• @mikeJB mad respect bro

  • @Cara000 some of these Indian men are the worst. they see a 12 yr old on here and say someting like "oh baby , you will be my wife. my princess i will be your prince and love on you baby". or somethign to that affect. is that how their counry teaches these men how to behave with little girls? good lord

  • @mikeJB its absolutely ridiculous! low lives i tell ya

  • Well said , thank you

  • like i said. guys can still say "you are pretty" or even hot. by wtf does everythign have to be sexual after that? that damn little 14 yr old running around ordering dildos and telling people about it. she thought i was a typical older guy on here who would fawn all over her and wanna sex chat. nope. not me. wrong guy. i said she could be a model look wise but she wanted more and i told her why the hell is she so slutty? she left me in the chatroom. all because i wasnt a horny bastard like she wanted. why would i wanna be with a 14 yr old!!!!!!? i told her sexiness can still be with having your clothes on. modesty is beautiful AND sexy. she was like so many girls on here and wanting sexting. i just dont get it anymore the people around me act more and mor elike animals each and every day. im ashamed to know you

  • @mikeJB I agree with you on that

  • @mikeJB thats sick :/ enabling perverts. then on the other hand those girls are prob not expecting to be rejected on a site like this... so sad.

  • @Greymatter to all you sluts on here if you see this. save your tit pix and ass pix for some other guy this is what i find attractive>>>

    notice she is beautiful. but also notice she has CLOTHES ON! and notice her adorable smile also. i will take that over a slutty kardashian or cardi B anyday!

    natalie lisinska.jpg

  • @Cara000 we always hear how bad it is to slut shame. but damn. how can i not when i see girls out here hoing themselves for every guy who walks by! and then we wonder why we are callin them hos????????

  • @Cara000 hey cara

  • @mikeJB im a female myself but i do not fucking understand the girls who go around flaunting everything and then complain when they get cat called etc. They are trying to fight the stereotype, but this is so ingrained in our society that i think this is a losing battle. But what is so wrong with dressing the way you want to be treated? if you want to be respected you dress the part. If you want to be cat called - you dress the fucking part. Do not expect to be respected by people if you dress like a ho :astonished: people will treat you like a cum bag :person_facepalming_medium-light_skin_tone:

  • @Cara000 to all you ladies....MODESTY IS BEAUTIFUL TOO!

