• Animal Lovers LurkersForLife

    ๐Ÿ˜ You're welcome, bruh @Avihere . I don't care what gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, etc you are. I'm nice to anyone here. I don't see the need to be troll. There is no such thing as "Don't be too nice over here" or "You're a wuss if you can't handle online insults" for me. I have long understood that trolls behave so on these platforms to cover up their insecurities in life or yearn to be their tormentors whom they've given too much power over their lives. Basically, I'm here to interact,learn and form bonds with people from all walks of life ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป๐Ÿค›๐Ÿฟ

  • @Warm-Masala-Chai you are absolutely ryt bro ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿค˜

  • ๐Ÿ˜ You're welcome, bruh @Avihere. i don't care what gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, etc you are. I'm nice to anyone on here. There's no such thing as "Don't be too nice over here" or "You're a wuss if you can't handle online insults" for me. I have long understood that trolls behave so on these platforms to cover up their insecurities in life or yearn to be their tormentors whom they've given too much power over their lives. Basically, I'm here to interact,learn and form bonds with people from all walks of life ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป๐Ÿค›๐Ÿฟ

  • Somewhat accurate. We all know how manipulative people nowadays. We always believe that they care but in reality, they didn't. But on the other hand, there are really few or even RARE human beings that really cares for you even if your only connection with them is through interner. Thanks for your thoughts! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Banned

    This post is deleted!

  • This post is beautiful

  • @Ash005 Interesting opinion. But yes, we really are very more caring with strangers. I have a internet friends who was strangers, but now, i don't know really if i love my internet friends, or i like to dream in a perfect people.
    Sorry for my English :)

  • @Julia20x It's okay and good to know that u have lovely online friends ๐Ÿ‘

  • @Avihere said in Who cares about stranger ?:

    yea dude u r right, we talk to each other on public chats and have fun..but i also think when we talk to the same group of people everyday then it feels like they r our good frnds who are givin their time to have a covrsation with us , it feels like a family then . a family of those good people who were the strangers back then but now when come here we hope to hve a convrsation with those fgood people agian or to make new frnds to make this family big . If i talk about myself ,I joined this tws a week ago and i didn't know any of u guys then..and 5 days later I'm the part of 2 best groups here ..i always enjoy when i come here ..my very good frnds @KATIEVERNOLA , @SJo @Warm-Masala-Chai @Ash005 ( @allison ยฟยฟ) @Xin_Ling @CruWaRKi @Sassygirl :joy: guys i can say now that ร CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE I TALK TO HERE ..THANK U GUYS

    Your friends are losers and so are you and so am I

  • @sup uh..okay thanks for these kind words dude , I wud keep it in my mind โค๏ธ๐Ÿค˜


    Indian males not allowed. Indian females more than welcomed. Brown girls will be worshipped & brown boys will be treated as like dirt.

  • @Ash005 ... Thx for sharing important time with me and I am sorry for being and idiot to waist your time..... I join here with an intention to find a stranger who could understand my problems and try resolving it and keeping my secrets other then sharing with the love once... just because I was scared to lose them... i didn't know when and how I got into this.... That I suffer the same situation of losing someone one I like to talk here.... it painful and I extremely sorry for being like that.... forgive me...

  • @katie-vernola forgiven
