Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie

  • @kouhaichi said in Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie:

    @Heccikage I don't think so but instead sometimes you just need to tell lies if it can be good for others. :)

    Lol we're saying the same thing but in a different way. It's because that hurting lie will keep her from being damaged it's a good thing.

  • @Allison said in Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie:

    @Matt_Aranha I didn't mention the essence of the lie. I only wanted to put emphasis on not being a negative person(and not lying is the first step).

    Terrible lies would not change the vibe one bit. If anything, it's instilling worse vibes for you to tear yourself apart over knowing you hurt someone. It's a SEEMING escape but likely something that'll pull you back with regret & you'll end up at square 1 except with a worse relationship. Seeing as how he's super sensitive over his gf, it's unlikely it would end any other way.

    super sensitive, let's just PUNCH her in the face then forget her for all of eternity & ignore her tears & pleas

    However he he ends doesn't matter to him. He just wants her to be far from him. And also he's not tryna go to jail πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

    That's the sacrificial side of love I'd say. Killing yourself for someone's goodness. I can manage myself being hurt from my own bs, but trying to console someone else is a bit of addictional work.

  • @Heccikage Best topic I've seen here for a while, it's made a wonderful change from the stuff I usually see. Thank you.

  • @Matt_Aranha said in Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie:

    @Heccikage Best topic I've seen here for a while, it's made a wonderful change from the stuff I usually see. Thank you.

    Hahaha I'm flattered. ThanksπŸ™πŸ™

  • @Heccikage

    Your opinion is that the end justifies the means & you don't actually kill anything except your good side which actually cares & in the process you tear out her heart because she saw that in you.

    You're not doing anything for her "goodness". A part of her goodness is her not telling you to fuck off just because you're down or having negative vibes. A part of goodness is seeing goodness in everyone. You're just giving up on yourself & her & you're assuming a positive change would come from a negative one on the basis of you feeling that she deserves better.

    If you killed yourself for someone's goodness, it would be an ego death. You'd give her better rather than taking love away.
    Love isn't a mistake, only the lack thereof. & she thinks it's worth it despite things & apparently you can't handle that.

    She made her choice on you & you want desperately to prove her wrong because you don't believe in yourself & you're passing off your disbelief as part of that self you don't believe in the strength of(your love).

  • @Allison it's not a desperate move. Some people are built to just be alone.

    Regarding the negative vibes, I'd say it's just human nature. We find more pleasure into destructiveness as compared to buildiship. Ig because it takes almost 0 mins to ruin something.

    Building with someone is uncomfortable because it brings your "vulnerabilities" to light. Maybe physically you're strong but one side of your psych is still in a traumatic stage of your childhood or sum like that.

    That's why I used that manga figure as example. But nonetheless I'd admit the truth way is the right one but lying just makes it easier.

  • @Heccikage

    Okay so it's all because of your fear & pressure that you feel compelled to lie & you use an altruistic stance to make yourself feel better about it.

    My only advice here is to settle on what the relationship is. You can have relationships at low levels without lies.

  • no you should be honest for the best

  • @Heccikage Liars get hurt the most so if you think you have to hurt some ppl by telling a "very very very very bad lie " for their "goodness" then you are wrong (even if u say u r right i wont care about ur comments cuz u lie to ppl). You know what...I believe u have always been a liar at the starting of every relationship and that's why you have to lie again and again to ppl who love you , cuz once U lie u cant stop lying .to defend ur first lie. Hurt them at the very beginning by telling truth...this pain will last for a short time.

  • @Ash005 said in Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie:

    @Heccikage Liars get hurt the most so if you think you have to hurt some ppl by telling a "very very very very bad lie " for their "goodness" then you are wrong (even if u say u r right i wont care about ur comments cuz u lie to ppl). You know what...I believe u have always been a liar at the starting of every relationship and that's why you have to lie again and again to ppl who love you , cuz once U lie u cant stop lying .to defend ur first lie. Hurt them at the very beginning by telling truth...this pain will last for a short time.

    What do you call someone who's told a lie before?

  • @Heccikage I'd better be honest even if it kills me

  • @Lisa-Ponyo said in Sometimes You Have to say a Hurting lie:

    @Heccikage I'd better be honest even if it kills me

    Hmu let's talk better about it.

  • the truth can hurt more than a lie. But it is always the best choice, the choice of respect. A lie is always a lie

  • @Heccikage Your bio + your outlook says it all. You want women until you know them & then you care so much that when you build up to the ceiling of your insecurities, you drop em off with a big fat lie & let em cry & leave.

  • @Heccikage first change your pfp

  • LMAO everyone turned to prosecutors n judges on this topic. Claiming to be innocent by their actions.

    I really enjoy how people coming here say stuffs about me they don't even know. Lolz can we say as humans our best job is judging others based on our own flawd assumptions??
