• Banned

    im sorry to hear that love, just dnt think about that too much and dnt blame yourself, its not your fault totally neither its easy and im dealing all kind of depression for a long time, i hope in time everything will heal and you get a better person who can understand you and won't give up, i know its tough but you have to hang in there and you are really beautiful really you are, im sure there are tons of peoples waiting for you, its not the end, dnt be feel lonely yourself, in the end you are strong from inside,you have family, they are your best friend

  • Thank you for your comment, advice and positivity beautiful girl. I’m sorry to hear about your depression. Don’t give up, keep going towards your dreams. Hopefully change happens soon. 😚 I wish I had a close relationship with my family. Staying at my moms house is not easy. My sister suffers from Psychosis and rules the energy of the house in a negative way. My mom is super old school and religious so it’s not easy for me to express myself without judgement. I’m grateful for spaces like this where woman like us can feel free to express ourselves and not bottle in so many emotions. I have a lot of shadow work to do in order to heal whatever is inside of me. And I hope that I will b blessed one day with a good man and friends that won’t give up. And that I will not scare him away with my bossy ness . Lol <3

  • Banned

    @glittergoddess awee im sorry to hear all these, ngl its same my family is a mess, my dad is a heart patient, my mom has high bp and my bro is a real dick make things worse, but still i come here to forget that messy family of mine and i still hang in there and you too, im here with you and here lots of good peoples are they can help you as well, you are not alone, if someone dnt understand you and your probs its their fault not urs, they should be very unlucky not having you in their life, screw those peoples, we dnt need them, thank you for your kind words and i wish you same for your future,just be patience and enjoy the freedom cause this freedom thing is hard to get once you get into family drama, my family is old and religious so it will take forever to explain them lol

  • Gamers

    @glittergoddess Just like your name, be a glittergoddess, no need to worry and be depressed about anything.
    Be yourself, and be strong. Hopefully, you will soon find the person who understands and respects you, and mostly you will find good friends here on TWS as well.
    Sorry, I don't know who you are, but from your words, I thought may b a message from a stranger would motivate you.

    Stay safe and happy!!

  • @glittergoddess I don't mind a bit of honest confession every now and then. Bottled up feelings: It's better to get them out than keep them in hey?

  • @glittergoddess said in Avoiding intimacy in relationships:

    No wonder Im a single almost 26 year old woman :( I’m sorry if this was negative I just don’t wanna explode.

    This isn't always a bad thing. Its better to be lonely alone than lonely in a bad relationship.

    I wish the world was more helpful, motivating, kind, loving and caring.

    I wish this too. But the anonymity of the the internet has made it difficult to find genuine people.

  • Well, bossy and loving what do you know, they exist.
    Don't be depressed about yourself call it maintenance time, time for fine tuning yourself.

    We don't blame the tires for loosing grip because of travelling we change them. And there's my lame example to get you moving 😂👊

  • @SJO Aw thank you so much for your message. ❤️❤️❤️ You’re right , it was just what I needed. I’m excited to be a glitter goddess I feel finally free ! Teehee

  • @Sassy thank you so much. I seriously needed that reality check. I really appreciate you! 💜

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Johnnyy yes it is much better out! Lol thank you for being so cool about it. I truly meant no harm to anyone and didn’t wanna broadcast toxicity or violence. Only frame my pain to acknowledge myself. I didn’t wanna bottle it up for another min. I was scared I would go ape shit on my own self lol which is a poor reflection of what I wish to see in the world.

  • @Døn wow super awesome quote. Thank you so much!!!!❤️

  • @glittergoddess you did good. I can tell you're not a negative person. Keep up the good work 👍

  • Gamers

    @glittergoddess Way to go..

  • Just cuz you tend to stand up for yourself, doesn't necessarily make one "bossy". ;)

  • @glittergoddess said in Avoiding intimacy in relationships:

    Why am I so bossy to everyone. I am a very sweet and loving person. But I act like a dictator. It’s embarrassing and it makes me wanna cry because I feel so powerless to the instinct and it hurts others as well as myself. No wonder Im a single almost 26 year old woman :( I’m sorry if this was negative I just don’t wanna explode. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day/ night. Life is beautiful. Personally, my loneliness is depressing but I manage it cause I dream of fairytales all the time but reality loves to meet me with cruel disillusionment all the time and it feels so mean. I wish the world was more helpful, motivating, kind, loving and caring. That’s my wish. God bless everyone thanks for reading my soul on my sleeves fellow Gods and Goddess.

    I saw ur videos, u speak really well :)
    Keep creating such videos, u will be an influencer then :)

  • @glittergoddess dm me beautiful

  • Well seems like you want yhings to be done the way you want. Its
    Not bsd but you can try to be more gentle sbout the things you want and listen to their side