• @Allison_IsHere I added you

  • @Liza-Arman let’s be friends added you

  • deleted

  • @yappyapp
    I want to commit suicide, well wonderful ! How lovely innit ?? only humans are capable to be aware and conscious to kill the self and it's a great choice to have with free will and wish without choosing given choice.
    and i feel lonely and depressed, lovely it's a feeling also sensation comes and goes can't keep hold of it !!! u are alone'ly so need to gel along with surrounding with out like and dislikes also not having attachment.
    anyone wanna be a good friend? Me I cannot say the friend choose each other so I do not know ?? Well that's what it mean to get along yeah..
    If you still wanna kill yourself with mukti then kill your self without like and dislikes not having any attachment and agenda, let me know I know few procedure and I guarantee you ..will not be back as human or go through whole process to gain this human form ..

  • @yappyapp head first you fucking idiot lmao

  • @Allison_IsHere i dont know what langauge that is but it worked. no suicide and she added you.


  • @yappyapp i would very much like to be your friend and btw im new here so i dont have many friend i hope your my first friend ^-^

  • @Vinz17 my son tried to Kill himself on Boxing Day. We went to pick him up from hospital where he was sectioned under the mental health act in England. We brought to him back here to our house, set him up in a flat and supported him through lockdown. He has the medication and support he needs from us and from the professionals. It took me hours in phone calls, emails and personal pushing for it. Have you got anyone that can do that for you? X

  • @yappyapp i can be your friend and talk about everything u want i’m here

  • @yappyapp i am going through same stuff having suicidal thoughts and i am taking tobacco and alcohol to numb my mental pain and don't know what will happen to me.Anyways good luck to you with your life.I hope one day all negative stuff will go away from our lives and we all we will have a wonderful life.

  • @yappyapp Hi! God loves you! Your life is precious before Him! He made you a beautiful human being! You are created in His image! He cares about you and wants you to not perish, but go to heaven! All of us have sinned and all of us are guilty before Him, but God send His Son to die for our sins so we don't have to go to hell even this is what we all deserve. I am here to tell you that your life is important and I love you. This is the reason why I am here, I don't want you to finish your life because you're precious.

  • @Rajeev2021 Hi men! God loves you! The day in which you will have all the bad things away can come in this life. I am here to tell you that God is the One who created you and gave you life. He protected you until this day to see that message. All of us have sinned and all of us are guilty before Him who is holy. All of us deserve hell , but God send His Son 2000 years ago to die for our sins so if we believe in His sacrifice we can be saved. He really cares about you and wants you not to perish, but to have everlasting life. This life is short, is a small preparation for the eternity and we should pray to God to forgive us and to give us light to see the truth. I know that it seems boring to pray or read His Word, but when you discover Him more and more your soul will find delight and overwhelming joy. God bless you men!Think about these words, God is calling you to heaven. All that you have to do is repent from your sins and trust alone in Jesus! God saw that you had pain and you want a better life and He is the only One that can give you what you want.

  • @yappyapp i need a friend too

  • talk to me bro

  • You know what? Just get out for a walk. Just wander around for a while. After walking around a bit, come back and take a shower. Alternate ice-cold water for 30 seconds then hot for another 30 seconds, 3-4 times. After that, do some exercises, like squats, push-ups and pull ups. Repeat this routine every day. A mood lift will be noticeable quickly. After you feel less depressed, don't interrupt the routine, but intensify exercising.

  • This world is full of wonders, enjoy it

  • Hope you're feeling better Yappyapp, feel free to add me or message me i was there before and im not anymore

  • Don't think like that. I'll be your friend, we can talk anytime.

  • @juliette17 i hope he's alright.

  • @knownsense Loud and clear! There is so much more life yet to live and we're going to have the best time doing what we do. Poor @yappyapp.. he thinks he's the unluckiest person in the whole galaxy