• @TheRisingSun
    yikes, remind me not to piss you off lmao

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun I'm ecstatic to effortlessly soak up all that time you spent on coming up with that mediocre rather inoffensive text, while i'm sitting here unaffected, inditing this one in 15 sec.
    That's time you'll never get back, all for me 🤗
    I can almost taste your tears of anger and feel like i'm sucking the life out of you. Me likey 😏

    Hey nuthead. Look at you all liketenor (2).gif. Is that all that that pumpkin empty cunthole head could vomit, good enough you poured all this when the people were there and I really didn't want them to see how I'm dissing your shapeless wrecked ass you should have taken back to the sewer. Your stupidity is too intense now you suffering in my hands. Don't worry cunt, I'm always there for you to treat it with some good words.

    😂 That's exactly how i imagine you! Little coldsunny logs in and sees another reply his fishstick brain can't handle and goes apeshit tapping his own hollow cave he calls a skull while shitting vigorously in his second hand diaper out of pure anger. I bet it sounds like a Chinese gong next to a sewer recycling plant. Don't hurt your head little crysunny boy.

    You sure are starting to sound cute with your repetitive wannabe insults. You'll always be here for me. i know you will, no need to repeat it over and over, you demented autist. Where do you think i'll be 😏? That's true friendship hmm. I'd appreciate if you were there for me in DM's too though, you've been ignoring all my messages in there... Rising sunny soooo sad 🐥.

    Thx for your energy, let me absorb that 🤤

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    Now you bragging with an old bed I gave you to go hide under, I'm always not shocked it's the oldman that keeps pooping in his diaper pouring all this floccinaucinihilpilification. How many you gonna need? I guess infinity isn't enough but don't worry I've always got nice words for you if that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis making you use so many diapers and I'm sure these kind words will keep taking back that baggy deserted untenanted decapitate back to the lavatory and you can wolf down all the shit you feel like. Look I believe it's lack of words that makes you keep quoting everything I say

    I quote your words so people can see what a simpleton you are and it's all-defiling proof that creating test tube babies from down syndrome parents isn't the brightest idea to do.

    Now we know the real TRSAddTextToPhoto_29-6-2020-2-50-29.jpg open that wide nose oldman and keep plunging more carbon dioxide like that shit that always fills you up you distracted infatuated and pathetic underwear lice. If you blem I guess you go suck on a gluteus maximus or a feminine chopper. What a punk.

    Didn't you just point your fat little stinky saussage finger at me for using gifs?
    Then why use them yourself nefarious armpit-licking sadistic hippophilic necrophillic daddy dick licking hypocrit. You'll get to know the real rising sun, don't you worry about that. You're crying hard now, i'll make you cry alot harder. Eventually you'll realise you're nothing but a mistake created by your parent's reckless exchange of genetic material.
    So you were the strongest swimmer in your daddy's ballsack ey 🤔 i wonder what your brother and sister looks like 😎

    Look at an idiot that can't tell the difference between a gif and his pic. Are you so ugly that you can't tell? At least now you know. You're a real reject from a science convention, testube chemical squirted shit made oldman. What a loss you are. You sound disquieted already before I'm even done with you. Don't worry I'll always wait and discipline you accordingly you flophouse harridan I'm pissing off each and every shit in that head that's why you weeping so loudlydownload (10).jpg 😭😭😭😭😭😭 those tears are not yet presentable you can do better than that that besides dancing to my tunes

    Look at this little kiddo thinking he can discipline me 🤣 you're going to have to step up your game a bit because you're failing miserably. The day i stop breaking your shriveled crybaby 😭😭😭😭 balls is the day i die. Why aren't you replying to my DM's? Are you scared of a live 1 on 1? Or is this your way of keeping your lameass topic alive because not a living soul is interested in your pathetic choice of music or even talking to your gaping barebacked ass? You should be happy i'm interacting with you, consider it an honor. I'm the closest thing you'll ever have that can be considered a friend. I can't help you lose your virginity though, you'll have to ask your sister to help you with that, inbred incestuous moron.

    Go fucking cry😭😭😭 some more in third person with a cucumber up your ass illeist narcissistic virgin faggot loser.

    Hey listen up dung tenor (4).gif I can't believe you misused all the time I gave you go borrow some trash at least inside that sense repulsive head. But i believe you were still in the loo kneeling down and crying😭😭😭😭😭😭 with that imbecilic doltish ponderous amorphous disagreeable dipstick head dipped inside the toilet bowl and unfortunately with that baggy mephitic bazoo widely open like a sewage outlet sucking up all the unflushed shit madman. For your own information, Sense stores now open if you'd like to buy some if that brokeass knows even how money looks like punk. stfu and listen attentively!! You now so intimidated to reply? You should be otherwise save yourself from me unless you want me to scatter that old ass to pieces once again. How dare you even open that cuntlike mouth and speak about virginity loser..😀😁😂 I mean wasn't losing your virginity to an H.I.V positive chimpanzee a good punishment to you already? Oldman watch out otherwise I could kick that head off your damn giraffe neck.

