• @Bill-Dhivid I read it somewhere, black hole is a star, invisible, vacuum.. there are hundreds, maybe thousands in space. It just like a vacuum cleaner that cleans up space. It makes even light feel heavy. But it's not a hole. Holes have an entry and and exit. Black hole didn't. What's inside a black hole? :) Simple, a little guy with a torch looking for a fuse box.

  • We are so small in the universe

  • @kaia_ how are ya?
    holes can have entry and the same exit,
    Blackholes have entry, the space is a vaccum unless we are counting dark matters but A black hole is a region in space where the pulling force of gravity is so strong that light is not able to escape. The strong gravity occurs because matter has been pressed into a tiny space. This compression can take place at the end of a star's life. Some black holes are a result of dying stars.

    Because no light can escape, black holes are invisible. However, space telescopes with special instruments can help find black holes. They can observe the behavior of material and stars that are very close to black holes.
    I have an interesting article if you wanna read , just an informative article about this.

  • Guys, see that pic the black hole is sucking matters

    The black hole named Cygnus X-1 formed when a large star caved in. This black hole pulls matter from the blue star beside it.
    Credits: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss

  • @Cosmic_Lady yes we're a point and compared to the universe we are dots and dots are dimension less, yet we can't get out ourselves from our tiny egos.

  • @Bill-Dhivid There it is the problems of our own lives is our egos, when the bigger picture really doesn't care but is so interesting to see and explore

  • @Cosmic_Lady and that is again about our innersense if it's weak we are just bounded by our own boundaries which nonetheless trapping ourselves into a black hole.

  • @Bill-Dhivid I am grateful. Thanks for asking.
    Outer space is infinite. Nobody knows anything about space for real. Scientist just use invention, supposition, research facts, and a little imagination. You should mention Stephen Hawking, without him we could never understand black holes.

  • @kaia_ ok sending him an invitation letter i wish he could join us. He indeed was a genius guy but he left many mysteries behind. Hopefully we could have more results to make some clear points, at least we could understand the one we have in our galaxy.
    But his own big bang theory is left unanswered, we hope there's a new astrophysicist we might get.
    It would have been my second choice if would not have been into the classical.

  • @Bill-Dhivid Let's travel through a black hole to find out. I believe we can managed to return to our beautiful little blue ellegant safest place in the entire wide spooky universe safe and sound.

  • @kaia_ alright I'm taking you after dinner, pack some necessary stuffs like food bcz no idea how long are we gonna trapped in that.
    Call me when you're ready.
    And that was really long and really good description about our planet.

  • @Bill-Dhivid I'm ready.. Escape singularity of Cygnus X-1. Maximum warp!

  • @kaia_ It is my understanding that as a star burns out it gets more and more dense until not even light can escape the gravitational pull. Therefore I guess every star becomes a black hole. The other question is how is a star created in the first place?

  • @kickk You should ask Bill. He has the flexibility and ability to answer anything about this post.

  • @kickk Stars Formed by farts, I mean collapsing gas

  • @kickk first of let's understand what's a star,
    A star is a sphere of gas held together by its own gravity. Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. We have sun which makes us very easy to learn about stars. Star is infinite source of energy compared to something that we live with or untilise.
    It's a truth that there's a creation process involved behind everything and for this big source of energy it's very difficult to answer it's own source of creation. While you can have multiple articles about it but honestly upto what it's known to us the celestial bodies in Universe is due to result of big bang after which all that matters took different atomic shapes and formed different elements, but photon particles is something unexplained which is again imp part to form star.

  • @kaia_ suit up, do you have any last wishes 🤭?

  • @Bill-Dhivid
    I know that if a blackhole pulls any object it will be Spaghettifize . same as if u pinch a chewing gum n pull it. I never saw a star died coz of blackhole.
    What I observed in last gif that the light of that star some how escaped from gravitational pull. Is that gif showing real event or is it happen in simulation ?

  • @kaia_
    Well each blackhole was once a star . it happen with big giant stars when they die (used up all fuel in it). And then the core gravity of it tries to collapse the whole star's mass n make it so dens which made its gravity so powerful which can swallow anything near to it even light !
    So amazing to think about it !!
    Well it is like hole . nothing can come out from it . like u drop ur ring in washbasin. Well u can pump it buck . but there is no pump which can u use to get ur ring back from black hole.
    Btw if u sun became bsckhole (its not possible tho) it will be size of a pea.

  • @kaia_ You have a fascinating way of thinking, and writing.
