looking for anyone to be friends with, online and irl

  • @TomatoFace
    I do not know how situation will be for me .. positive or negative, I don't care I have to deal the situation best way possible .. some people like to get abused that's way it is for them basically asking it so I accept it and give as they ask ..focus on breathe, observe , let it go, with agenda act or react for the situation being aware of avatar, and conscious about surroundings ...
    My bad can be you good came way vice Versa!!

  • Hi Ejay, can we be friends. Chat me up. Lets feel each other.

  • @TomatoFace said in looking for anyone to be friends with, online and irl:

    @knownsense I wanna talk about deep topics, topics that makes you rethink about life and such

    Ok here is one for ya:

    When you go to sleep for several hours but wake up and it’s felt like only a few minutes does your mind go to another plane of existence? Also knowing that whatever decision you make your alternate universe self made the opposite or different decision does that mean you are the original or not?

    Yeah I don’t have much evidence on those other than learning from my Uncle that works at Fermilab ( particle Excelerator )

  • @Doc-Brown that question didnt make sense because what does your mind going through a different plan have to do with the perception of time?
    also time is relative in a way of like you might feel as if an hour has passed by when infact 30 mins passed, it's the same when you sleep, your mind creates an illusion so powerful that tricks your body into thinking you only slept for a few mins

  • @TomatoFace

    Honestly I just bs’d most of that just to convo and make a half assed attempt to sound smart without putting to much effort into it I see that was the wrong thing to do ( except part of where uncle works ) yes you have a point when your mind is on a different task it has a harder time with the perception of time therefore making it seem like time is going faster.

    But what I am getting at and should clarify is:

    When you go to sleep don’t dream or anything like that where does your “ Consciousness” go? we are aware of everything we do even when we dream. So that period when you sleep but don’t dream and just suddenly wake up hours later where does that go?

    That is what I was trying to get at.

  • @Doc-Brown I do like your concept actually, but did you always always dream(google it), you always dream of something but I get your point of like where does our minds go when it's nothing, but honestly I don't have a single clue how to answer it

  • @TomatoFace said in looking for anyone to be friends with, online and irl:

    @Doc-Brown I do like your concept actually, but did you always always dream(google it), you always dream of something but I get your point of like where does our minds go when it's nothing, but honestly I don't have a single clue how to answer it

    Possibilities are endless with that one! I like to believe the multiverse ( thing ) yes technical term, that your mind goes to a similar universe but different ever so slightly in that time frame since you as a person cannot exist in two places at once maybe the other side borrows it for awhile? If that makes sense?

  • @TomatoFace damn all my online friends are asleep lol

  • @softie same..

  • @softie Welcome to the site... hopefully they will be awake soon 😊 stay safe!

  • @TomatoFace wish i was there id suk u

  • @TomatoFace feel the same way why not hit me up and we can chat