• Chocolate Lovers ;) One Woman Army

    Google takes keywords & finds sites with them. Therefore did you actually find sites with sex & violence?

  • @neostanniy Looks like you are on the right track! It is pretty user friendly for most things.

  • @Allison said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    Google takes keywords. Therefore did you actually find sites with sex & violence?

    Just curious.. for science ... right Alli????

  • @Allison oh yes, I did. A lot of those rubbish things. :-(

  • @Sassy said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    @Allison said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    Google takes keywords. Therefore did you actually find sites with sex & violence?

    Just curious.. for science ... right Alli????


  • @Allison said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    Google takes keywords & finds sites with them. Therefore did you actually find sites with sex & violence?

    BTW, if you are looking for those websites (just for science, of course), try to type "Anonymous chat" to Google, click the fist two or three links and just try to chat with... errrr... those horny people. :-D

  • You are Ukrainian or not, I am glad to see a human. hello! :)
    not only your friends are lost but you are lost too, actually we all are lost. and just like you we all landed here. when I saw the title- I thought it to be some sort of philosophical question. haha. but it's a nice question to ponder upon though- why are you really here, on earth? and of course, where did you come from?
    but anyways, think about it.. you had friends, now you feel alone and now you have a fiance too. congrats btw.. so, yeah today she is there but at some point of time you are going to be alone again. I don't want sound harsh but we should face the reality with a sober mind and not that we are living our whole life in a denial right. why am I saying this? because we all are looking for that zing in relations, in people, in things etc and I see your disappointment in the people around you. I don't know how far your search of connecting with people around the world will go and for how long.. I would like to say something about it though- the problem here is not about where you live and with whom you live, people in general, everywhere around the globe are dissatisfied and feel alone amidst their loved ones too and that's a fact. we have a tendency to think that grass is always greener on the other side. I don't mean to destroy your spirit but just to give a proper perspective you know. what I mean to say is, that zing which you and we all are seeking doesn't lie outside -in "things" or "people" or in situations but within ourselves! We all are investing a great deal of time in managing the external affairs so well but we have are not even considering the crisis within which is where whole worlds starts to make sense. for instance- if within , you are agitated then no matter what you do and search externally, you won't be at ease at all. In a nutshell, what I am trying to say is- try to invest your time to figure the stuffs within. that way it won't matter where you are living or what is happening around. hope that makes sense.

  • @neostanniy wow that's a long speech with big words!! Only read the first paragraph and was tired😭now I have a headache. well I hope you make real FRIENDS

  • @Achal99 said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    e. I don't mean to destroy your spirit but just to give a proper perspective you know. what I mean to say is, that zing which you and we all are seeking doesn't lie outside -in "things" or "people" or in situations but within ourselves! We all are investing a great deal of time in managing the external affairs so well b

    Yeah, I got it all, sir.

    I am used to being alone when it comes to a girlfriend. I had thirty two of them in my life, they were very different, but it all came to the same end. Of course, I am going to be sad if it will all come in a bad way... On the other hand, as I said -- i got used to it already.

    My life brought me a lot of trouble already (from alcoholism and to the participation in a war), I am kinda experienced with it, but today's loneliness is something new: today I accidentally found out that the last time smb called me (EXCEPT for work, fiancee and parents) just to say "Hi!" was like... a year and a half ago. I forgot when I spoke to someone about something different than just work, when I chatted the last time. That's the reason I am here.

    Thank u for ur attention very much!

  • @ᴤϙᴜɪᴤʜʏɴᴇᴏɴ why was it long?.. It was even less than a half of a A4 paper... Like 3000 symbols or something. Is it too much? :-(

  • @neostanniy I am sorry about the experiences that gave you such a negative outlook for your country mates. I hope something will change that someday.

  • @fluffi we were part of that evil empire called soviet union, so our people still have that "soviet" attitude. It's very hard to explain what it actually is, but it is a disaster for people who can think (2 make a long story short).

    Thank u very much for welcoming! Things will never get better in my country (at least not during next 300 yrs or so), but I am looking forward to meet some cool people outside Ukraine.

    Will be glad to see you back in comments for my next posts. Merci!

  • Welcome, my soviet brother! It is I, commander of these lands. I'm their king & everything they have and everything they need. They call me daddy, these mortals. Any problems,you come to me. If it's a small issue you get in touch with the members of my senate who go by the title "global moderators". Dumb people,I tell you.

  • @neostanniy
    it's definitely sad that you've had these kinds of experiences, but i guess we all feel disillusioned sometimes. i sure hope you have a fun time here :)) welcome to tws!

  • @neostanniy thank you very much! I am quite sure I will!

  • Purpose is to guide evil good bad ugly Ur choice choose one also u r nothing

  • Rebirtht

  • Itts your poruse

  • @neostanniy welcome to tws. At the end of everything there is something in humans that hungers for friendship, association and acceptance. Enjoy your stay

  • @Achal99 said in How The Hell And Why On Earth Did I Came Here?...:

    You are Ukrainian or not, I am glad to see a human. hello! :)
    not only your friends are lost but you are lost too, actually we all are lost. and just like you we all landed here. when I saw the title- I thought it to be some sort of philosophical question. haha. but it's a nice question to ponder upon though- why are you really here, on earth? and of course, where did you come from?
    but anyways, think about it.. you had friends, now you feel alone and now you have a fiance too. congrats btw.. so, yeah today she is there but at some point of time you are going to be alone again. I don't want sound harsh but we should face the reality with a sober mind and not that we are living our whole life in a denial right. why am I saying this? because we all are looking for that zing in relations, in people, in things etc and I see your disappointment in the people around you. I don't know how far your search of connecting with people around the world will go and for how long.. I would like to say something about it though- the problem here is not about where you live and with whom you live, people in general, everywhere around the globe are dissatisfied and feel alone amidst their loved ones too and that's a fact. we have a tendency to think that grass is always greener on the other side. I don't mean to destroy your spirit but just to give a proper perspective you know. what I mean to say is, that zing which you and we all are seeking doesn't lie outside -in "things" or "people" or in situations but within ourselves! We all are investing a great deal of time in managing the external affairs so well but we have are not even considering the crisis within which is where whole worlds starts to make sense. for instance- if within , you are agitated then no matter what you do and search externally, you won't be at ease at all. In a nutshell, what I am trying to say is- try to invest your time to figure the stuffs within. that way it won't matter where you are living or what is happening around. hope that makes sense.
