• @Phene Thank you, I'm doing fine now.
    It is very kind of you. Hopefully we'll talk soon.

  • @Karl_ Love your comment. v(=∩_∩=)フ

  • @IssMeXavi Being strong... Thank you. ヘ(^_^)ヘ

  • @ANYA_TH We might - stay strong and true.
    (and sorry, I can't do the nice ascii arts!!)

  • @Phene It's OK. Just the fact that I love cuttie emoji... (* ̄︶ ̄*)

  • @ANYA_TH It's a delight to read your posts after so long.
    Being curious, I wanna ask whether you curate an online blog as well. :smiley:

  • @GreyWind I don't have one. I used to when I was younger was all in Thai though。◕‿◕。

    I like talking to people especially stranger, but decently of course. I love to work on the inner self and like to heal the pain for others that may suffered from depression, stress, anxiety and so on.

    I would like to listen and courage them to overcome, now my brother also suffering from bipolar and he use workout to cure it and everyday also I spend sometime listening to him, just spend time with people to be kind.

    Now my life has almost completed everything that I ever wanted, so I am dedicating my time for other people to speak, I'm ready to listen and support them.

  • @ANYA_TH

    so I am dedicating my time for other people to speak, I'm ready to listen and support them.

    I remember checking your posts several months ago. Your willingness to reach out to others who might be in need of sincere help is evident in the thought you invested in your replies. :blush:

    Once again, it's heartening to have you back here. :)

  • @GreyWind Not many people like you appreciates my messages, but I spread it out anyway, one day it might reach and catches someone. I'm very pleased to receive this from you as little I received. And some replied that I got means a lot to me. Thank you (✿^‿^) My success is the peaceful happiness inside and I'm working on it everyday.(◍•ᴗ•◍)

  • @ANYA_TH

    Not many people like you appreciates my messages

    Not many people post such insightful words as you do. :smiley:

    The source of happiness of a centered and enlightened mind is within itself, it needs no external agent to make it realise it.
    Your gratitude is much appreciated.
    Would be happy to interact more with you. Looking forward to it :)

  • @GreyWind Always searching for another soul to connect sometimes people are just lost.
    Lost in the past in the future, but forget about the present. It is an illusion of desires within us that rarely people observe the mind. They are too busy in searching for happiness in others to make them happy, or just too materialistic to cover the realistic truth, enable to get recognition or respect.

    And most common desire that I found was to be loved by someone, the expectations and happiness that they dreamt to receive was not entirely satisfied. I believed that attachment is the root of suffering and it leads us to suffer.

    People just want more and more endless demanding. And the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.

    You can always talk to me when ever you are free, through message or else where as you convinent.

  • @GreyWind Loving without attachment, though it might be alien to some, could simplify many aspects of life. A delight it is, to know that we share this thought :blush:

    About connecting again, since DMs aren't functional with your account anymore, do you have any suggestions for some alternate means?

  • @GreyWind I have hangouts and line app I don't use other social platforms, I felt that the privacy are too expose. I can give you my email or line id, but maybe you can meet me in random chat. I use Vanilla Sky as my username.

  • @ANYA_TH I love the depth and thought that goes into your posts. You are a true Jedi.


    It always prompts cogitation.

  • @chewie Thank you( ꈍᴗꈍ)