expel Palestinians from their homes and steal them, why did you beat worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque, so far no Israeli has died from Hamas attacks, but so far more than 20 Palestinians have died, including children and women, You have the right to defend yourselves and Palestinians No, you are the ones who started all this, you are the ones who arrest, kill, displace and steal. You have a black day insha'allah

  • One day, hopefully, Palestinians and Israelis will understand each other's pain and suffering, and realise that it will only end when they stop inflicting it on one another.
    Life is short, time is finite. No need to fight, put the ego aside.

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  • @kaia_ u right

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Rosaa_-al The Israelis are making the world look stupid, i'll steal your house, prevent you from praying, and kill you. If u react, this is terror and i'll defend myself. They killed and stole and expect the Palestinians to shut up !!!

  • @Reda-10 I know this Israeli attack must not be ignored, but there's no point in arguing about it, in here. What we should do is ask our governments to urge the UN to take measures on this never ending conflict.

  • @kaia_ I know that there is no use, but I have a duty to explain to everyone the barbarism of the Israelis and reveal their lies to the world. What I have seen today of scenes that affected me a lot, I am Arab and the Palestinians are Arabs so they are my brothers and ly sisters, I saw a man who lost his wife and 3 children, he left a baby in the hospital struggling Death, and I saw a baby girl who lost all her siblings, and a teenage girl crying in front of her destroyed home and saying why are they doing this to us ?? Just because we are Muslims ?? Nobody heard our cry ?? All these in the attacks of yesterday only, the United Nations ?? There is no UN as long as the USA prevents an emergency meeting and says directly that it is with Israel without conditions. There are a lot of demonstrations in the world but nothing has changed. I will help with what I see appropriate. If I can include a voice in my voice, this is more than enough, at least. When God asks me about what I have offered to my brothers and sisters, I will be able to answer.
