• @knownsense just as i thought. no info just A WHOLE LOT OF TALK AND HOT AIR. waste o fkn time. come at me when you really wanna play

  • @mikeJB here. this is my nmap cmd line >

    nmap -n -T3 -ttl 64 -d2 -Pn -disable-arp-ping -max-retries 1 -F -sU 2> nul | findstr /v "update technique global Completed inappropriate ultrascan Ultrascan tryno DROPPED ARP npcap probes ratelimit category submit runlevel Initiating Loaded lua wpcap.dll closed Fetchfile [1 port] PORTS Scanned cap Bogus doAnyOutstandingRetransmits processData no-response npf engine"

  • @mikeJB now your are hanging upside down for yourself in bazaar and I will make you to pay for a gay rapist to Fuc k your own ass .. you code mode is working

  • @mikeJB yes i know. you have no clue what any of that is. goodbye already. go kill yourself with that sharp sword


    At least your being honest but honestly d4ddy doesn't care if anyone says sorry to him trust me I've tried

  • @mikeJB why are you serious ?with whom for what ?? I told you about my tongue and your are proving my NON-SENSE as your fact now wonderful 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i told you only with my words I make you hang upside down and make you to pay for a gay guy to fuck you so it's working 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing white boy so image conscious to get teenage girl here !!

  • @knownsense do post my dan info already instead of running that mouth? you cant? i have my phone in my hand so give me a call right now. do you even know my fuckign area code for my phone? at least give me that. is your techie friend really your lil brother in the other room? it takes 72 hrs for you to get someone to help you? my god you are more a clown than i thought initially. you have nothing and whatever you do get, you can do nothign with anyway. please show up one day on my doorstep. give me a reason. now ....because you continue rambling this same shit with no results I AM IGNORING YOU. you are officially too
    boring to care about anymore

  • @mikeJB want my ip? FIRE AWAY!

  • @mikeJB I told you your I p address will be there in the post , now it is right ? So think about it only with my words I made you to do things for me yeah .. so why should I waste my time??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like a teenage boy you didn't grow up brother , u are stuck all you can feel good Infront of these teenage not with me , you sound like a 13 year old kid whitey boy
    Wakey wakey boy back to back , back to reality !!!

  • @knownsense I JUST GAVE YOU MY IP CHUMP. even more pathetic it takes you 3 fkn days to get an IP???????????? what a tool. indian techie knowledge lol

  • @mikeJB didn't I tell you 72 hours dumb fuck cum face, secrets kept as it is whitey boy

  • @knownsense so you cant do this shit yourself? need some wanker friend of yours to help? you have NOTHING and you know it and even if you did, cant do shit from where you are anyway. get your ass on a plane and come shake my hand. lol. make your plane ticket a one way trip. so ill wait 72 hrs for more laffs. hopefully by then you will have offed yourself

  • @knownsense you dont need 72 hrs, here moron

    corvalis , oregon

  • @mikeJB wonderful !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I told my words are enough to get what I want so I did , I no need to do anything to you and you will do all of it for me , my words are enough for you .. so now go read your post about my tongue you proved it mike you are hanging your self upside down and spitting up on your own face 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @knownsense i have never seen anyone babble more incoherent bullshit than you in my whole life. DROP DEAD

  • @mikeJB angry child why are you so ignorant Baba ?? Why like this ?? With whom Baba ? For what Baba ask yourself

  • @knownsense talk to me again the day you can form a COMPLETE COHERENT SENTENCE

  • @mikeJB my nonsense got some sense to you isn't ??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I feel like that I am talking toy nephew now he is much brighter than you white boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @mikeJB get a fix!!! Get a grip!! And have some life!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣well I send you a post card from Saudi

  • @mikeJB question is why did you fall for my incoherent blabber ?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