• this is a disgrace to a catfish community and got caught then being called out in public.

  • @LilyRose aka @Foetica let's not forget

  • What a dumb post! Why would anyone think that's her? And why are you pointing out the obvious?

  • @Darkh-Seth said in INTRODUCING WICKED:

    @LilyRose This is a disgrace she should be removed immediately we shouldn't allow her to do anymore stunts and we don't wanna lose anymore members

    That is pretty dumb of you to say because this is not something out of the world, that has never been done before. People post fake pictures. Just chill and mind your own business. People who are bothered by catfishes should find better things to be bothered about.

    Also,I sexually identify as a catfish and I'm highly offended.

  • @Braxton18 said in INTRODUCING WICKED:

    @LilyRose hahahaha @Wicked_ DONT BE FAKE BISH! GTFO💀

    Why don't you leave that girl alone and drool over your car like you always do ? Maybe jack off to the neat seats and fuck the gearbox? Idk use your time wisely.

  • @Kasper-Cookie said in INTRODUCING WICKED:


    Im 19 and in the past, I've asked 13-year old boys or girls (let that be a secret) for such delicious pictures. SUE ME!

  • @kit_kat said in INTRODUCING WICKED:


    Does it give you pleasure to watch someone get humiliated? You are sadistic and sick. Catfish lives matter!

  • @HotSaucePan said in INTRODUCING WICKED:

    this is a disgrace to a catfish community and got caught then being called out in public.

    Finally, a comment that made me chuckle! :D

    I support @Wicked-0 and Im sorry on behalf of these pea-brains. You can be whoever you want! A Hand blender or Kim Kardashian or maybe a laptop. I wont judge you. Its the internet and people need to stop taking things so seriously.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @LilyRose I knew of a lot of this LONG ago. Pretty much kept most to myself. Some bits were shared (in DM) with those who had reason to be made aware. I've gotten several rants and complaints (from several users), so it's not hard to imagine you got at least as many. It was time. It was going to all come out anyway, even if you hadn't posted. Too many knew.

  • @sup Look you may be mod and you think you can boss everyone so that we will keep quiet when something bad happens it's our responsibility to make sure that TWS is being respected and make sure this is a user friendly site and were are not referring to catfishes this far more serious

  • LurkersForLife Banned

    Nah we all make mistakes at first give her a second chance

  • @Tribal-Chief This has been in the making for half a year. It's only recently that more and more people have been connecting the dots that a few of us were aware of for quite some time.

  • @linear Current quote from the I Ching on my profile: "No good ending can be expected in the absence of the right beginning.

  • @LilyRose

    Aside from that, most of the poems she shared with us are plagiarized and stolen from actual writers

    imho this is pretty unforgivable. stealing credit for someone else's creative work is a real dick move.

    anyways, i'm totally on your side. it's right to call these kinds of people out. we don't need users here who think that sexting with 13 y/o kids is a normal thing to do

  • @sup You are just being lame as your existence. But anyways keep TROLLING IG SOME PEOPLE GOT NOTHING TO DO IN LIFE 😄


  • @sup Just think if someone u actually care for or someone that cares for you becomes a target of this catfishing. Then what would u do ?
    Allow your friend to share his/her pics or will stand up against that person asking for pics ?
    Then maybe you will start taking things seriously.

  • Live Chat Regulars

    19 and bisexual? sup sounds like wicked 🤔

  • @LilyRose said in INTRODUCING WICKED:

    the issue here is not about catfishing at all, legit every second user is lmao

    Not only did we get many complaints but that person kept on insisting and did actually bother a few and wouldn't stop when asked.

    This is not something that occured within a few days but actually weeks. I'm sure you wouldn't support a possible grown up male forcing himself on minors.

    I do completely agree with you to not take everything seriously, it may all be online but if needed, a line should be drawn. @sup either way good to see you again

    You don't have to get all defensive and explain stuff to me,who am I?

    All Im asking you is to not publicly humiliate anybody and "expose them". I've done that in the past with @layla and it did not feel right. After all, what harm can these people possibly do sitting on the other side of the world? People need to be smart.

    Ban him if it is something against the rules or let dumb people fall prey to whatever this man is doing. He can't "force himself on minors" through the internet because we have a block option and DMs are private these days. These kids need to learn to be on the internet or just gtfout.

    And good to see you and your army of chihuahuas. Ask them to stop taking stuff seriously and drop the barking. Burnt butts are expensive to fix.

  • @Darkh-Seth said in INTRODUCING WICKED:

    @sup Look you may be mod and you think you can boss everyone so that we will keep quiet when something bad happens it's our responsibility to make sure that TWS is being respected and make sure this is a user-friendly site and were are not referring to catfishes this far more serious

    Of course, I can boss around or at least put some sense into sensitive souls & internet utopians that websites like these can never be user-friendly entirely and its about time you understand that. Users have to become smarter and vigilant.