Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • nah its religion and there is no religion in the whole world that do harm only if crazy man made a small group of people and say this is our relgion is to do harm and thats a non sense religions or philosophes or peaceful community or humanitarian communities are all for peace and to bring people together no matter what it is thats at least my opinion i dont know what some crazy people may think

  • @Stonerus ever followed any religion?? it's not rubbish, it's the way of living with peace and harmony for that perticular era, not for this era, now some high priest and idiots have a agenda with favours , that make rules and regulations with likes and dislikes..some people needed it some don't. let it be as it is !!

  • @Muslim brother.. that depends.. if u have brains and u know that it was written according to that time and u should not impliment it today but the problem it someone has added into quran that it cannot be amended and is last word of god.
    And at that time, everyone knows how islam spread and so they want to continue the same and thus cause terrorism.
    So it is better to not just believe anything but to seek the truth
    Let me tell u... most of the religious books say that if u do not BELIEVE us, u will ne burnt in hell, or u should be killed by another believer.
    And we should know that- belief is only when.. u do not have the courage to accept the truth that u do not know the solution so u r going to believe something

  • @Muslim
    Islam is neither terrorism nor pacifism. It is realism. The one who has the eyes to see will see the realism.

    Islam is the heart of a heartless world; the soul of soulless conditions; the life of lifeless lives; the opium of the masses that help people to numb the pain of living in this world. It is like an oasis in the middle of a desert; like a paradise in a hell.

    Those looking for the truth may find comfort. But those looking for comfort will never find the truth.

    “Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.”

  • Banned

    It's a religion of terrorism it's a religion of submission pedophelia womanizing raping abusiveness I mean they have the Sharia law where women or little girls as young as three until consecrate the marriage at 6 or they'll marry a girl 6 and consecrate marriage at 9 it's absolutely disgusting religion and it's against Christ and against God and it's an Abomination religion

    • list itemitself is satanic
  • Banned

    I understand everyone's opinion Everyone's entitled to it but the facts are facts and the fact is that Islam or the Muslim thing itself is not a religion it's a damn cult and it itself under sexism pedophilia and womanizing and domestic abuse against women anti-semetic and anti-christian and they also threatened to kill people who want to leave the Muslim religion

  • a days all humans have childish mentality

  • @Muslim
    No Islam in the begining was a belief that was founded by Mohammad who was inspired by the christian beliefs. However it was just a spoken and sung belief for 200 yrs before it was finally written down by scribes because of fear with elders being killed. A spoken belief system like that of the Christ belief in the begining has some things lost. but the main beliefs were retained in both. Their are differences that make both beliefs stand apart. Mohammad following his cultural male beliefs and also believed that those who did not follow the teachings whole hearted were not pure of heart. To just sum it up. Christ was more tolerant. But Terrorism was not his belief and I am sure it would be something he would have spoken against. Islam is a beautiful cultural belief and although I do not believe in all the customes of todays beliefs with women I do believe that the begining beliefs treated women much better and recognized women as partners to be loved as the mothers of their people. (women behind their men) Not unlike that of the Christains.

  • Islam is not a bad religion. I have studied most of the religions of the world. Been studying since I was a child. No Joke, read the bible at 5 and figured there had to be more and never stopped. believe me I know bad religions, have seen many. Religion in general is not bad, people are bad and try to justify their bad actions by using a religion to do so.

  • @Muslim
    Science and Religion should never be brought up together. They will never agree and they will always find a problem with each other. Science is built on facts that can be proven. and Religion is faith of the heart and mind. life can exist with both and one does not have to beat out the other. Science is just another faith that one believes in. I fully believe in science and facts and I still have faith for beliefs. mine are just a little different. I am a student of both science and religion.

  • No brother I m not thinking

  • what the actual f***..why is this post re-emerging! f*** u @AllaboutGay!

  • stop this fucking Islamophobia!

  • @Muslim religion ofc. Its not about the faith but about the people..

  • Like all religions and same with Islam there are some who take the scriptures and twist them to suit their own evil ways

  • @Muslim fuck you, fuck this,fuck em all... Christian, Muslim, Buddhist...bla..bla..bla🤮🧐who the fuck cares 🤷😑😐 religion be a bunch of [BULLSHIT CRAP]

  • @Muslim I do not: people who follow the letter of the teachings, instead of follow the essence of the teachings, will always exist; and, will always cause mayhem; will always recruit the ignorant and greedy.
    If one professes a love of God, but not love for their fellow man, they do not love God at all, and are lying or mistaken.

    If you replaced Islam, with Capitalism, or Politics; they are all ventures brought into ruin through the same way: select people will try to usurp domination over the rest of everyone else, and then convince them all to worship them, instead of God.

    I see religion as susceptible to fault as much as anything else. The time, the environment, the people. All these things effect the outcome.

    Islam is just Islam. Islamic people are Islamic people, and Islamic Terrorists are Terrorists, even though they say claim to be Islamic.

  • Banned

    Most of what I read was Inaccurate and Ignorant In the above comments. That's the least I can say . Otherwise they Wouldn't have misinterpreted the verses of the holy Quran In this Ignorant way . Moreover I see you've totally Ignored the context those verses came with .

  • Banned

    Hahaha you made me laugh the word " اضربوهن " In Arabic doesn't only means beat them , and If It means any kind of physical action It won't necessarily means " harmful " then It's not the same meaning In English. Ancient arabic can never be Interpreted accurately to English and shall never be Decisive In meaning but only if explained out of the " Word by Word " translation :) go educate yourself before talking about religious topics.

  • @Muslim
    “I am Muslim,
    Islam is Perfect but I am not. If I make a mistake blame it on me, not on my religion.”