    Wtf are you on about this time kiddo. I really try to make sense out of your words but it's like reading some random thoughts written down by some meth addict after he overdosed.
    In your case, it looks like it's weed, you can't even handle that fucking pussy 🤣.

    Are you threatening to kick my head off my neck? It sounds very unlikely since your virgin crybaby fatass is grown into the chair you been sitting in for the past 5 years, looking at a greasy screen surrounded by empty mountain dew cans and empty fastfood wrappers your mom got you because you're to fat to fit through the front door let alone stand up. It's about time she calls the fire department for your yearly shower, i swear i can smell your rancid breath and the mold inbetween your fatflaps over the internet. The only thing you're kicking is the floor so your bitch mom can come upstairs to change your diaper and give your virgin microphallus a rince with her mouth.

    See you tomorrow poopsikins, sweet nightmares 😘

    Hey poop. Unfortunately, I had the best dreams seeing you eat up all my shit you piece of wrecked

    Hey listen up again you piece of wrecked blackballed shit. As it too you years to reply, mine is out already. Still can't cover up the fact that what you just wrote now was so pathetic and ugly as your selfie, go check in the mirror again the similarity between this and your ugliness. Play this like a normal person oldman coz right now you sound like there's a squirrel fixed inside your infinity time rebounded second hand trouser.

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun I'm ecstatic to effortlessly soak up all that time you spent on coming up with that mediocre rather inoffensive text, while i'm sitting here unaffected, inditing this one in 15 sec.
    That's time you'll never get back, all for me 🤗
    I can almost taste your tears of anger and feel like i'm sucking the life out of you. Me likey 😏

    Hey nuthead. Look at you all liketenor (2).gif. Is that all that that pumpkin empty cunthole head could vomit, good enough you poured all this when the people were there and I really didn't want them to see how I'm dissing your shapeless wrecked ass you should have taken back to the sewer. Your stupidity is too intense now you suffering in my hands. Don't worry cunt, I'm always there for you to treat it with some good words.

    😂 That's exactly how i imagine you! Little coldsunny logs in and sees another reply his fishstick brain can't handle and goes apeshit tapping his own hollow cave he calls a skull while shitting vigorously in his second hand diaper out of pure anger. I bet it sounds like a Chinese gong next to a sewer recycling plant. Don't hurt your head little crysunny boy.

    You sure are starting to sound cute with your repetitive wannabe insults. You'll always be here for me. i know you will, no need to repeat it over and over, you demented autist. Where do you think i'll be 😏? That's true friendship hmm. I'd appreciate if you were there for me in DM's too though, you've been ignoring all my messages in there... Rising sunny soooo sad 🐥.

    Thx for your energy, let me absorb that 🤤

    Be faster you faggot.

  • Global Veteran Banned


    Hey poop. Unfortunately, I had the best dreams seeing you eat up all my shit you piece of wrecked

    Piece of wrecked what? You're trying to reply so fast you can't even finish sentences anymore? 🤣 Dance for me little crybaby monkey. I got you exactly where i want you to be, stressing out and making mistakes

  • Global Veteran Banned



    I got to be faster? It took you 3 days since my first message to reply to me in dm only for you to delete it again 🤣

  • @TheRisingSun If you really haven't noticed, my DMs are meant for normal people and business issues and I cannot take your stupidass head there. What. You so scared that I'm over dissing you here and you want us to switch to DMs. Come on oldman. For long time they took you as hero but let them see how I'm disciplining you.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun If you really haven't noticed, my DMs are meant for normal people and business issues and I cannot take your stupidass head there. What. You so scared that I'm over dissing you here and you want us to switch to DMs. Come on oldman. For long time they took you as hero but let them see how I'm disciplining you.

    Business issues and normal people 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Cmon dude be honest, you got zero friends let alone a 'business' 🤣. A business on TWS? You selling your nudes or smt? 🤣

    Oh so that's what it's about 😏 little coldsunny is jealous ppl took me as a hero and you're a nobody 🤣 is that why you stole part of my name too? To be a little bit like me? It all starts to make sense now 🤔

  • Global Veteran

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:


    Hey poop. Unfortunately, I had the best dreams seeing you eat up all my shit you piece of wrecked

    Piece of wrecked what? You're trying to reply so fast you can't even finish sentences anymore? 🤣 Dance for me little crybaby monkey. I got you exactly where i want you to be, stressing out and making mistakes

    If you want, I can repeat for you piece of wrecked blackballed shit.😀😁😁😁 there you go idiot.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun Such a short answer, i'm not getting much energy from that 😑. Must i come over to squeeze your mothers milk in your rotten mouth, straight from her tit? That'll cheer you up and give you some more energy to spend on me 🤗

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    If you want, I can repeat for you piece of wrecked blackballed shit. there you go idiot.

