• @Pepsigurl yeah...

  • @Pepsigurl well I did all of it so ??u know lot about all the religion. sorry, I forgot all religions has same hell but different heaven !! Anyway do you have any idea how to get a job in hell before I die?? I need suggestions badly !!

  • Of those, I guess greed, probably. But I have committed way worse than those. I went to war. And none of those even come close to the worst sins. All legal and sanctioned, but still I knew better. All wars are crime, just not for the winners...

  • Envy and lust

  • @Lazz Ooohh

  • @Greymatter Ohh naicee

  • @Thumpers These sins are not made by me dude😂😂I got this idea by watching Brain Games on TV

  • @knownsense I ain't got any idea dude

  • @Spidey-Baby Naice one

  • None.
    I do not believe there is such a thing as a "sin". Either an action is "right" or "wrong", but standing on it's own, not related to some text made up by men. for if the balance measuring up what is "good" or "bad" is subjective, instead of a rationally based one, then all Hell breaks loose: who's to say that your definition is better, or, worse yet, the "Only one acceptable"?
    Last times in our idiotic species in which people decided based on THEIR own "standards" what's "right" and what Is NOT, we had the Inquisition, the communism in URSS (China, Cambodge, and so on too), Mc Carthy and the long list of "Generals" in South and Central America (& "Colonnels" in Greece), and more recently, ISIS & the Taliban.....
    Nope, the only way is to get an agreement in that which only reason must be used as an universal "measure", for it is the only thing which is shared by us all. Not any bloody difference between having "faith" in a religion or in a political system: haven't you realized that there's exactly the SAME relations among both so-called totally "opposed systems of beliefs"?
    One "Party", whom can NOT never be "wrong", be it in the extreme right, or in the far left.
    One "religion"/"Church"/"belief", which can not, NEVER again, be "wrong".
    One "party leader" whom is ALWAYS "right", and of course, knows BEST what ALL should DO, and HOW, and WHEN, and with WHOM, and WHERE.
    One "religious leader" whom is ALWAYS "right" , and of course, knows BEST what ALL should DO, and HOW, and WHEN, and with WHOM, and WHERE.
    The SAME "pattern", never any fucking doubt, never any place for making a mistake: THEY just "know", and you follow, or else. Simply insinuating that it could be possible that those type of "men" would be making a "mistake" is grounds for immediate expell of the "community, call it banning from the political "side", or excomunication: mope, even simply asking IF, maybe, perhaps, a mistake could be done is "enough cause" for getting all the rage of the fanatics in all "sides".
    For, seeing as there are over a million different religions so far, and each one has it's own "definition" of what's a "sin", who is to decide which definition is the "correct one"? And in political faiths it is the same: if you believe, proofs to support this much, that there is no such thing as a "freely self regulated market that keeps cupidity at bay", then you are "guilty" of not agreeing. If you believe, proofs to support this point of view too, that a political system that forces people to "chose" between the ONLY choice that it's proposed to them, creates an immense resentment in the same people, for it's liberticide, then you are, AGAIN, "guilty" of not agreeing.
    Anyway you look at the issue, you can not be "neutral", you either get against you half the world, or you get against yourself the OTHER half. When it is not two thirds......
    So if we let each person chose by him or herself "what" is the "right" moral standard, we only get endless wars and deaths. Ethics, however, are logically based, not subjectives, therefore a definition upon which we COULD all agree on. Whether you go to communist China or to USA, in arythmetics of "base ten", two plus two equals four. No matter what is your opinion on ANY faith or system of "moral values", THAT stands on it's own, independent of what subjective opinion all have.

    But right now I'll be having my third or fourth stroke, so I'll be signing off for a while.

  • @Aexis-Tenax Dude, i got this idea from Brain Games on NATGEO...you wrote a lot tho😅

  • @Pepsigurl said in WHICH SIN RELATES TO YOU THE MOST???😈:

    @Aexis-Tenax Dude, i got this idea from Brain Games on NATGEO...you wrote a lot tho😅

    Well itt IS a subject that' s important to me: in my countries in BOTH, faiths caused deaths by the ton: in Switzerland there were the "religious wars", and until very recently, people burned, drowned or else for "being gay/witches"; in my country of birth...ruoghly thirty thousand "disappeared" for the same "reasons": failing to comply with the "standards considered to be the right ones"