• @emmily I cannot deny there is some personal attachment though, however I am unsure if there are religious spammers nowadays, sort of like Mormons which walk from house to house and sometimes interrupt you when you are doing something important. They just got tired of walking and decided to try out ("upgrade to") web services.

  • @username_one No yeah I get that. It was more of a joke than anything. I’ve no problem with the religious posts, I just like pointing out the grammar mistakes haha

  • @emmily Oh crap, I did not get that the first time. That is indeed funny.

  • @stella_clarke said in God Is Exists and Real:


    indeed god is real since science exists ,,,science is a great evidence that this universe was not random and was built on basic and certain laws
    concerning god existence i would love to explain a certain point
    0,1,2,3,4 ....... you can clearly see that before one comes zero'' nothing '' it is a must that every thing starts from a point where nothing before exists '' that point in this case is god , god is the one and only and before god surely comes nothing
    some say that the great bang caused life and here comes the great question
    '' for an action to happen , a power must cause it , an action can not self -create and cause it self , a power of great wisedom must have caused it and that power is able to intentionally take actions and cause things to happen ,,,

  • @dr-moh Science is not God, Love is.

  • The greeks refer to God as Agape. Meaning God is love. They also talk about Mercy and Severity, the expression of love, in a many of ways. For instance, when the bible refers to Holy Spirit, it means Severity (or Truth). The conviction of Sin, Judgement by the hammer and the scythe, reaping what you sow, the suffering we expose ourselves, the harshness of our trials and tribulations to test our dedication and our loyalty to our Principles and Values. When the bible talks about Christ it means Mercy. Being able to sacrifice the right things at the right time, turning the other cheek, understanding and embracing love as loss.

  • Science tells how, Religion tells why. They are not similar, they are not the same, they are interdependent and very much different methods of being, used to find different answers to different questions.

  • @happysadistxx thanks for reading and replying and i respect your thoughts
    but i did not say that science is god i meant that is an evidence for god existence . hope i understood you well as you seem to explain somehow the existence and meaning of the word '' god '' rather than the theory of god existence it self
    i am 100% positive about god existence i can also refer to the idea of '' human beings having mutual values to what is wrong and what is right '' why it is in our nature that killing ,raping , hurting other people is wrong , why we believe that these things are wrong ...like why were not we just randomly made with '' no inner kind nature '' ..why we did not and do not just kill each other ...who put these values in us

  • This post is deleted!

  • @happysadistxx love is not god, truth is


    God created the universe, including the earth, in the indefinite past—“in the beginning,” as Genesis 1:1 says. Modern science agrees that the universe had a beginning. A recent scientific model suggests it to be almost 14 billion years old.

    The Bible also describes six “days” of creation. However, it does not say that these were 24-hour days. (Genesis 1:31) In fact, the Bible uses the word “day” to refer to various lengths of time. For example, it calls the entire period of creation “the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.” (Genesis 2:4) Evidently, these “days” of creation lasted many thousands of years.—Psalm 90:4.

    The Bible also describes six “days” of creation. However, it does not say that these were 24-hour days. (Genesis 1:31) In fact, the Bible uses the word “day” to refer to various lengths of time. For example, it calls the entire period of creation “the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.” (Genesis 2:4) Evidently, these “days” of creation lasted many thousands of years.—Psalm 90:4.


    The false ideas of creationists could lead you to dismiss the Bible altogether. On the other hand, if the Bible actually contains a credible account of creation, you stand to benefit from its storehouse of “practical wisdom.”—Proverbs 3:21.

  • I agree. I agree