    All you been doing anyway is repeat yourself. Don't stop now tryhard.

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun If you really haven't noticed, my DMs are meant for normal people and business issues and I cannot take your stupidass head there. What. You so scared that I'm over dissing you here and you want us to switch to DMs. Come on oldman. For long time they took you as hero but let them see how I'm disciplining you.

    Business issues and normal people 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Cmon dude be honest, you got zero friends let alone a 'business' 🤣. A business on TWS? You selling your nudes or smt? 🤣

    Oh so that's what it's about 😏 little coldsunny is jealous ppl took me as a hero and you're a nobody 🤣 is that why you stole part of my name too? To be a little bit like me? It all starts to make sense.

    Yes. You were a stupid hero. The most stupid hero of TWS. If I called you a loser, you would have cried banging those legs hard to the ground. I guess it's you trading nudes here that's why most of your post are full of them. Couldn't you just make it clear you needed more customers?😀😁😁😁now look at you all😠😠😬😡😡😢😢 don't get pissed oldman

  • Global Veteran Banned

    You can't believe how much joy it gives me for you to admit you're jealous of me 😊 and that that is the thriving force behind your actions.
    My nudes are free nitwit, stop solliciting for them, you're not getting any.
    Thx for your energy crybaby coldsunny 🤗
    More please.

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun Such a short answer, i'm not getting much energy from that 😑. Must i come over to squeeze your mothers milk in your rotten mouth, straight from her tit? That'll cheer you up and give you some more energy to spend on me 🤗

    At least my mum has tits with milk. Speak about your mum's flat hairy chest instead. Look at me squizzing your dad's balls right in front of your mum and fixing each inside of their mouths as you look on crying😭😭😭😭 as usual like a sick fuck😀😁😁

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    You can't believe how much joy it gives me for you to admit you're jealous of me 😊 and that that is the thriving force behind your actions.
    My nudes are free nitwit, stop solliciting for them, you're not getting any.
    Thx for your energy crybaby coldsunny 🤗
    More please.

    Of what use is all this if you screaming inside my boxers loser.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun Such a short answer, i'm not getting much energy from that 😑. Must i come over to squeeze your mothers milk in your rotten mouth, straight from her tit? That'll cheer you up and give you some more energy to spend on me 🤗

    At least my mum has tits with milk. Speak about your mum's flat hairy chest instead. Look at me squizzing your dad's balls right in front of your mum and fixing each inside of their mouths as you look on crying😭😭😭😭 as usual like a sick fuck😀😁😁

    Of course she has milk, she has to feed her little crybaby coldsunny. I bet you didn't stop sucking her tit for milk for all those years, that's why she's still producing that yummy mommy goodness for you.

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun Such a short answer, i'm not getting much energy from that 😑. Must i come over to squeeze your mothers milk in your rotten mouth, straight from her tit? That'll cheer you up and give you some more energy to spend on me 🤗

    At least my mum has tits with milk. Speak about your mum's flat hairy chest instead. Look at me squizzing your dad's balls right in front of your mum and fixing each inside of their mouths as you look on crying😭😭😭😭 as usual like a sick fuck😀😁😁

    Of course she has milk, she has to feed her little crybaby coldsunny. I bet you didn't stop sucking her tit for milk for all those years, that's why she's still producing that yummy mommy goodness for you.

    You make me wonder how you used to breastfeed on that flat hairy chest of your mum. Good you're accepting the fact that for my mom had milk but I guess she breastfed you with p(ass)

  • @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @TheRisingSun said in Split Your Boredom:

    @Cold-Sun Such a short answer, i'm not getting much energy from that 😑. Must i come over to squeeze your mothers milk in your rotten mouth, straight from her tit? That'll cheer you up and give you some more energy to spend on me 🤗

    At least my mum has tits with milk. Speak about your mum's flat hairy chest instead. Look at me squizzing your dad's balls right in front of your mum and fixing each inside of their mouths as you look on crying😭😭😭😭 as usual like a sick fuck😀😁😁

    Of course she has milk, she has to feed her little crybaby coldsunny. I bet you didn't stop sucking her tit for milk for all those years, that's why she's still producing that yummy mommy goodness for you.

    Oldman where are you? You sick faggot

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun 😊 Are you starting to see how this works, i piss you off and you dance for me like a little monkey. I own your sorry ass now.
    Enjoy sucking your mommies tiddie, that's as close as you'll ever get to a female nipple.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Cold-Sun said in Split Your Boredom:

    Oldman where are you? You sick faggot

    I'm right here enjoying the fact my posts in this topic got more upvotes than your topic itself 🤤