• @PeaCOCK-chu haha so that you can show handsome looks to charm the hot chicks ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Someone2005v haha, that depends. if it is a decent, respectful, intellectual conversation for one hour, suuuure why not. now, if it's one hour of what MOST guys on here want to talk about.... the answer is no. :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:

    My question: what is your biggest regret? and whyyyyy?

  • @Rei_90 well... Then let's have one

  • @PeaCOCK-chu oh dang, my first proposal on here and sooooo bold. what happened to flirting, dating, and all the goodies between that and the proposal. baby steps please? hehehe.

    My question: if we did marry, what kind of life would we have and how many children? please describe.

  • @Rei_90 hey rei let me ask you question
    What do you wanna achieve in life

  • @Darkh-Seth you got anymore pick-up lines? i love cheesy pick-up lines. LOL

  • @Rei_90 I've got some

  • @PeaCOCK-chu oh dang...good one. LOL

  • @PeaCOCK-chu Oh kid have a family is not easy you'll understand when your having fun
    Are upto taking responsibility that's the most important thing you need to run a family

  • @Rei_90 an indecent proposal indeed. but no need for baby steps. how will you know how deep the water is if you don't dive? so let me be direct and bold

    im a physicist and a climate scientist so imagine a house that is full of books about the profundities of the universe; a house with a huge telescope for observing how your eyes shine like the stars in the sky.

    children haha..depends on you.we can build an orphanage if you want :smirk: hahahaha

  • @Darkh-Seth you ignored my pick up line :-(

  • @Darkh-Seth Have a good career -- build a business that will help set a good foundation for my (future) kids and create funds to do charitable deeds. Marry the man of my dreams and be the hottest, sweetest, most loyal wifey ever. Spread kindness, be happy, live simple. <3

    Now myyyyyy turn: You see a girl at restaurant/party (you pick), you think she is extremely attractive. How would you get her attention? What would you say?

  • @PeaCOCK-chu don't be sad kiddo you pickup line is great ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Rei_90 Well if i can teach the boys how to get a girls attention after all i have experience that's how got my wife ๐Ÿ˜

  • @Rei_90 Yep, I AM in the :fire: HOT SEAT now, Twin. :unamused: But I liked your answer, and I understand a lot of what went on to choose that one. Also, reminds me of this song!

    Ok, ok, I can't stall any longer. My Perfect First Date. It would be night-time, and in winter, after a fresh snow-fall. I'd pick her up, and drive to a park, or other wooded area with winding paths, soft lights lighting the way, and sending diamond sparkles across the fallen snow. It would be cold, so we'd be arm-in-arm, or closer as we'd walk, and talk, and take in the stillness and beauty of the season, and our surroundings. We'd learn about each other. Laugh, share stories. After, we'd make our way back to my SUV, where I'd have a cooler in the back with strawberry swirl ice-cream, spoons, and a bottle of red wine (and glasses) chilling. We'd sit in the front seat, with the heater ON, as we'd enjoy more laughs, conversation, and treats. Snow would begin to fall, and we'd watch together, and maybe JUST MAYBE that'd be the time to share our first kiss. :two_hearts:

    As for WHO, well... @Khelayni would be an idea pick! Also, @17katie, but she hasn't been here for a while. We really hit it off, had great banter! And the "date" would have to take place in Canada. To be honest, I'd want to pick YOU too! We get along so well, but we're more like family. I'd still want to "hang out" with you, but either more as great friends or Twins! It'd be fun to go walking, talking, and laughing among the woods and the snow in night and the cold. I know how you are about winter, and snow! :snowflake:

  • @PeaCOCK-chu well hmmm.... i am pretty spontaneous and can be impulsive sooooo okay, I DO! :bride_with_veil_light_skin_tone:

    I can live in a house like that. I can learn a lot too which I like. Someone wants brownie points for that sweet line. Dang, that was sweet. :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:

    I want my own kids aaaaaand an orphanage. I will teach them art, music, basketball, and cooking. <3 that would be so nice.

  • @Lazz ohhhh snappps, the romantic side of twin comes out ehhhh. hehehe. well i am sure those ladies would enjoy this nice evening with you. ;)

    .......my evening in the snow, with twin, would be you talking while i am sipping my hot-chocolate and munching on a goeey dessert. walking down that path and making fat snowballs to throw at you. i would also not have the heater on coz i love cold, freezing weather. no alcohol because i don't drink, but i would get some BOBA, and we would have HELLLAAAA food in your cooler. stuff our faces till i get food coma and you'de have to roll me back home. =)

  • @Rei_90 Greetings happy being!! I have no desire to go back in past because it no make sense to my brain. There are lot of reasons ok, so past is my experience it's me now what ever I am , so dealing dealt part of past with choice no i will not .. but I would like to seek future or would like to know how it is ?? . to check that what ever I have a vision for future will exist for real or just a thought in my head I guess !!

  • @Rei_90 LOL Ok twin that all DOES sound like fun! Snowball throwing and all. What a mental image. You in a food coma, and ME rolling you down the mountain, from a mile of elevation. Hahahahaha. I am so IN, but who would be making those snacks in the cooler? You? Me? Both? :thinking:

    Actually I wouldn't say I "drink," but a splash of whiskey to sip with a meal, or a robust red wine to accentuate the flavors of a sweet dessert. Mmmm....Next Level! Maybe even a touch of Bailey's in the hot chocolate! More about the flavor. I never "drink" to get drunk. :grinning_face:
