• @Rajeev2021 come on then bring it on ?? And please tell me which part of india you live, brother when I traveled from kanyakumari to Kashmir , leh ladhak Himachal and back to south India I was 20 year old with BSA Motor bike 700cc!! R u aware any bike called British small arms , Enfield I guess and was 25 states back then , i seen and drunk all type of water in India

  • @Rajeev2021 , Now be jurdgemental about me and pm me not here have a great wonderful evening plus have a wonderful subconscious reality !!

  • @reviewer_1 Listen man,your first sentence literally makes no sense,i don't know from where you got that stuff about planets.Secondly whites are generally taller and stronger compared to Chinese or Korean keeping out that martial art stuff and third you said that i think myself as a scholar whereas you were more concerned about finding my faults in my writing instead of replying to the actual topic where stands the irony,and i never objectified black people in my writing so jokes on you,keep your claims to yourself.You're also saying you have taken out the word"beauty" which i don't find any proper significance probably because you're adding random stuff to your writing to save your ego and i talked about not to take the pain to write something long ass dumb stuff by bothering yourself not by bothering me as i can't bothered by any dumb shit spewing fake self claimed nonsense as you can see i am freely replying to both of you,probably you should learn to read properly but you can't probably because of unanalytical or incompetent mind doesn't permit you too and by this it is quite clear what kind of life you lead.Be proper just don't show this narsicissim in real life.

  • @Rajeev2021 Don't blame god for what you had, good or bad. Pay for personal trainer n gym.. Go korea for plastic surgery to look like oppa then you'll be always greeted saranghe oppa, Rajeev.

  • @JustKP wonderful brother 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wish I could think something like this

  • @Rajeev2021 please do not be rude towards whole Asia you are kattam

  • @knownsense I think he should just become Justin Bieber 😂 after his surgery .... Then only he would say God is great😂

  • Rajeev what about Arab? U forgot god have lot of camel ferari gold l money and oil

  • @reviewer_1 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing and thank you maf me laugh

  • @knownsense Man i am just tired replying to you.Believe whatever you want,judge me if you want i don't care. Sorry for being rude to you which i should'nt be (because you insulted me in the first place) but still i am. Hope you will do the same good luck with everything.

  • @reviewer_1 u literally you made me laugh like hell even I was visualizing Justin half plastic face in his ass sorry face 🤣🤣🤣

  • @knownsense 😂 😂 opppsss😂

  • @knownsense you are bad, why you laugh??? Lol

  • @JustKP I am myself an agnostic and i am not sure about his existence and i have made all these claims under one circumstance"if" there is God .Here i did'nt blame God for having good or bad stuff i said about God being racist.Also,i have mentioned people should'nt be bothered about good or bad stuff they have because that's how world is ,a contrast of good and bad so they should learn to stay with that.

  • @JustKP made sense to laugh

  • @Rajeev2021 now that's the problem you saying god being racist. You don't actually blame god but your intentions was there. So you must believe in darwin. Do you think there's a white ape, black ape, purple ape?

  • @Rajeev2021 yes I should read more properly now that God is racist... 😂Lol... Go on fake justin bieber 😂 ... But I do think that if you have a time machine better go back in olden times.. Taking about ego yes I have it to deal with people like you and there is a reason why lots of people are roasting you today. You have to change" I am always right" attitude.

  • @Rajeev2021

    Then Dont, I was begging with you to think and ink and I didn't insult you I said do not make sense to my brain, I told you I accept it for you . And I was arrogant not rude, you talked about all my loved ones and called phedophele and many other you claimed in your brain being jurdgemental towards me and throwimg you negativity I took it I don't like to speak what I did who I am what I am I don't like I didn't wanted to go Valkyrie mode in my words and thoughts are powerful too. so I stopped it myself not to hurt you feeling and scar you for ever in your brain. Saying what I did in past just to make you understand, it's not sense what you thinking. Now you spit up on your face looking upwards .. so thanks you got the point

  • @knownsense Huh you're the first who brought up the rape stuff and i am not hurt, i actually feeling like i am arguing with a fool that's why wanted to stop.Literally now you're changing your claims to make yourself look smart which you're not and now again bring up the rape stuff coz that's only what your sick mind can think of .

  • @JustKP I called God racist because of what i see in this world,you can see the case with white people they are good at everything,see their countries compared to other ones.Literally it's the whites who brought industrial revolution and maximum scientists in the world are whites.You can also see people belonging to white nations literally have high iq scores compared to other dark skinned nations,why is that. Literally as we can see now USA is the most developed and leading nation in the world,do you think it would as developed like this if it was under native american rule or will Australia would be developed like today if it was under aborigines.No,i guess because white people especially British and German are a master race and they are talented.Black skinned nations whereas are underdeveloped and the people there score low scores in iq test.Can you explain this contrast existing between us even both people belongs to same species?So that's where racism lies,the strong ones oppresses the weak,the rich oppresses the poor. So if God likes being equal why so much difference between us.It's the harsh truth.Yeah i also support darwinism because literally as it is the strong will always overpower the weak(survival of the fittest).